ideje: 2019. február 4.
Forbidden Royals
sorozat kötetei:
Lancaster is the royal family’s dirty little secret.
the illegitimate daughter of a duke, for twenty years she’s lived as a
commoner… despite the regal blood running through her veins. But when the
entire royal family is killed in a deadly attack, the line of succession
swiftly changes course. With her ailing father appointed king and no legitimate
heirs in sight, Emilia is pulled from the shadows and thrust into a destiny she
never wanted.
this were a fairy tale, the palace would be paradise. In reality, with a father
she barely knows on the throne, a deadly assassin still on the loose, and
enemies around every gilded corridor corner — the callous, captivating Lord
Carter Thorne chief among them — it feels more like a prison to Emilia. One
filled with unattainable expectations, unfamiliar customs, and undesirable
want her to behave like a good little girl.
want her to put on her glittering crown and keep her mouth shut.
about to be disappointed.
may have agreed to be their princess…
she’s no one’s puppet.
HALO is a royal romance about an ordinary girl who inherits an extraordinary
legacy. Filled with forbidden love, murderous plots, and machiavellian
intrigue, it is recommended for mature readers only. It is the first book in
recenziós példányt az írónő biztosította egy őszinte értékelésért cserébe.*
Julie Johnson-tól eddig még csak egy könyvet sikerült elolvasnom, ami a Not You It's Me című alkotása volt. Nagyon aranyos, humoros és imádnivaló könyv volt, bátran tudom ajánlani minden romantikakedvelő olvasónak. Most viszont újra visszatértem hozzá, és a legújabb alkotásával, a Dirty Halo-val folytattam a sort, ami a The Forbidden Royals című trilógiájának a nyitókötete. Őszintén megmondva, egy nagyon jó kötetről van szó, tökéletes nyitása az egész trilógiának, mégis egy picit hiányérzetem volt, miután befejeztem. Az biztos, hogy folytatni fogom, hiszen kíváncsi vagyok rá, hogy mit hoz ki ebből az egészből az írónő, plusz azt sem szabad elfelejtenünk, hogy egy hatalmas függővéggel zárult ez a regény, egy olyasvalami történt, ami hatalmas hatással lesz a főhősnő életére, szóval már izgatottan várom a Thorrid Throne megjelenését.
know the funny thing about fairy tales? You never see what happens to the
pretty scullery maid after she rides off into the sunset with a dashing prince
in a gold-plated carriage and shacks up in his castle.
to black. Roll credits.
they lived happily ever after.
did they?
are we so damn certain the minute the maid steps foot in that unfamiliar
fortress, she doesn’t realize what a monumental mistake she’s made? Why are we
so sure the prince doesn’t reveal himself to be a total prick once the haze of
lust has cleared from her head? What if instead of a happy ending, the pretty
maid spends the next thirty-odd years wishing she’d never met her goddamned
fairy godmother in the first place?
A történet főhősnője Emilia Lancaster, aki nem csupán egy átlagos lány. Ő sokkal több ennél, azonban erről csak nagyon kevesen tudnak szerte a világon. Hogy mi is ez a nagy titok? Ez nem más, mint hogy ő Linus Lancaster eltitkolt gyermeke, aki most pedig Germania uralkodója lesz, és így a lány pedig a törvényes örökösévé vált.

“Ugh! You are disgusting.”
“Disgustingly attractive?”
“No. Just regular old disgusting.
For a list of synonyms, see: vile, repellent, repulsive.”
“You forgot abhorrent and
“I was getting to those,” I snap. “Trust me, the list is quite
Emilia tehát így egyik napról a másikra hercegnővé válik, ami akár egész sok lány álma lehetne, nemde? Ő viszont egyáltalán nem rajong ezért az ötletért, és vannak olyan személyek is, akik őt sem látják annyira szívesen a köreikben. Azonban nincs nagyon sok választásuk, az ország népének kell valamilyen remény, és ez most leginkább Emilia lehet. Azt senki nem kérdezi meg, hogy ő mit szeretne, hogy ő egyáltalán akarja ezt az egészet. Ő csak be szeretné fejezni az egyetemet, megszerezni a diplomáját, és abban a szakmában elhelyezkedni, amiért annyi éven át keményen dolgozott. Ez viszont hercegnőként egyáltalán nem lehetséges.
A lány nagyon hamar megismeri a királyi család árnyoldalait is, és azt, hogy nem minden csupa móka és kacagás. Főleg akkor nem, ha ilyen emberekkel van körülvéve. Vajon kiben bízhat meg? Ki az ellenség? És vajon az, aki az oldalán áll, abban is tényleg megbízhat? Mi lesz a sorsa Emilia-nak? Megtudhatjátok, ha elolvassátok Julie Johnson lenyűgöző trilógiájának első kötetét, a Dirty Halo-t.
“I thought my fairy godmother was supposed to have
wings and a wand,” I say finally, smiling despite myself. “Instead I get a
foul-mouthed stoner in designer heels?”
“Yeah, well, I thought when my mom became queen I’d
finally get a proper royal title,” she volleys back, (…).“Instead I’m handed an
evil stepsister with perky tits and purple hair.”
I laugh. “Haven’t you heard? Life isn’t fair.”
(…) “Screw fair,” she tells me, her brows arching
sardonically. “Life is a chess game, E. Welcome to the board. I suggest you
choose your moves carefully.”
Julie Johnson hatalmasat alkotott ezzel a történettel. A Dirty Halo egy modern köntösbe öltöztetett tündérmese egy hatalmas csavarral. Nem az, amire számítasz, meg tud lepni. Találgathatsz olvasás közben, de biztosan nem az fog történni, amire számítasz.
Az egyedi cselekményen kívül még szerintem nagyon nagy erőssége az írónő stílusa. Ez a könyv telis tele van motiváló és elgondolkodtató gondolatokkal, és ezek szó szerint levettek a lábamról. Most, az értékelésemet írva is volt amelyiket többször is elolvastam, egyszerűen nagyszerű.
Magának a könyvnek egy picit komolyabb a hangvétele, Julie mégis zseniálisan néha-néha belecsempészett egy-egy humorosabb pillanatot is, ami nagyon kellett, és így csak még jobb lett az egész. Nem éreztem úgy, hogy ezek erőltetett lettek volna, szerintem nagyon is kellettek, egyáltalán nem voltak túlzásba véve.
“No one’s ever ready for anything. You just suck it
up and do it and hope that eventually the pieces fall into place. Anyone who
tells you otherwise is lying.”
“That’s your best advice? Suck it up?”
“Hmm…” She thinks about it for a moment. “Yep.”
“Chloe, have you ever considered a career writing
greeting cards? Since you’re such a fountain overflowing with heartwarming
“You never know, it could be my true calling. Watch
out, Hallmark, I’m coming for you!”
Ami pedig abszolút felteszi a pontot az i-re, azok a karakterek. Emilia egy zseniális főhősnő. Nem törődik bele abba, hogy csak úgy kiráncigálják a jól megszokott, nyugalmas kis életéből és elvárják tőle, hogy hatalmas mosollyal az arcán csak úgy hercegnő legyen és adjon fel mindent. És bár tényleg ilyen erős volt, azt is jó volt látni, hogy van egy nagyon sokkal érzékenyebb oldala is.
Carter.... Oh Carter! ♥ Bárcsak még több szerepet kapott volna. ♥ Nem azt mondom, hogy nem kapott sokat, de én még elviseltem volna egy keveset sokat. Számomra még ő egy hatalmas kérdőjel, titokzatos, bár a vége felé egy picit jobban megismerhetjük őt is, de vele kapcsolatban sok megválaszolatlan kérdés maradt bennem.

Chloe-t szerintem egyszerűen nem lehet nem szeretni. Amikor legelőször feltűnt, azt hittem, hogy ő is az az elkényeztetett hercegnő lesz, aki majd mindenáron keresztbe akar tenni a főhősnőnek, de annyira nem lett igazam és én ennek annyira örültem, szinte már felüdülés volt, hogy a mostohatestvérben egy szövetségesre lehet lelni. A stílusa elképesztő, egyszerűen hihetetlen ez a csaj, róla is bármikor olvasnék még bővebben.
A Lancaster házaspár pedig... Octavia-t szerintem eddig csak kifejezetten utálni lehet, de ki tudja, lehet még okoz majd nekünk meglepetéseket. Két könyv van még hátra, bármi megtörténhet. Linus-szal kapcsolatban inkább olyan vegyes érzéseim voltak egy bizonyos pontig, aztán jött az a bizonyos tette, és szerintem itt tényleg egy picit jobban bele lehet látni abban a bizonyos "sötét oldalba". A befejezésre szerintem számítani lehetett, bár én más okokból kifolyólag számítottam erre, szóval engem még így is képes volt meglepni. És leginkább az, hogy megtörtént és csak úgy vége lett. Próbáltam lapozgatni a Kindle-met, de semmi sem történt. :D Szóval most türelmetlenül várom a Torrid Throne megjelenését. Remélem minél hamarabb eljön az a nap is.
It’s strange – you do not fully appreciate the
freedom of choice until it is snatched away from you like breath from your
lungs after a sharp fall. You take your future for granted as you do the
presence of stars in the sky up above you each night. All those endless
possibilities stretching out into infinity, each brighter than the last. But
when the clouds pull in and the galaxies fade from the view of your faulty
mortal eyes… you find yourself alone in the prison of your own darkness,
inconsequentially trapped by a circumstance far beyond your own conception.
Mindent figyelembe véve, Julie Johnson Dirty Halo című regénye nagyszerűen megnyitja az egész trilógiát. Egy felvezetésnek nagyon jó, alaposan megismerjük a karaktereket és a hátterüket, kérdések bőven maradnak megválaszolatlanul, ami miatt az olvasó csak még jobban várja a következő kötet megjelenését.
Összességében, aki szereti a királyi családokról szóló történeteket, az az olvasó szerintem ezt is fogja. És ha te ez a személy vagy, akkor mindenképpen adj ennek a regénynek is egy esélyt, szerintem tetszeni fog.
Tőlem a Dirty Halo négy csillagot kap. Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy mit fog kihozni ebből az egészből az írónő.
már megnézhettek egy előzetes, ami a könyvhöz készült, mindenképpen tekintsétek
meg, szerintem nagyon jó lett. ♥ Emiatt majd csak még jobban olvasni akarjátok
ezt a trilógiát.
date: February 4th, 2019
Forbidden Royals
in the series:
Dirty Halo
Lancaster is the royal family’s dirty little secret.
the illegitimate daughter of a duke, for twenty years she’s lived as a
commoner… despite the regal blood running through her veins. But when the
entire royal family is killed in a deadly attack, the line of succession
swiftly changes course. With her ailing father appointed king and no legitimate
heirs in sight, Emilia is pulled from the shadows and thrust into a destiny she
never wanted.
this were a fairy tale, the palace would be paradise. In reality, with a father
she barely knows on the throne, a deadly assassin still on the loose, and
enemies around every gilded corridor corner — the callous, captivating Lord
Carter Thorne chief among them — it feels more like a prison to Emilia. One
filled with unattainable expectations, unfamiliar customs, and undesirable
want her to behave like a good little girl.
want her to put on her glittering crown and keep her mouth shut.
about to be disappointed.
may have agreed to be their princess…
she’s no one’s puppet.
HALO is a royal romance about an ordinary girl who inherits an extraordinary
legacy. Filled with forbidden love, murderous plots, and machiavellian
intrigue, it is recommended for mature readers only. It is the first book in
*ARC was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*
Until then, I have read only one novel by Julie Johnson, and it was Not You It's Me. It was a super sweet and cute and funny story, I can highly recommend it to romance readers. And now, I finally read another one by her, and it was the first book in her newest trilogy, which is The Forbidden Royals, and the first book is Dirty Halo. To be honest, it was amazing, but after finishing it, I felt that something is missing for me. I am 100% sure that I will continue reading this series because I am too curious and I wanna know what happens with the characters, especially with the heroine. This book ends in a cliffhanger and I think what happens there will have a huge impact on her life, so now I can't wait to read Torrid Throne.
know the funny thing about fairy tales? You never see what happens to the
pretty scullery maid after she rides off into the sunset with a dashing prince
in a gold-plated carriage and shacks up in his castle.
to black. Roll credits.
they lived happily ever after.
did they?
are we so damn certain the minute the maid steps foot in that unfamiliar
fortress, she doesn’t realize what a monumental mistake she’s made? Why are we
so sure the prince doesn’t reveal himself to be a total prick once the haze of
lust has cleared from her head? What if instead of a happy ending, the pretty
maid spends the next thirty-odd years wishing she’d never met her goddamned
fairy godmother in the first place?
The heroine of the story is Emilia Lancaster, who is not your typical ordinary girl. She is a lot more than that, but only a very few people know her biggest secret. What is that big secret? Well, she is Linus Lancaster's daughter, and right now, he is the King of Germania, and that makes Emilia his rightful heir.

“Ugh! You are disgusting.”
“Disgustingly attractive?”
“No. Just regular old disgusting.
For a list of synonyms, see: vile, repellent, repulsive.”
“You forgot abhorrent and
“I was getting to those,” I snap. “Trust me, the list is quite
So Emilia, from one day to another becomes a princess, and maybe that can be a lot of girls' dream, right? But she does not like it at all, and there are some people who do not like her at all. But they do not have a choice, the country needs something that gives them hope, and right now, it can be Emilia. Nobody asks her what she wants or if she wants to be a princess or not. The only thing she really wants is to finish her degree and get a job that she worked so hard for. But this, as a princess, is not really possible.
She really soon finds out that not everything is really nice in this royal family. Especially with people like some of them. Who she can trust in? Who is the enemy? And the ones who she trust in, are really allies? What happens with Emilia? You can find out if you read the fantastic Dirty Halo by Julie Johnson.
“I thought my fairy godmother was supposed to have
wings and a wand,” I say finally, smiling despite myself. “Instead I get a
foul-mouthed stoner in designer heels?”
“Yeah, well, I thought when my mom became queen I’d
finally get a proper royal title,” she volleys back, (…).“Instead I’m handed an
evil stepsister with perky tits and purple hair.”
I laugh. “Haven’t you heard? Life isn’t fair.”
(…) “Screw fair,” she tells me, her brows arching
sardonically. “Life is a chess game, E. Welcome to the board. I suggest you
choose your moves carefully.”
Julie Johnson did a wonderful job with Dirty Halo. It was a fairy tale set in a modern times with huge twists. It is not what you expect. You can believe that you know what happens next, but probably, this book will surprise you, because something completely different will happen.
Besides the unique storyline, I really do think that one of the biggest strenght of this novel is the writing style of the author. This book is full with absolutely fantastic sentences and thoughts, and while writing my review, I read these little quotes again and again, these really make you think and question some things. Simply amazing.
The whole story has a more serious tone, but Julie put some really funny scenes into it in an amazing way. In my opinion, these are really needed, and I did not feel that these were too much, these little moments even made the book more complete.
“No one’s ever ready for anything. You just suck it
up and do it and hope that eventually the pieces fall into place. Anyone who
tells you otherwise is lying.”
“That’s your best advice? Suck it up?”
“Hmm…” She thinks about it for a moment. “Yep.”
“Chloe, have you ever considered a career writing
greeting cards? Since you’re such a fountain overflowing with heartwarming
“You never know, it could be my true calling. Watch
out, Hallmark, I’m coming for you!”
The most mindblowing thing in this novel are the characters. Emilia is a genious heroine. She does not want to accept and does not like that they just grab her, take her away from her life and want her to be a princess with a huge smile on her face. And yes, she is so strong, but she has a emotional side too, so many things changes around her right now, and it was so good to see that sometimes she get a little bit emotional, she is not always that powerful, and because of that, she feels so real, she is a character that readers can easily relate to.
Carter... Oh Carter! ♥ I wish he would have got a lot more role in this story. ♥ I mean, he has a lot role, but I wanted a little bit a lot more of him. For me, he is still so mysterious, however, near the end, I think we can get to know him a little bit better, but still: so many unanswered questions.

You can not not love Chloe. When she first appeared in the story, I thought that she will be that typical spoiled princess, but I was so wrong and I am so happy that she is who she is. It was so good that the main character can find an ally in a stepsister, and they are not enemies. Her stlye is absolutely awesome, this girl is incredible, I would love to read more and more about her too.
The Lancasters... I think it is not really new that I do not really like Octavia, but if you read it, you may agree with me. But who knows, she may surprise us. Two more books are coming, so anything can happen. I have mixed feelings about Linus. And then, he did what he did, and we could really see the darker side of these royals. I think we could assume what will happen at the end, but I thought it will happen because of a completely different thing, so it surprised me. And that is was the end!! I tried to flip the pages, but nothing happened, that was it. So now, I am impatiently waiting for Torrid Throne because I wanna know what happens next. I hope release day is coming soon.
It’s strange – you do not fully appreciate the
freedom of choice until it is snatched away from you like breath from your
lungs after a sharp fall. You take your future for granted as you do the
presence of stars in the sky up above you each night. All those endless
possibilities stretching out into infinity, each brighter than the last. But
when the clouds pull in and the galaxies fade from the view of your faulty
mortal eyes… you find yourself alone in the prison of your own darkness,
inconsequentially trapped by a circumstance far beyond your own conception.
Taking everything into account, Dirty Halo by Julie Johnson is an excellent way to start a trilogy. We can really get to know the characters and their background and we can learn a lot about their history. After finishing this novel, there were some unanswered questions which makes the readers even more curious for the next book in this series.
All in all, if you like to read about royals, princesses and all things like that, then I think you will like this one too. Give it a chance, it is not your typical royal romance, it is so much more than that.
I give four stars to Dirty Halo. I can't wait to read Torrid Throne and find out what happens next.
can watch a teaser video on Youtube of Dirty Halo, go check it out, it's so
amazing. ♥ Actually, it will make you want to read this trilogy even more. ;)
CLICK HERE to watch it.
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