2021. február 23., kedd

Cora Reilly: Twisted Cravings – hírek | Twisted Cravings by Cora Reilly – news


Twisted Cravings | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés várható ideje: 2021. március 16.
Sorozat: The Camorra Chronicles
A sorozat kötetei:
Twisted Loyalties (Fabiano & Leona története)
Twisted Emotions (Nino & Kiara története)
Twisted Pride (Remo & Serafina története)
Twisted Bonds (Nino & Kiara története)
Twisted Hearts (Savio & Gemma története)
Twisted Cravings (Adamo & Dinara története)
As the youngest brother of the notorious Falcone clan, Adamo grew up surrounded by blood and violence. Drugs soon became his way of coping.
Becoming a Made Man like his brothers was his destiny but never his passion. When he becomes the organizer of his family’s successful illegal street races and one of their thrill-seeking drivers, he finally asserts his own path in the harsh mafia world.
His purpose isn’t the only thing Adamo discovers on the fuel-soaked roads he calls home…
Dinara Mikhailov is the only female race driver and hard to ignore. Not only because of her flaming red hair and ruthless driving style, but also because the Bratva princess is allowed to drive in enemy territory.
Soon Adamo and she find themselves entangled in a passionate game that goes beyond the race track. Yet, both haunted by events in the past, their dark cravings put everything on the line.
As what they crave the most, comes with a brutal price.
Cora Reilly Twisted Cravings című regénye várhatóan jövő hónapban fog megjelenni. Ez az írónő The Camorra Chronicles sorozatának hatodik kötete lesz és Adamo Falcone lesz a főszerepben. Eddig még csak annyit tudtunk, hogy várhatóan idén márciusban fog megjelenni, viszont mostmár pontosan tudjuk, hogy mikor is olvashatjuk Adamo és Dinara igencsak izgalmasnak ígérkező történetét. Már nem is kell sokat várnunk rá, várhatóan március 16.-án fog megjelenni a Twisted Cravings.
Nemrég sor került a kötet fülszövegének és borítójának a leleplezésére is, plusz kaptunk újabb kis ízelítőket is, szóval már most nagyon kezd izgalmas lenni a helyzet. A fülszöveg zseniális lett, hihetetlenül izgatottan várom, hogy végre olvashassam ezt a könyvet.
Összességében nem lett rossz a borító, kifejezetten jó lett az autóversenyzős háttér, viszont Adamo-t én egy kicsit másképp képzeltem el. Ami nem tetszik nekem a borítón, az a cigaretta, nem is tudom, valahogy nekem olyan fura, egy kicsit kilóg onnan. Értem, hogy miért van ott, Adamo is cigarettázik, de valahogy nekem olyan hatást kelt, mintha eredetileg nem lett volna a modell szájában, és csak be lett szerkesztve. Akárhányszor ránézek a borítóra, mindig a cigarettára esik a tekintetem.
Ti mit gondoltok erről a borítóról?
A borító és az új előzetesek bemutatása után egy rövidebb részletet is olvashattok a Twisted Cravings-ből.

Twisted Cravings | Borító

Twisted Cravings | Teljes borító

Twisted Cravings | Új előzetes
 Twisted Cravings | Új előzetes

Twisted Cravings | Részlet
Blood coated her lips, a streak of color against her pale skin. Even the flaming red of her hair paled in comparison.
She lay motionless on the cold stone floor, her wide eyes directed at the ceiling but unseeing of what lay before her.
I dropped the knife. It landed with a clatter, blood splattering around it. For a second a sliver of my face reflected in the only clean spot on the sharp blade. For the first time in my life, I understood the fear people harbored when they heard my name.
Today my expression justified their terror.
Bloodshed was in my genes. All of my life, I’d fought this craving deep in my veins, had dimmed it with drugs and alcohol, but its call had always been present, an undercurrent in my body that threatened to pull me under.
I hadn’t let it. Instead I’d thrown myself headfirst into its depth, had followed the current to the darkest part of my soul. For so long, this day had been my greatest nightmare, a fear beyond measure. But fuck, today felt like a rebirth, like a homecoming to my true self.
My palms were sticky with her blood and it felt perfect.
No street race could ever compete with the thrill, the absolute high of a kill, and even less with the power rush of torture.
Denying one’s nature was living a lie. Only drugs in all shapes and forms had made it possible in the past. No more.
People finally had a reason for the nickname they gave my brothers and me.
The monsters of Las Vegas.
My monstrous side had come out to play but the revelry had only just begun.

Twisted Cravings | Előrendeléshez szükséges linkek
Cora Reilly | Elérhetőségek
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoraReillyBooks | @CoraReillyBooks
Köszönöm szépen, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést!
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi

Twisted Cravings | Book profile
Expected publication: March 16th,  2021
Series: The Camorra Chronicles
Books in the series:
Twisted Loyalties (Fabiano & Leona’s story)
Twisted Emotions (Nino & Kiara’s story)
Twisted Pride (Remo & Serafina’s story)
Twisted Bonds (Nino & Kiara’s story)
Twisted Hearts (Savio & Gemma’s story)
Twisted Cravings (Adamo & Dinara’s story)
As the youngest brother of the notorious Falcone clan, Adamo grew up surrounded by blood and violence. Drugs soon became his way of coping.
Becoming a Made Man like his brothers was his destiny but never his passion. When he becomes the organizer of his family’s successful illegal street races and one of their thrill-seeking drivers, he finally asserts his own path in the harsh mafia world.
His purpose isn’t the only thing Adamo discovers on the fuel-soaked roads he calls home…
Dinara Mikhailov is the only female race driver and hard to ignore. Not only because of her flaming red hair and ruthless driving style, but also because the Bratva princess is allowed to drive in enemy territory.
Soon Adamo and she find themselves entangled in a passionate game that goes beyond the race track. Yet, both haunted by events in the past, their dark cravings put everything on the line.
As what they crave the most, comes with a brutal price.
Twisted Cravings by Cora Reilly is expected to be released next month. It will be the sixth addition to one of Cora’s most popular series, The Camorra Chronicles, and the hero of the story will be Adamo Falcone. For a long time, we only knew that it would be released in March, but now we have a full release date, we will meet Adamo and Dinara really soon, because their book will be released on March 16th.
Besides the full release date, we have the final blurb and the cover too, plus Cora also shared some pretty exciting teasers too. The blurb sounds pretty enthralling, I am on pins and needles! 
In my opinion, the cover is not bad, I like the background with the street race picture, but to be honest, this guy is not really Adamo for me. What I really do not like on the cover is the cigarette, it is just my opinion, but for me, it looks a little bit weird. I understand that it is on the cover because Adamo smokes, but to me it seems like originally the cigarette was not in the mouth of the model, and they just edited it. Every time I look at this cover, the first thing I see is the cigarette.
What do you think about this cover?
Cora has just shared a small excerpt from Twisted Cravings, you can read it in this blog post too, just scroll down, you can find it after the cover and teaser reveals. 
Twisted Cravings | Cover
Twisted Cravings | Full cover

Twisted Cravings | New teaser

Twisted Cravings | New teaser
Twisted Cravings | Excerpt
Blood coated her lips, a streak of color against her pale skin. Even the flaming red of her hair paled in comparison.
She lay motionless on the cold stone floor, her wide eyes directed at the ceiling but unseeing of what lay before her.
I dropped the knife. It landed with a clatter, blood splattering around it. For a second a sliver of my face reflected in the only clean spot on the sharp blade. For the first time in my life, I understood the fear people harbored when they heard my name.
Today my expression justified their terror.
Bloodshed was in my genes. All of my life, I’d fought this craving deep in my veins, had dimmed it with drugs and alcohol, but its call had always been present, an undercurrent in my body that threatened to pull me under.
I hadn’t let it. Instead I’d thrown myself headfirst into its depth, had followed the current to the darkest part of my soul. For so long, this day had been my greatest nightmare, a fear beyond measure. But fuck, today felt like a rebirth, like a homecoming to my true self.
My palms were sticky with her blood and it felt perfect.
No street race could ever compete with the thrill, the absolute high of a kill, and even less with the power rush of torture.
Denying one’s nature was living a lie. Only drugs in all shapes and forms had made it possible in the past. No more.
People finally had a reason for the nickname they gave my brothers and me.
The monsters of Las Vegas.
My monstrous side had come out to play but the revelry had only just begun.

Twisted Cravings | Preorder
Cora Reilly | Author links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoraReillyBooks | @CoraReillyBooks
Thank you so so much for reading this blog post!
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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