2018. november 16., péntek

Emma Hart: Tequila, Tequila Véleményezés + Bepillantás a regénybe / Tequila, Tequila by Emma Hart Review + Excerpt


Megjelenés ideje: 2018. november 13.
Tequila + you best friend + your bedroom =  um, whoopsie?
Tequila Tequila, an all-new hilarious standalone romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Emma Hart is available NOW!
Don’t sleep with your best friend.
Take it from me. I did it. And it was awful.
I-wish-the-tequila-made-me-forget kind of bad.
The problem is, Luke has forgotten. He swears that he can’t remember a thing about that night beyond the trays of tequila shots being set on the tables.
Except I can’t forget. I can’t forget how good his hands felt until I fell over and hit my hip on the dresser, and I sure as hell can’t forget the entire two minutes of tap-tap-squirt.
Awkward. Embarrassing. And the new subject of a couple of dirty lucid dreams.
But I have no intention of telling him what we did. Nothing good comes from telling your best friend he’s the worst guy you’ve ever slept with.
Which makes the tequila on my birthday a very, very bad idea…


*ARC was kindly provided by the author an Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.*

Emma Hart megint megcsinálta! Az írónő legújabb regénye, a Tequila, Tequila még csak néhány nappal ezelőtt jelent meg, és én őszintén úgy gondolom, hogy ez is ugyanolyan nagyon nagyszerű és elképesztően humoros lett. Továbbá, azt is ki merem jelenteni, hogy szerintem ez lett az eddigi legviccesebb alkotása. Személy szerint, én nem gondoltam volna, hogy ez egyáltalán lehetséges, viszont Emma ezzel a történettel nagyon meglepett, és a romantikus-humoros regényeket teljesen új szintre emelte. A Tequila, Tequila rendkívül vicces. Elképesztően imádtam Aspen és Luke töréténetét. Én nagy rajongója vagyok az olyan könyveknek, amelyek a legjobb-barátságból-szerelem témáját dolgozzák fel, szerintem ezek tudnak az egyik legszebbek és legegyediebbek lenni. Azért gondolom így, mert ezekben az esetekben a karakterek nagyon közel állnak egymáshoz, már régóta ismerik a másikat, nagyon sok esetben szinte egész életük során együtt voltak, együtt nőttek fel. Azzal, hogy ezt a szoros baráti kapcsolatot egy új szintre viszik, sok kockázatot vállalnak. Másrészről azonban annyira jó arról olvasni, hogy ők ketten hogyan dolgozzák fel ezt az egészet, hogyan működnek együtt, ahogy mindig, és tényleg nem számít, hogy mikor-hol-miért, mindig ott vannak egymásnak. Ez pedig szerintem annyira gyönyörűséges. És pontosan ez a helyzet Emma Hart Tequila, Tequila című könyvében. 

“Aspen, you once sat on the curb and had a conversation with a cat about squirrels.”
“I’ll have you know he was a great listener, thank you very much.”
“Of course he was. He was a cat.”
“Cats have a tendency to walk off and ignore you.”

A történet női főszereplője a huszonnégy éves Aspen Camden, aki egy bárban dolgozik. Ő és a könyv férfi főszereplője, Luke Taylor, már egészen pici koruk óta szinte elválaszthatatlanok. Ők ketten legjobb barátok, együtt nőttek fel, mindig együtt csináltak mindent, barátságuk megrendíthetetlen. Rendkívül jó barátok, szerintem tökéletesek egymásnak, és én már a legelejétől kezdve szurkoltam, hogy minden jól süljön el kettejük között. Mindkettejük hozzátartozói családtagként kezelik gyermekük barátját, és ha már megemlítettem őket is, had mondjam el, hogy ők, de legfőképpen Luke családja csak még inkább hozzátesz az egészhez, és csak még jobban teljes a történet. De róluk még majd lentebb bővebben is fogok írni, mert van mit.
Azonban egy alkoholmámoros éjszakának megvan az a képessége, hogy mindent megváltoztat. Gyökerestől. A könyv ezzel is kezdődik. Aspen és Luke egy kicsit túlzásba vitték az italok fogyasztását, mint ahogy az már a címből is kiderülhet, a tequila volt a felelős mindenért. Ketten a lány lakására mennek, mivel az van a legközelebb a bárhoz, így úgy gondolták, hogy ez lesz a legcélszerűbb döntés. Az, hogy ketten, részegen, egyedül egy lakásban jó döntés-e? Nos, nem. Egyik véletlen követi a másikat, és végül együtt töltik az éjszakát. Azonban ez az intim együttlét nem éppen úgy sül el, ahogy annak kellene. Aspen a legeslegrosszabb szexuális élményét éli át, Luke pedig, még ittasan is észreveszi, hogy valami nincs rendben. A másnap pedig csak még kínosabb. Vajon ez az éjszaka örökre rányomta a bélyegét a barátságukra? Mi lesz kettejük barátságának sorsa? Megtudhatjátok, ha elolvassátok Emma Hart Tequila, Tequila című alkotását.

What could I say? Drama was my friend, and Luke loved me for it. That and my full fridge.
Luke: Who do I need to kill?
Me: Why do you always think you need to kill someone?
Luke: You’re a moody bitch this week, and there’s a Defcon 5 emergency. Two and two equal four.
Me: You don’t need to kill anyone.
Luke: K, I’ll grab my spade to bury the body.

Emma Hart a romantikus-humoros regények egyik királynője, és ezt a Tequila, Tequila című alkotásával csak még jobban bebizonyította. Elképesztően imádom az írónő stílusát, nagyon tetszik, hogy sok humorosabbnál humorosabb pillanattal fűszerezi meg a történeteit, azonban ezeknek van egy picivel komolyabb és érzelmesebb oldala is, és ezeknek a vegyítését valami rendkívül jó módon tudja kivitelezni.
Különösen nagyon tetszik, hogy az ő regényei mindig, legalábbis amiket eddig olvastam azok így voltak, két szemszögből vannak elmesélve. Én ezeket mindig jobban szeretem, de most ebben az esetben különösen jól működött. Aspen és Luke nem éppen egy egyszerű időszakon mennek keresztül, rengeteget aggódnak, bizonytalanok, nem tudják eldönteni, hogy mi lenne a helyes döntés, mi lenne a megfelelő követező lépés. Az írónő pedig ezt azzal, hogy mindkettejük nézőpontjából olvashatunk nagyon jól ki tudta fejezni, és szerintem így csak még jobban lehet izgulni, hogy vajon mi fog történni legközelebb. Így egy kicsit a karakterek gondolatait is jobban átláthatjuk, megtudhatjuk, hogy valójában mit is éreznek, mert ők ketten gyakran mást mondanak, mint amit valójában szeretnének. Így kettejük bizonytalanságát egy picit jobban megérthetjük, amíg ki nem derül az igazság. Amire igen is fény fog derülni, bármennyire is akarják elfelejteni, hogy mi történt azon a bizonyos éjszakán.

Luke: If you were bleeding out, my life would be a lot more peaceful.
Me: I’m going to spit in your sandwich.
Luke: Leaving now. Give me 10 minutes.
The way to a man’s heart was definitely through his stomach.
It worked well to get your own way, too.

Nekem kifejezetten hatalmas kedvenceim az írónő karakterei. Aspen egy igazán jó női szereplő. Rendkívül jó humorérzékkel rendelkezik, amit a történet során több ponton is megcsillogtatja. Valójában, nagyon ritka volt az, hogy ne nevettem volna.  Imádtam, hogy nem félt kimondani azt, amit valójában gondolt, vagyis az esetek többségében. Szerintem ő egy nagyon kedvelhető könyves karakter. Fantasztikus ember, fontosak számára a barátai, mindent megtesz értük, és ez fordítva is így van, én személy szerint nagyon szeretek ilyen társaságokról olvasni.
És akkor még nem is beszéltem Luke-ról. Oh, helló új könyves álompasim! ;) ♥ Ohh, őt egyszerűen nem lehet nem szeretni. Annyira imádnivaló, vicces, gondoskodó és ahh... Tökéletlenül tökéletes. ♥ És olyan valóságos. Emma Hart regényeinél ez egy hatalmas plusz pontnak számítható szerintem. A karakterek nagyon valóságosak, nem problémamentes az életük, nem tökéletesek, megvannak a saját hibáik. Én úgy gondolom, hogy ezért csak még könnyebb azonosulni velük, ami tényleg csak felteszi az i-re a pontot.
Luke családja pedig ezt az érzést csak még jobban fokozza. Már amikor legelőször a képbe kerültek, utána alig vártam, hogy még egyszer és még egyszer és még sokszor újra szerepeljenek ők is. Abuelita kölönösen zseniális. :D Ő volt a kedvencem Luke rokonai között. Egyszerűen elképesztő ez a nő.
Blaire és Tom voltak még a legkedvencebb mellékszereplőim. Blaire olyan, mint Aspen, így nem csoda, hogy ők ketten legjobb barátok. Tom nekem egy picit még olyan titokzatos, viszont szívesen olvasnék a kettejük kapcsolatának kialakulásáról is egy könyvet.

“For the record, my current single cousins Abuelita hasnt yet tried to hook you up with are Sebastian, Emmanuel, Ivan, Manuel, and Pedro.”
“For the record, your family needs to get some condoms.”
“Again,” I said quietly. “Valid point. I’ll make sure to buy everyone some for Christmas.”
“Order online,” she muttered. “Or you’re gonna get a whole lot of funny looks at Target.”

Mindent figyelembe véve, Emma Hart Tequila, Tequila című regénye egy újabb műalkotás a romantikus-humoros könyvek kategóriájában. Ez minden volt, amire csak vágytam és minden, amit csak remélhettem. Ha még esetleg nem olvastatok volna ettől az írónőtől, nagyon tudom ajánlani az összes eddig megjelent kötetét, de leginkább a Tequila, Tequila-t. Ha még pluszban szeretitek is az olyan történeteket, amelyek a legjobb-barátságból-szerelem témát középpontba helyező történeteket, akkor ezt is fogjátok. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy el fogja nyerni a tetszéseteket.
Tőlem minden kérdés nélkül hat csillagot kap. Hat ’tequila’ csillagot. Ne feledjétek el, hogy egy picit lentebb görgetve olvashattok egy kis részletet is a könyvből. Ha pedig elnyerte a tetszéseteket, utána megtalálhatjátok a beszerzési linkeket is.


“Have you ever walked into a store and had to ask where the lady section is?”
I paused, my grip on the fridge door firm, and turned to him. I simply blinked. I wasn’t going to justify that with an answer.
“It took three people before a poor woman at the customer service desk took pity on me and walked me to the tampon aisle,” he went on, oblivious to my death stare. “She hovered over me for a second and I started fucking sweating, Aspen. Sweating.”
I bit my lip and moved the ingredients for his sandwich over to the board on the island.
“I almost dropped my phone trying to find the photo you sent me, and when I finally brought it up, I was so fucking confused I stood there like a lame damn duck for five minutes before she came back to help me like she knew I was a total idiot.”
Was it wrong that I was way more amused about this than anything else? A part of me told me I should feel bad, but…
“Did you know there are tons of those things? The boxes are all different. There are different brands. Different sizes. Different… absorbency levels.” He shuddered, his wide, muscled shoulders shaking with his cringey thought. “For flows and stuff.”
“I shop there regularly. I am aware.”
“Not that fucking regularly if you sent me to buy them,” he muttered. “Anyway, the nice lady who was trying her best not to laugh at the idiot in the sanitary products aisle asked me who I was buying them for. My mom, my sister, my girlfriend…”
 I chopped the lettuce.
“When I told her it was for my best friend, she looked at me funny for a minute before nodding. Then, she dragged me over to the aisle with the candy and told me that Twizzlers went well with tampons. I was so confused I didn’t question her, so here.” He lifted a small bag from the stool next to him and tossed it in my direction. “You’re the proud owner of eight packets of Twizzlers.”
“Oooh, Twizzlers!” I dropped the knife and dove into the bag, pulling out all the long, red packets. “This is like heaven!”
“Dude.” Luke leaned forward and held his hands out. “My sandwich?”
“Geez, who’s on their period? You or me?” I put the candy down and went back to making his sandwich. “You should have saved the Twizzlers until after you got your food.”
“Rookie mistake.” He shook his head. “Please don’t ever ask me to buy you tampons again. I’m not sure my ego or reputation can take it.”
“Your reputation got shot to shit on your twenty-first when you mooned the mayor in the town square,” I reminded him.
“And I haven’t mooned anyone since,” he replied. “My pants now stay firmly on when I drink.”





Publishing date: November 13th, 2018
Tequila + you best friend + your bedroom =  um, whoopsie?
Tequila Tequila, an all-new hilarious standalone romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Emma Hart is available NOW!
Don’t sleep with your best friend.
Take it from me. I did it. And it was awful.
I-wish-the-tequila-made-me-forget kind of bad.
The problem is, Luke has forgotten. He swears that he can’t remember a thing about that night beyond the trays of tequila shots being set on the tables.
Except I can’t forget. I can’t forget how good his hands felt until I fell over and hit my hip on the dresser, and I sure as hell can’t forget the entire two minutes of tap-tap-squirt.
Awkward. Embarrassing. And the new subject of a couple of dirty lucid dreams.
But I have no intention of telling him what we did. Nothing good comes from telling your best friend he’s the worst guy you’ve ever slept with.
Which makes the tequila on my birthday a very, very bad idea…


*ARC was kindly provided by the author an Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.*

Emma Hart did it again! Her newest novel, Tequila, Tequila was released a few days ago, and it is just as super amazing and super funny as her previous novels. Moreover, I really do think that it is funnier than the others. Personally, I did not think that it would be possible, but Emma totally surprised me, and took romcom novels to another level. This book is extremely funny, I loved Aspen and Luke’s story so very much. I really like best-friends-to-lovers novels, in my opinion, these stories are always so special. I believe that because in these books, the characters are so close to each other, basically, they spent their lives together, they knew each other since they were toddlers. Taking this relationship to a whole new level is not easy. It is never easy. On the other hand, it is so amazing to read about how they work together, how they are there for each other no matter what. It is so beautiful. And it was exactly the case in Tequila, Tequila.

“Aspen, you once sat on the curb and had a conversation with a cat about squirrels.”
“I’ll have you know he was a great listener, thank you very much.”
“Of course he was. He was a cat.”
“Cats have a tendency to walk off and ignore you.”

The female main character is the twenty four years old Aspen Camden, who works in a bar. She and the male protagonist, Luke Taylor, are unseparable. They are best friends since they were very little, they grew up together, they always did everything together, they were there for each other no matter what. They are awesome friends, I really do think that they are perfect for each other, and from the beginning of this book I was so excited when I was reading it, I wanted them to get their happily ever after. Their families love their son's/daughter's best friend, they treat them as family members. And now, that I have already mentioned them, let me just say that they make this story so much better. Especially Luke's family. OMG, those people are hilarious, but I wil write more about them later, because there are so many things I want to tell you about them.
One drunken night can change everything. And it is a huge change, and the book starts with this moment. Aspen and Luke drunk a little bit too much, and it was all the tequila's fault. They decide to go to Aspen's place, because it is the closest and it is the best decision to go there. Does it really a good decision for them? Well, not really. One incidental moment follows the other, and they end up spending the night together. On the other hand, it is not the best night of their lives. For Aspen, it is the worst, and Luke, although he is very drunk, he realises that something is wrong. The following day is a little bit more awkward. Does this "event" changes their lives, and more importantly, their frindship in a good or in a bad way? What happens with them? You can find out if you read Tequila, Tequila by Emma Hart.

What could I say? Drama was my friend, and Luke loved me for it. That and my full fridge.
Luke: Who do I need to kill?
Me: Why do you always think you need to kill someone?
Luke: You’re a moody bitch this week, and there’s a Defcon 5 emergency. Two and two equal four.
Me: You don’t need to kill anyone.
Luke: K, I’ll grab my spade to bury the body.

One of the queens of romcom novels is definitely Emma Hart, and she proved it again that it is true with Tequila, Tequila. I absolutely adore the writing style of this author, I really love that her books have lots and lost and lots of funny and hilarious scenes, and at the same time, there is some points where these have some more serious and emotional parts, too. Emma Hart is amazing in  mixing these.
I especially like that her books, at least the ones I have already read are written from two point of views. I always love these books better, and in this book, it worked in an awesome way. Now, Aspen and Luke have some porblems, it is not the easiest part of their lives, they are struggling, they can not decide what would be the best decision to make and what should be the next step, they are uncertain. And because Emma wrote this story from both of their perspectives, we can understand them even more, and we can be more excited and we want to find out what happens with them. In that way, we can really know what they think, because until they find out the truth, they not always say out loud what they think. The truth will be revealed, and although they want to forget about  what happened on that night, they can not.

Luke: If you were bleeding out, my life would be a lot more peaceful.
Me: I’m going to spit in your sandwich.
Luke: Leaving now. Give me 10 minutes.
The way to a man’s heart was definitely through his stomach.
It worked well to get your own way, too.

My biggest favourites in all of her books are her characters. Aspen is an amazing female protagonist. She has a really good sense of humor, and she often shows it during the story. Often? There was hardly a moment when I was not laughing. I love that, most of the time, she was not afraid to say out loud what she really thinks. I really do think that she is a really likeable character. She is so fantastic, her friends are important to her, she would do anything for them, and it is absolutely the case inversely, personally I really like to read about friends like them.
And now, there is Luke. Oh, hello my new book boyfriend! ♥ You can not not love him. He is super adorable, funny, caring and ahh... Imperfectly perfect. ♥ And feels so real. In my opinion, it is a huge plus point. I love that Emma Hart's characters always feels so real, they are just like us, their lives are not easy, they have problems to solve, and they are definitely not perfect. Because of that, it is even more easy to sympathize with them, and this fact makes her book more unique.
Luke's family makes the whole story more special. OMG, this family. :D After I read about them firstly, I already couldn't wait to see them again and again and again. Abuelita is absolutely hilarious. :D She was my favourite from this family. This woman is incredible.
Besides them, I really liked Blaire and Tom. Blaire is just like Aspen, so no wonder they are best friends. For me, Tom is a little bit mysterious, and I really would like to read about their relationship in a separate book.

“For the record, my current single cousins Abuelita hasnt yet tried to hook you up with are Sebastian, Emmanuel, Ivan, Manuel, and Pedro.”
“For the record, your family needs to get some condoms.”
“Again,” I said quietly. “Valid point. I’ll make sure to buy everyone some for Christmas.”
“Order online,” she muttered. “Or you’re gonna get a whole lot of funny looks at Target.”

Taking everything into account, Tequila, Tequila by Emma Hart is another masterpiece in the romance genre. That was everything that I needed and hoped for. If you have not already read anything by this author, I can honestly recommend to you all of her books, especially Tequila, Tequila. If you love best-friends-to-lovers stories, it is even a plus point, I am pretty sure you will love this one, too.
For me, it is not a question, it defintiely deserves six stars. Six tequila stars. Do not forget to scroll a little bit down to read a little excerpt from this book. If you liked it, below you can find all the purchase links, too.


“Have you ever walked into a store and had to ask where the lady section is?”
I paused, my grip on the fridge door firm, and turned to him. I simply blinked. I wasn’t going to justify that with an answer.
“It took three people before a poor woman at the customer service desk took pity on me and walked me to the tampon aisle,” he went on, oblivious to my death stare. “She hovered over me for a second and I started fucking sweating, Aspen. Sweating.”
I bit my lip and moved the ingredients for his sandwich over to the board on the island.
“I almost dropped my phone trying to find the photo you sent me, and when I finally brought it up, I was so fucking confused I stood there like a lame damn duck for five minutes before she came back to help me like she knew I was a total idiot.”
Was it wrong that I was way more amused about this than anything else? A part of me told me I should feel bad, but…
“Did you know there are tons of those things? The boxes are all different. There are different brands. Different sizes. Different… absorbency levels.” He shuddered, his wide, muscled shoulders shaking with his cringey thought. “For flows and stuff.”
“I shop there regularly. I am aware.”
“Not that fucking regularly if you sent me to buy them,” he muttered. “Anyway, the nice lady who was trying her best not to laugh at the idiot in the sanitary products aisle asked me who I was buying them for. My mom, my sister, my girlfriend…”
 I chopped the lettuce.
“When I told her it was for my best friend, she looked at me funny for a minute before nodding. Then, she dragged me over to the aisle with the candy and told me that Twizzlers went well with tampons. I was so confused I didn’t question her, so here.” He lifted a small bag from the stool next to him and tossed it in my direction. “You’re the proud owner of eight packets of Twizzlers.”
“Oooh, Twizzlers!” I dropped the knife and dove into the bag, pulling out all the long, red packets. “This is like heaven!”
“Dude.” Luke leaned forward and held his hands out. “My sandwich?”
“Geez, who’s on their period? You or me?” I put the candy down and went back to making his sandwich. “You should have saved the Twizzlers until after you got your food.”
“Rookie mistake.” He shook his head. “Please don’t ever ask me to buy you tampons again. I’m not sure my ego or reputation can take it.”
“Your reputation got shot to shit on your twenty-first when you mooned the mayor in the town square,” I reminded him.
“And I haven’t mooned anyone since,” he replied. “My pants now stay firmly on when I drink.”




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