2022. január 7., péntek

R. S. Grey: Enemies Abroad – borítóleleplezés | Enemies Abroad by R. S. Grey – cover reveal

R. S. Grey: Enemies Abroad | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés várható ideje: 2022. január 20.
It’s  ​simple: Noah Peterson and I are enemies. Our fellow teachers know it, our friends know it — even the Starbucks drive-through lady knows it since every Monday she scrawls the name A. Hole for me on Noah’s cappuccino when I pick up the weekly group order.
The shrill whine of the school bell announces the start of each day’s no-holds-barred grudge match. Since neither of us is looking to get fired or thrown in prison, we war with our words and our wits. We prefer banter that bites. All day, I’m on edge, looking around every corner, expecting him to do his worst. Just when I think I can’t take the sight of his (regretfully) handsome face for one more minute, the school day is done.
Summer usually offers the sweetest relief—a two-month Noah detox—but not this year.
“We need two volunteers to chaperone a group of eighth graders in Rome” becomes a game of chicken neither one of us is willing to lose. We both want that bonus check.
“Back out,” I tell him.
“Scared?” he taunts.
No one thinks it’s a good idea for us to go to Rome together, least of all me. Taking this battle abroad will only lead to mayhem and misery.
DING. Ladies and gentlemen of flight UA447 with service to Rome, fasten your seatbelts.
We’re bound to have a bumpy ride.
R. S. Grey legújabb regénye várhatóan 2022. január 20.-án fog megjelenni Enemies Abroad címmel, nemrég pedig a kötet borítóleleplezésére is sor került.
Ez a borító is az írónő már-már ikonikussá vált stílusában készült el, őszintén megmondva, nekem nagyon tetszik, hogy ennyire passzol egymáshoz majdcsak az összes regénye. Az Enemies Abroad borítójánál kifejezetten tetszik az, hogy két kisebb illusztráció is került rá, szerintem igazán cuki lett. Csak ránézek, és azonnal a nyár érzése kerít hatalmába. A fülszöveg teljesen megvett magának, már alig várom, hogy én is olvashassam ezt a könyvet.
Ti mit gondoltok erről a borítóról?
Enemies Abroad | Borító
R. S. Grey | Elérhetőségek
Weboldal: rsgrey.com
R. S. Grey’s Little Reds Facebook csoport: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1378399812435745/
Nagyon szépen köszönöm, hogy ma is velem tartottatok.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
Enemies Abroad by R. S. Grey | Book profile
Expected publishing date: January 20th, 2022
It’s simple: Noah Peterson and I are enemies. Our fellow teachers know it, our friends know it — even the Starbucks drive-through lady knows it since every Monday she scrawls the name A. Hole for me on Noah’s cappuccino when I pick up the weekly group order.
The shrill whine of the school bell announces the start of each day’s no-holds-barred grudge match. Since neither of us is looking to get fired or thrown in prison, we war with our words and our wits. We prefer banter that bites. All day, I’m on edge, looking around every corner, expecting him to do his worst. Just when I think I can’t take the sight of his (regretfully) handsome face for one more minute, the school day is done.
Summer usually offers the sweetest relief—a two-month Noah detox—but not this year.
“We need two volunteers to chaperone a group of eighth graders in Rome” becomes a game of chicken neither one of us is willing to lose. We both want that bonus check.
“Back out,” I tell him.
“Scared?” he taunts.
No one thinks it’s a good idea for us to go to Rome together, least of all me. Taking this battle abroad will only lead to mayhem and misery.
DING. Ladies and gentlemen of flight UA447 with service to Rome, fasten your seatbelts.
We’re bound to have a bumpy ride.
R. S. Greys upcoming release, titled Enemies Abroad, will be released on January 20th, 2022, and a few days ago, she showed us the final cover of this novel.
This cover has the same style as most of her books, and to be honest, I really do love that she is that consistent with her romcoms and that these match each other. One thing I really adore on the cover of Enemies Abroad is that she even added two illustrations to it, these make it so cute. The summer feeling comes over me each and every time I look at this cover. The blurb sounds so so good, I can not wait to finally read this story!
What do you think about this cover?
Enemies Abroad | Cover
R. S. Grey | Author links
Weboldal: rsgrey.com
R. S. Grey’s Little Reds Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1378399812435745/
Thank you so so much for joining me today.
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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