ideje: 2018. november 15.
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Bedtime Reads
sorozat kötetei:
for the Bad Boy
for the Playboy
for the Cowboy
száma: 256
trust a man who gets paid to take off his clothes for a living and then uses it
as a pick-up line to get girls in bed with him.
should’ve been enough for me to call in sick that day.
worked with male cover models like him before and they’re all the
same—smooth-talking, sexy as sin, egotistical know-it-alls who think they’re
God’s gift to women—all traits I know to steer clear of.
authors comes with many perks—reading on the job, using my organizing skills on
a daily basis, drinking coffee by the gallons—but Maverick Kingston barges into
my life and demands more than I can handle.
we’re forced to road trip across the country together, he pushes every boundary
I have and rearranges my thoughts on playing it safe. And when he
“accidentally” drops his towel, he makes it very clear what he’s offering and
proves he’s packing more than abs of steel under his clothes.
with him was brutal, but falling for him was unexpected.
playing by the rules will be impossible.
was kindly provided by Inkslinger PR and the authors in exchange for an honest review.*
Ha követtek engem Instagramon és/vagy olvastatok már tőlem olyan értékelést, amelyben Kennedy Fox könyveiről írtam, akkor tudhatjátok, hogy Lyra Parish és Brooke Cumberland közös alkotásai hatalmas kedvenceim. A két írónőnek a Kennedy Fox-ként való együttműködését ebben az évben fedeztem fel, és azóta már számos regényhez volt szerencsém tőlük. A Bishop Brother sorozatukkal teljesen levettek a lábamról, a Checkmate Duet lenyűgözött, és most, a Bedtime Reads-el csak még jobban bebizonyították azt, hogy milyen jól is tudnak együttműködni.
A Falling for the Playboy a Bedtime Reads második része, viszont teljesen egyedülálló kötetként is olvasható. Én is így tettem és minden egyes pillanatát értettem. Azonban, azt megbántam, hogy nem olvastam el előtte a Falling for the Bad Boy-t. Ennek a könyvnek a karakterei is kapnak egy kis szerepet a másodikban, és már ennyi pici idő alatt is nagyon szimpatikusak lettek számomra, és már alig várom, hogy elolvashassam Vada és Ethan történetét. ♥
Most viszont térjünk is vissza a Falling for the Playboy-ra, hiszen erről a kötetről is van bőven mit mesélnem. Ha a romantikus regények a kedvenceitek, akkor jól figyeljetek, Olivia és Maverick regénye nektek való lesz. ;) ♥
Maverick saves the day again! Meet you back at the hotel in five.
OMG! I could kiss you right now! Thank you!
eyes widen in surprise before another message comes through.
But just for the record, I won’t. So don’t get any ideas, perv.
there’s the feisty, blunt Olivia I know.
A Falling for the Playboy egy roadtrip, azaz utazásos könyv. Én imádom az ilyeneket, azonban ritkán találkoztam igazán nagyon jóval. Mindaddig, amíg el nem olvastam ezt a regényt, addig J. A. Redmerski The Edge of Never - A soha határa és ennek a folytatása, a The Edge of Always - Az örökké határa voltak a legnagyobb kedvenceim, most azonban egy újjal bővült a lista, ez pedig a Falling for the Playboy. Ezeknek a történeteknek általában, véleményem szerint, sokkal másabb a hangulata. Nagyon tetszik, hogy a szereplőkkel együtt az olvasók is új helyeket fedezhetnek fel, bennem ezek mindig olyan érzést keltenek, hogy én is el akarok oda utazni, vagy ha egy új nyelvet is bemutatnak, akkor általában arról is többet meg akarok tudni, és nálam már volt arra is példa, hogy meg is akarom tanulni az adott idegen nyelvet.
like you might have a career in modeling after all.”
I doubt there’d be enough room for me with your ego taking up all the space.”
I forgot you’re already a comedian,”
not a joke if it’s true.”
A könyv női főszereplője Olivia, aki egy népszerű és igen sikeres írónő asszisztenseként dolgozik. Imádja a munkáját, a könyveket, az olvasást, szóval ez a munka szinte egy álom lehetne számára. Részben az is, viszont főnöke nem éppen tesz azért, hogy egyszerű legyen a munkája. Néha azért már egy kicsit túlzásba is viszi a dolgot szerintem. Szóval Olivia jelenleg Rachel (ő az írónő) legújabb és egyben sorozatzáró kötetének a megjelenésével vannak elfoglalva, és egy dedikáló turnét szerveznek. Vagyis, Olivia szervezi. Rengeteg munka van ezzel, bőven van mit szerveznie, és erre még rátesz egy lapáttal az, hogy a kötete borítójának modellje is velük fog tartani. Ő lenne Maverick. Ő pedig, bizonyos okok miatt egyszerűen nem hajlandó repülőgépre ülni, így ő és Olivia egy autóba kényszerülnek, és együtt kell megtenniük jóval több mint tíz órányi utat. A nő felelősségeit fokozva, Rachel arra utasítja, hogy egész idő alatt tartsa szemmel a férfit, nehogy olyat csináljon, ami rossz fényt vetne rá és a könyveire.
LOL thanks. If it gets you two off my ass, I’ll tell you this. Apparently, he
was the star in my dream last night, and I said his name in my sleep. And of
course, Maverick heard me too! I’m still embarassed, and he obviously thinks it’s
OMG… that’s amazing. Totally getting written in.
Great. I’m glad my humiliation is inspiring you so much.
You should find out if he’s a good kisser. Ya know, for the book’s sake.
Oh, of course, FOR THE BOOK I’ll just throw all my dignity out of the window.
Perfect, thanks :)
I hate you.
Maverick egy fiatal, piszkosul jóképű férfi, aki jelenleg modellként dolgozik. A fotóit imádják, keresett modell, különösen nagy rajongói közé tartoznak Rachel könyvének olvasói. Mindegyikük úgy gondolja, hogy ő a tökéletes megtestesítője a történet férfi főhősének, és ezért csak még jobban odavannak érte. Lányok százai csodálják, kérnek tőle autogramot, közös fényképet, a bátrabbak pedig még a telefonszámaikat is felajánlják, elhívják valahova, akik pedig ennél is bátrabbak, azok nyilvánosan hagyják a kezeiket kalandozni a testén.

Just because it's easier doesn't mean it's right.
Kennedy Fox regényei tipikusan azok, amiket egyszerűen nem tudsz nem szeretni, és ezellen nem is tudsz semmit sem tenni. És nem is akarsz. A Falling for the Playboy is ebbe a kategóriába tartozik. Az írónők írásmódja még mindig elképesztően zseniális. Humorban itt sem volt hiány, ahogy romantikus pillanatokban sem. A történet második fele még imádnivalóbb, Maverick már előtte is megszeretteti mindenkivel magát, de ahogy halad előre a történet, úgy ez az érzés is egyre jobban fokozódik. Imádtam, hogy bár mindenki azt hiszi, hogy ő az a tipikus nőcsábász, mégsem az, és sokkal, de sokkal több van benne ennél. Jó volt látni, ahogy nem hagyja, hogy Olivia csak úgy elsétáljon előle, az pedig különösen tetszett, hogy szembenézett a legnagyobb félelméve és sikeresen le is győzte azt.
Olivia egy nagyszerű női karater. A munkájával kapcsolatban nagyon professzionális, mindent komolyan vesz, és igyekszik a lehető legjobban teljesíteni, azonban neki is van egy lazább oldala. Nagyon szerettem az ő és Maverick közös jeleneteit olvasni, szerintem ők ketten egy igazán jó páros, nagyon összeillenek. Remélem, hogy egy kicsit a következő kötetben is találkozhatunk majd velük.
Ahogy már fentebb is említettem, Ethan és Vada is kap egy pici szerepet ebben a könyvben is, és már sikeresen megszerettették magukat velem. Szóval bízom benne, hog hamarosan az ő történetükre is sort tudok keríteni, nagyon kíváncsi vagyok, hogy hogyan is találtak ők egymásra. ♥
she whispers, squeezing her eyes tight before looking at me. “I’m scared.”
move closer to her. “I know. I am too. But I am more scared of losing you.
Scared that if I don’t take a chance, I’ll never know what could’ve been. Maybe
I’m crazy, but I love you Olivia. I love you so damn much.”
Már csak egy kérdésem van: ez a két írónő tud egyáltalán olyat írni, ami nem hihetetlenül, elképesztően csodálatos? Szerintem nem. A Falling for the Playboy című alkotásukban a következő sorokat olvashatjuk: “This series means a lot to many of her readers for various reasons. Sometimes it's the emotional aspects, the funny moments, the family history, but Ian is who they ultimately fall for and root for throughout.”

Szerintem már nincs mit mondanom, mindent leírtam, amit szerettem volna. Talán még az maradt ki, hogy ez a könyv megérdemli az összes figyelmet, ami kap, sőt még ennél is többet. És még többet. És többet. És többet. Olvassátok. Szeretni fogjátok. ♥
Zárásképpen pedig: hat csillag. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ui.: Görgessetek egy picit lentebb, ugyanis ott találhattok egy rövid kis részletet a Falling for the Playboy-ból. Bízzatok bennem, nem akarjátok kihagyni. ;)
Olivia’s POV
“Can I turn off this church music?”
Maverick asks thirty minutes into our trip. He leans forward and starts messing
with the knob.
“It’s nice driving music,” I argue,
swatting his hand away.
“You can’t be serious. This shit is
gonna put you to sleep and then we’re going to crash and die. You really want
that on your conscious?”
The corner of his lips tilt up just the
“Guess it wouldn’t matter. I’d be dead.”
I flash a smug smile right back at him.
“Oh I see how it is. You look all
innocent and smart but deep down you have this morbidness to you.”
I shoot him a look. “You’re the morbid
one with all your crashing and dying talk.” I turn my music back on. “Now no
more talking about it because if I don’t get you to these events on time,
Rachel will actually kill me.”
“Why you so scared of her anyway? I
could fit her in my pocket. She looks harmless enough.”
Glancing at him, I try to focus on the
road and shake my head. “You know she’s anything but harmless.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Yeah,
you’re right. She’s not a firecracker like you though.”
“I’m not even sure what that means, but
you can’t label me when you just met me.”
“Oh, like you haven’t labeled me
“I know your kind. I’ve heard plenty
about you to form an opinion,” I tell him with purpose.
“God, you’re so hypocritical. You think
you’re the first prissy, stick-up-her-ass assistant I’ve met? Doesn’t mean I
know you just like it doesn’t mean you know me.”
He kinda has a point, but I don’t tell
him that. His ego is already taking up all the space in the car.
Ignoring his comment, I focus on
driving. We’re in heavy traffic and I’m not used to eight lane highways.
“You better get over,” he says.
“I’m trying.” I look over my shoulder,
searching for a spot to move into.
“Might wanna try the blinker. I heard
it’s a signal for turning or moving over.”
I sigh and put it on. He’s distracting
“Stay quiet so I can focus.”
His chuckles are the last thing I hear
from him as I attempt to merge across the lanes. Finally, I make it and we
coast down the highway in silence until we’re leaving the city.
“When are we stopping for food?” He
speaks up for the first time in hours. I look over at him and see he’s sticking
his lower lip, making a pouty face. “I’m shriveling to nothing over here.” He
slightly lifts his shirt up and pats his ridiculously cut stomach.
His eyes meet mine, and I quickly look
away although he saw me staring. Swallowing, I look at the GPS to see how much
further until our first stop.
“We have about an hour left,” I tell
him. “Think you’ll manage to stay alive for that long?”
He groans, loudly and it makes me laugh.
I quickly catch myself and stop.
“You have a nice laugh. It’s a pleasant
change from your short fuse and snarl.”
“I don’t snarl!” I argue. “I just like
having a plan and sticking to it.”
He noticeably rolls his eyes. “Okay,
Miss Priss. Letting your hair down won’t kill ya.”
“No, but your arrogant, self-absorbed
attitude just might,” I throw at him, holding back a smirk.
“Well, I think that’s debatable. Most of
the women I date think it’s charming.”
A loud snort bursts out of me, and I’m
unable to keep in the laughter this time. “I think that says more about who
you’re dating than anything. They must be desperate.”
“Damn, what a burn.” He chuckles.
“Adding hostile to your personality resume.”
I inhale a deep breath, realizing that
was a really mean thing to say. “Okay, sorry. That wasn’t nice. But I’m not
taking back what I said about you. You’re arrogant and there’s no denying that”
“Oh well then thanks, I guess.” He
smirks. “You say it like being arrogant is a bad thing though. In my
profession, I kinda have to be. I’m constantly selling myself to photographers
and showing them I’m worthy of being in their magazines and advertisements. If
I don’t act confident and prove I’m the best guy for the gig, I’ll lose it to
the thousands of other people pursuing the job.”
I think about his words for a minute.
“Okay, well I can certainly understand that. But I think you’re just naturally
that way.” I shrug, biting down on my lower lip so he doesn’t see right through
me. He has every right to be confident, there’s no doubt about that. He’s got
it all—the body, the face, the perfect white teeth and smile. His abs are
plastered all over Rachel’s covers and book promo graphics. He even has that
annoying muscular V that trails from his hips to down below his waistline.
Annoyingly sexy. “However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be humble in other
aspects of your life.”
“That’s a pretty big accustation for
someone you just met. How do you know I’m not? You haven’t been around me long
enough to know anything about me. Don’t you think?”
Damn. He’s right. “Fine. Prove me wrong
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Facebook olvasói csoport: bit.ly/KF-ReaderGroup
Bub: bit.ly/KF-BookBub
date: November 15th, 2018
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Bedtime Reads
in the series:
for the Bad Boy
for the Playboy
for the Cowboy
lenght: 256 pages
trust a man who gets paid to take off his clothes for a living and then uses it
as a pick-up line to get girls in bed with him.
should’ve been enough for me to call in sick that day.
worked with male cover models like him before and they’re all the
same—smooth-talking, sexy as sin, egotistical know-it-alls who think they’re
God’s gift to women—all traits I know to steer clear of.
authors comes with many perks—reading on the job, using my organizing skills on
a daily basis, drinking coffee by the gallons—but Maverick Kingston barges into
my life and demands more than I can handle.
we’re forced to road trip across the country together, he pushes every boundary
I have and rearranges my thoughts on playing it safe. And when he
“accidentally” drops his towel, he makes it very clear what he’s offering and
proves he’s packing more than abs of steel under his clothes.
with him was brutal, but falling for him was unexpected.
playing by the rules will be impossible.
was kindly provided by Inkslinger PR and the authors in exchange for an honest review.*
If you follow me on Instagram or you have already read my review about one of Kennedy Fox's books, you now know that Lyra Parish and Brooke Cumberland's collaboration is one of my biggest favourites. Personally, I really adore when two super talented author work together and create something absolutely unique. These two women write together as Kennedy Fox, and I discovered their novels in 2018, and I have already read several books by them. With their Bishop Brothers series they completely swept me off my feet, with Checkmate Duet they totally mesmerized me, and now, with Bedtime Reads they just proved again that their collaboration is incredibly amazing.
Falling for the Playboy is the second book in Bedtime Reads, however, it can be read as a standalone. Before reading this, I have not read the first one in this series, and I understood everything. At the same time, I regret not reading Falling for the Bad Boy first. The characters in that book have a little role in the second one, and just reading about them in a few scenes, I instantly loved them, and I can't wait to read Vada and Ethan's story. ♥
And now, let's turn back to Falling for the Playboy, because I want to write a lot of things about it. Attention romance readers, Olivia and Maverick's book will be a more than perfect choice for you. ;) ♥
Maverick saves the day again! Meet you back at the hotel in five.
OMG! I could kiss you right now! Thank you!
eyes widen in surprise before another message comes through.
But just for the record, I won’t. So don’t get any ideas, perv.
there’s the feisty, blunt Olivia I know.
Falling for the Playboy by Kennedy Fox is a roadtrip novel. These books are my personal favourites, I love reading about trips, however, I rarely find really good books like these. Until I have read Kennedy Fox's newest one, my biggest favourties were The Edge of Never and The Edge of Always by J. A. Redmerski, these are super beautiful, if you have not read it yet, I can honestly recommend them. But now, the list has a new member, and it is Falling for the Playboy. Usually, in my opinion, these stories have a different, more special feeling. I adore that with the characters, the readers can explore various places, after reading one like that, I always have a feeling that I want to travel and visit that place, and if there is a foreign language introduced, I want to know more about it, and there was a book which really made me want to learn a language, too.
like you might have a career in modeling after all.”
I doubt there’d be enough room for me with your ego taking up all the space.”
I forgot you’re already a comedian,”
not a joke if it’s true.”
The heroine is Olivia, who works as an assistant for a very popular and successful writer. She loves her job, adores book and reading, so we can think that this is the perfect job for Olivia. Partly, it is, but her boss not really makes her job easy, and I really do think that sometimes she is a little bit too much. So currently Olivia works on the publication of Rachel's (she is the author) newest novel, which is the last book in her series. They will have a tour too, where Rachel can meet with her readers and talk with them, and of course, Olivia is in charge for everything. Rachel want everything to be perfect, so Olivia has to work even more. She has a lot of organisation to do, and if it is not already enough, the cover model of the book will be there with them for the whole time, so Olivia has even more work. The model is Maverick, who because of certain reasons, does not want to fly to the places of the signings, so he and Olivia have to travel for extremely long hours together in one car. For giving more responsibilites to Olivia, Rachel wants her to look after Maverick, because she does not want him to do something stupid which can have a bad effect on her career.
LOL thanks. If it gets you two off my ass, I’ll tell you this. Apparently, he
was the star in my dream last night, and I said his name in my sleep. And of
course, Maverick heard me too! I’m still embarassed, and he obviously thinks it’s
OMG… that’s amazing. Totally getting written in.
Great. I’m glad my humiliation is inspiring you so much.
You should find out if he’s a good kisser. Ya know, for the book’s sake.
Oh, of course, FOR THE BOOK I’ll just throw all my dignity out of the window.
Perfect, thanks :)
I hate you.
Maverick is a young, extremely good-looking man, who works as a model. People love his pictures, especially Rachel's readers are huge fans of him. Every one of them think that he is perfect for the male main character, and because of that, they adore him even more. Hundreds of girls admire him, they want to take a picture with him, they want his autograph, the ones who are braver give him their phone numbers, they ask him to go out with them, and there are some girls who are a lot more brave, and they not afraid to touch him, even in public.

because it’s easier doesn’t mean it’s right.
Kennedy Fox's books are tipically that type of novels that you can not not love. Falling for the Playboy is an absolutely adorable novel. There was no lack of funny moments and romantic scenes. There was a lot, like a really lot. Moreover, the second half of the story is even more romantic, in my opinion. During the first few chapers, Maverick makes you love him, but as you get to know him more and more, you will fall in love him more and more. I loved that everybody thinks that he is a huge playboy, but deep down, he is not, he is more than that. It was so good to see that he does not let Olivia to run away from him, and I especially adored that he faced his fears.
Olivia is an amazing female character. If we are talking about her job, she is very professional, she want to do her best, but she has a fun side too. I really-really-really liked to read the scenes when they are together, I do think that they are an awesome couple, and they are a good match. I hope that we will see them in the next book too.
As I have already mentioned above, Ethan and Vada gets a little role in this novel too, and they made me love them so much, I can't wait to read their story too. ♥
she whispers, squeezing her eyes tight before looking at me. “I’m scared.”
move closer to her. “I know. I am too. But I am more scared of losing you.
Scared that if I don’t take a chance, I’ll never know what could’ve been. Maybe
I’m crazy, but I love you Olivia. I love you so damn much.”
I have only one question: can these authors write something that is not entirely incredible and mindblowing? Personally, I really do think that they can not. In Falling for the Playboy we can read the following lines: “This series means a lot to many of her readers for various reasons. Sometimes it's the emotional aspects, the funny moments, the family history, but Ian is who they ultimately fall for and root for throughout.”

I don't think I need to say more, maybe just that it totally deserves all the attention it gets. And more. And more. And more. Read it. You will love it. ♥
The last thing I want to say is: six stars. ♥♥♥♥♥
PS.: Scroll a little bit down to read a short exceprt from Falling for the Playboy. Trust me, you don't want to miss it. ;)
Olivia’s POV
“Can I turn off this church music?”
Maverick asks thirty minutes into our trip. He leans forward and starts messing
with the knob.
“It’s nice driving music,” I argue,
swatting his hand away.
“You can’t be serious. This shit is
gonna put you to sleep and then we’re going to crash and die. You really want
that on your conscious?”
The corner of his lips tilt up just the
“Guess it wouldn’t matter. I’d be dead.”
I flash a smug smile right back at him.
“Oh I see how it is. You look all
innocent and smart but deep down you have this morbidness to you.”
I shoot him a look. “You’re the morbid
one with all your crashing and dying talk.” I turn my music back on. “Now no
more talking about it because if I don’t get you to these events on time,
Rachel will actually kill me.”
“Why you so scared of her anyway? I
could fit her in my pocket. She looks harmless enough.”
Glancing at him, I try to focus on the
road and shake my head. “You know she’s anything but harmless.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Yeah,
you’re right. She’s not a firecracker like you though.”
“I’m not even sure what that means, but
you can’t label me when you just met me.”
“Oh, like you haven’t labeled me
“I know your kind. I’ve heard plenty
about you to form an opinion,” I tell him with purpose.
“God, you’re so hypocritical. You think
you’re the first prissy, stick-up-her-ass assistant I’ve met? Doesn’t mean I
know you just like it doesn’t mean you know me.”
He kinda has a point, but I don’t tell
him that. His ego is already taking up all the space in the car.
Ignoring his comment, I focus on
driving. We’re in heavy traffic and I’m not used to eight lane highways.
“You better get over,” he says.
“I’m trying.” I look over my shoulder,
searching for a spot to move into.
“Might wanna try the blinker. I heard
it’s a signal for turning or moving over.”
I sigh and put it on. He’s distracting
“Stay quiet so I can focus.”
His chuckles are the last thing I hear
from him as I attempt to merge across the lanes. Finally, I make it and we
coast down the highway in silence until we’re leaving the city.
“When are we stopping for food?” He
speaks up for the first time in hours. I look over at him and see he’s sticking
his lower lip, making a pouty face. “I’m shriveling to nothing over here.” He
slightly lifts his shirt up and pats his ridiculously cut stomach.
His eyes meet mine, and I quickly look
away although he saw me staring. Swallowing, I look at the GPS to see how much
further until our first stop.
“We have about an hour left,” I tell
him. “Think you’ll manage to stay alive for that long?”
He groans, loudly and it makes me laugh.
I quickly catch myself and stop.
“You have a nice laugh. It’s a pleasant
change from your short fuse and snarl.”
“I don’t snarl!” I argue. “I just like
having a plan and sticking to it.”
He noticeably rolls his eyes. “Okay,
Miss Priss. Letting your hair down won’t kill ya.”
“No, but your arrogant, self-absorbed
attitude just might,” I throw at him, holding back a smirk.
“Well, I think that’s debatable. Most of
the women I date think it’s charming.”
A loud snort bursts out of me, and I’m
unable to keep in the laughter this time. “I think that says more about who
you’re dating than anything. They must be desperate.”
“Damn, what a burn.” He chuckles.
“Adding hostile to your personality resume.”
I inhale a deep breath, realizing that
was a really mean thing to say. “Okay, sorry. That wasn’t nice. But I’m not
taking back what I said about you. You’re arrogant and there’s no denying that”
“Oh well then thanks, I guess.” He
smirks. “You say it like being arrogant is a bad thing though. In my
profession, I kinda have to be. I’m constantly selling myself to photographers
and showing them I’m worthy of being in their magazines and advertisements. If
I don’t act confident and prove I’m the best guy for the gig, I’ll lose it to
the thousands of other people pursuing the job.”
I think about his words for a minute.
“Okay, well I can certainly understand that. But I think you’re just naturally
that way.” I shrug, biting down on my lower lip so he doesn’t see right through
me. He has every right to be confident, there’s no doubt about that. He’s got
it all—the body, the face, the perfect white teeth and smile. His abs are
plastered all over Rachel’s covers and book promo graphics. He even has that
annoying muscular V that trails from his hips to down below his waistline.
Annoyingly sexy. “However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be humble in other
aspects of your life.”
“That’s a pretty big accustation for
someone you just met. How do you know I’m not? You haven’t been around me long
enough to know anything about me. Don’t you think?”
Damn. He’s right. “Fine. Prove me wrong
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