ideje: 2018. november 1.
sorozat kötetei:
and Chaos
and Chaos
száma: 256
Cova lived a quiet, normal life, shadowed in sadness after the loss of her
parents in a tragic airline accident. With her older brother being her only
living relative and her anchor, Sophia is sure she’s destined for a brighter
future. But that was until she was taken.
from her mundane, orderly life, she was drugged, and woke to every woman’s
worst nightmare.
only four grimy basement walls and a rancid mattress, she loses her sense of
time, and preserves what’s left of her dignity by hurtling herself into the
safety of her mind. The men, the beatings, they come and go with no reaction,
until she hears one word that sends an arctic chill through her body. Sold.
the eve of Sophia’s bidding, at one of the largest sexual slavery rings in the
world, all hell breaks loose in the mansion of horrors. Gunfire and screams
erupt all around her, as panic rises.
by one monster only to be taken by another, Sophia slowly starts to learn that
not everything is as it seems. When secrets unravel, and the twisted game of
cat and mouse ensues, The Puppeteer pulls his favorite strings and chaos brews.
are lost while the clock ticks, and only time will tell who will be killed
This book contains very disturbing situations, dubious content, strong
language, and graphic violence. May contain triggers for abuse victims.
was kindly provided by the author and Wordsmith Publicity PR in exchange for an
honest review.*
Tudjátok, vannak azok a könyvek, amiknek a befejezése után csak ültök és végiggondoljátok, hogy mi is történt és emiatt csak még jobban akarjátok a következőt is. Amikor van egy olyan függővég, ami miatt csak még jobban vágytok a folytatásra és minnél hamarabb el akarjátok azt is kezdeni. Igen, S. M. Soto Deception and Chaos című regénye teljes mértékben egy ilyen típusú kötet. ÚRISTEN, MÉGIS MI VOLT EZ A BEFEJEZÉS??? Ohh, ezek a függővégek teljesen kikészítenek.
Ha szeretitek a dark romance témájú könyveket, akkor ezt is el KELL olvasnotok. Miért is gondolom így? Lássuk csak...
body is in tatters , my mind is in shambles, but my heart, my heart is broken
beyond repair. There’s this darkness growing inside me. It feeds off my pain
and suffering, tarnishing my psyche, blackening my soul. Slowly, they’re
breaking me, and they won’t be satisfied until I shatter.
Először is, nézzétek meg azt a borítót. Hát nem csodálatos? Nekem eddig ez a legnagyobb kedvencem az írónő könyvei között, szerintem kifejezetten szemgyönyörködtetően szépséges lett, tükrözi a könyv hangulatát is, tökéletesen illik hozzá. A történet pedig: szívszorító, fájdalmas, izgalmas, és egyben romantikus is.

is always so cold and indifferent. He has an air of ruthlessness that surrounds
him —its unforgiving, it’s dark, it’s desolate. I can’t explain why, but I’m
attracted to him. That much I know. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am. He’s like
a magnetic force I can’t steer clear from. I’m drawn to him.
man was like finely crafted blade - sharp, lean, and lethal. If I wasn't
careful, the beautiful dangerous devil could destroy me.
Nehéz erről a könyvről spoilerek nélkül írni, viszont senkinek sem szeretnék semmilyen fontos mozzanatot előre megmondani, szóval megpróbálok ezek nélkül írni erről a könyvről.
Sophia eladás után indul be igazán az egész történet. És ezután abszolút nincs megállás. Az egész könyv elképesztően mozgalmas, egy másodpercre sem hagy unatkozni. Az első pár fejezet az igazán durva, utána már nem annyira. Ez az egész dark romance-s téma nagyon új volt az írónőtől, de az én tetszésemet abszolút elnyerte a tetszésemet, már most nagyon-nagyon-nagyon izgatottan várom, hogy olvashassam a Chaos trilógia második kötetét, a Blood and Chaos-t.

A karakterek... hűha. Hát igen, ha annyit mondok, hogy fantasztikusak, talán még az sem elég. Sophia egy hihetetlenül erős, kitartó, bátor nő, csodálom azért, hogy annak ellenére, amiken keresztül ment, még úgy is erőteljes próbált maradni. Brutális dolgokon ment keresztül, amit senkinek sem kívánnék, de ettől ő még kitartott. Imádtam a közte és a Garrett között lévő kapcsolatot, és ha már ő is megemlítésre került, Garrett-et csak még jobban szerettem. (Nagyon-nagyon-nagyon remélem, hogy ő is kapni fog egy saját könyvet/sorozatot, szerintem van benne bőven lehetőség.) Véleményem szerint, egyszerűen nem lehet őt nem szeretni. Annyira gondoskodó, védelmező, már magában csak az, amit a húgáért megtett az is magasan tisztelendő. Csodás karakter. ♥
one small second, he wasn't just cold and heartless, he was my protector and a
man that had the capacity to feel.
És akkor most térjünk rá a könyv másik fénypontjára, aki nem más, mint Creed. Oh, helló új könyves álompasim! ;) ♥ Komolyan mondom, mihelyst ő is a képbe került, csak még jobb lett minden. Mondjuk, néha nem lehetett eldönteni, hogy őt most inkább imádom vagy utálom, de a könyv vége felé abszolút megnyert magának, és mostmár nincs visszaút, imádom őt. ♥ Az írónő szerintem kifejezetten jó munkát végzett vele, tetszett, ahogy szépen lassan egyre jobban megismerhettük őt is.
Sophia és Creed között a vonzalom elég nyilvánvaló. Sokáig viszont semmi nem történik köztük, viszont amikor igen... hűha, azok aztán az igazán forró jelenetek.
mine now,” he says gruffly . His thumb slides erotically along my lips and dips
into my mouth, and my lips automatically wrap around his thumb, nipping and
sucking against the pad of his finger. “I can’t give you up now that I’ve had a
taste. You. Are. Mine.”
Mindent figyelembe véve, S. M. Soto Deception and Chaos című alkotása egy hihetetlen és egyben felejthetetlen élményt nyújtott. Már volt szerencsém olvasni az írónőtől, és azt kell, hogy mondjam, Selena folyamatosan rengeteget fejlődik, ezzel a könyvével is képes volt ugyanúgy lenyűgözni, mint a Damaged Heart című regényével (erről IDE kattintva olvashatjátok el az értékelésemet). Én személy szerint hatalmas rajongója vagyok a dark romance témájú történeteknek, és a Deception and Chaos elolvasása után biztosan tudom állítani, hogy ez a kategória egyik legkiemelkedőbb darabja.
Számomra nem is kérdés, abszolút megérdemli az öt csillagot. ♥ Izgatottan várom a Blood and Chaos megjelenését (és bizakodom, hogy egyszer Garrett is megkapja a saját könyvét ;) ♥ ).
US: https://amzn.to/2IlVckf
UK: https://amzn.to/2zzQ5tS
CA: https://amzn.to/2OmrzoE
AU: https://amzn.to/2IkqqrV
date: November 1st, 2018
in the series:
and Chaos
and Chaos
lenght: 259
Cova lived a quiet, normal life, shadowed in sadness after the loss of her
parents in a tragic airline accident. With her older brother being her only
living relative and her anchor, Sophia is sure she’s destined for a brighter
future. But that was until she was taken.
from her mundane, orderly life, she was drugged, and woke to every woman’s
worst nightmare.
only four grimy basement walls and a rancid mattress, she loses her sense of
time, and preserves what’s left of her dignity by hurtling herself into the
safety of her mind. The men, the beatings, they come and go with no reaction,
until she hears one word that sends an arctic chill through her body. Sold.
the eve of Sophia’s bidding, at one of the largest sexual slavery rings in the
world, all hell breaks loose in the mansion of horrors. Gunfire and screams
erupt all around her, as panic rises.
by one monster only to be taken by another, Sophia slowly starts to learn that
not everything is as it seems. When secrets unravel, and the twisted game of
cat and mouse ensues, The Puppeteer pulls his favorite strings and chaos brews.
are lost while the clock ticks, and only time will tell who will be killed
This book contains very disturbing situations, dubious content, strong
language, and graphic violence. May contain triggers for abuse victims.
was kindly provided by the author and Wordsmith Publicity PR in exchange for an
honest review.*
You know, there are some books that after you finish it you just sit there and think about what happened in it, and you want the next one in the series instantly. When there is a huge cliffhanger which makes you crave for more and you want to continue the story as soon as possible. Yes, Deception and Chaos by S. M. Soto is definitely that kind of books. OMG, WHAT WAS THAT ENDING??? Ohh, these cliffhangers are totally killing me.
If you like to read dark romance novels, you NEED to read this one, too. Why I think that? Well, let's see...
body is in tatters , my mind is in shambles, but my heart, my heart is broken
beyond repair. There’s this darkness growing inside me. It feeds off my pain
and suffering, tarnishing my psyche, blackening my soul. Slowly, they’re
breaking me, and they won’t be satisfied until I shatter.
To start with, just look at that cover. It is so super gorgeous, isn't it? For me it is always a good start. (Yeah, don't judge a book by it's cover, but it is so beautiful, and I had to mention it.) Personally, this is my favourite one from all of S. M. Soto's book covers, I really do think that it is absolutely eye-catching, it is perfectly suitable for this book. I just love it so much. And the story... The story itself is very heartbreaking, dark, painful, twisted, but at the same time it is romantic.

One day, Sophia's quiet life changes forever, and this change is not positive at all. When she wakes up, she finds herself in a dirty basement and she has no idea how did she get there. And she is not alone. There are some men who do a lot of horrible things with her. If it is not enough, there comes the worst part: they sell her. What happens with her? You can find out if you read Deception and Chaos by S. M. Soto.
is always so cold and indifferent. He has an air of ruthlessness that surrounds
him —its unforgiving, it’s dark, it’s desolate. I can’t explain why, but I’m
attracted to him. That much I know. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am. He’s like
a magnetic force I can’t steer clear from. I’m drawn to him.
man was like finely crafted blade - sharp, lean, and lethal. If I wasn't
careful, the beautiful dangerous devil could destroy me.
It is hard to write about this book without spoilers, but I do not want to ruin the whole story to anyone before reading it, so I try to talk about it without these.

S. M. Soto's writing style is totally amazing. The story is very well written, it is complex, exciting, and there will be lots of twists when you least expect it. As I have already mentioned: it is amazing.
The characters...WOW! Well, yes, if I say that they are fantastic, I think even that is not completely enough. Sophia is such a n incredibly strong and brave woman, I admire her, she went through a lot of horrible things, but she stayed hopeful and powerful. She and Garrett had an awesome sister-brother relationship. Now, that I have mentioned him: I love-love-love Garrett. (I really hope that one day we can read about more about him, and that maybe, one day, he'll get his own book, too.) I do think that you can not not love him. He is such a caring, loving, protective, and I adored that he did basically anything for her sister. Wonderful character. ♥
one small second, he wasn't just cold and heartless, he was my protector and a
man that had the capacity to feel.
And now, let's talk about my biggest favourite, who is Creed. Oh, hello my new book boyfriend! ;) ♥ Everything was more exciting when he was there, too. On the other hand, sometimes I could not decide if I love him or hate him. But, near the end of the book, he totally convinced me that he is a loveable character, and now I adore him so much. ♥ In my opinion, the author did an excellent job with him, I liked that we can slowly get to know him better and better.
Sophia and Creed are attracted to each other, I think that is kinda obvious. However, their love story is a little bit slow burn, nothing happens between them for a long time, but when something does happen... Oh, those are the hottest scenes I have ever read.
mine now,” he says gruffly . His thumb slides erotically along my lips and dips
into my mouth, and my lips automatically wrap around his thumb, nipping and
sucking against the pad of his finger. “I can’t give you up now that I’ve had a
taste. You. Are. Mine.”
Taking everything into account, Deception and Chaos by S. M. Soto is an incredibel and memorable book. Fortunately, I have already read a novel by her (it was Damaged Heart, and you can read my review HERE about this book), and she totally mesmerized me with both of her stories, I can honestly say that she becomes a better and better writer. Personally, I am a huge fan of dark romance books, and after finishing it, I really do think that Deception and Chaos is a masterpiece in this genre.
For me, it is not a question, it totally deserves five stars. ♥ I am super excited for the second book in the series, I hope that Blood and Chaos is releasing soon (and that one day, Garrett will get his own book, too. ;) ♥).
US: https://amzn.to/2IlVckf
UK: https://amzn.to/2zzQ5tS
CA: https://amzn.to/2OmrzoE
AU: https://amzn.to/2IkqqrV
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