ideje: 2019. január 3.
Flawed Love
sorozat kötetei:
my best friends brother.
not over her ex.
should have seen it coming, my world being shattered by the man that was
supposed to love me. But I didn't and now I'm trying to find the pieces of me
he left behind.
can't fix her, not when I'm just as broken as she is. I should leave her alone,
she's too good for me. But, fighting the attraction that pulls us together is
getting harder every day. It doesn't take long until we're a tangle of limbs
and pleasures. No promises are made, no guarantees. Just a vow to keep our
hearts out of the bedroom. Simple, right? Except, now we both have to try and
avoid getting cut on each other's broken parts.
recenziós példányt az írónő és a Give Me Books PR biztosította egy őszinte
értékelésért cserébe.*
A 2018-as év számomra az új írók és munkásságuk megismeréséről szólt, és úgy látszik, hogy ez 2019-ben is folytatódik. Ezt az évet egy olyan írónőnek a könyvének a véleményezésével nyitom meg, akiről még egészen idáig egyáltalán nem olvastam, ez pedig nem más, mint Emma Louise Fixed című regénye. Már ezelőtt rengeteg jó dolgot olvastam a sorozat előző kötetéről, ami a Score, és miután már befejeztem a Fixed-et, már most még jobban el akarom olvasni azt a könyvet is, kíváncsi lettem Poppy és Keir történetére. Mielőtt viszont még nagyon belemerülnénk az értékelésembe, szeretnék nektek egy tanácsot adni: olvassátok el a Score-t mielőtt ebbe belekezdtek, szerintem így sokkal jobb lesz az egész. Én úgy olvastam a Fixed-et, hogy nem tudtam, mi történik az előző kötetben, és így is értettem mindent és teljes mértékben élvezhető volt a történet, viszont szerintem sokkal élvezhetőbb, ha sorrendben olvassátok ezeket a könyveket.
I thought I could do this. Thought I could let this be about my body, but somehow it's become about my mind. My heart.
A történet főhősnője Elliott. Ő már házas, neki és a férjének már van két gyönyörű lányuk, akik ikrek, de ők együtt mint egy pár egyáltalán nem boldogok. Elliott még mindig szereti a férjét, viszont Pete már nem érzi ugyanezt a felesége iránt. Sőt, a lehető legrosszabb is megtörténik: Elliott rájön, hogy bizony a férfi csalja őt. Valaki olyannal, aki a nő számára igenis fontos. Később pedig az is kiderül, hogy ez már nem az első alkalom volt, többször is előfordult már, viszont Elliot mindig szemet hunyt felette. Ennek ellenére ő igenis meg akarja menteni a házasságukat, viszont a férje már nem. Ennek leginkább a lányai is az okai, mindent meg szeretne adni nekik, amit csak lehet, és azt akarja, hogy egy teljes családban, két szülővel nőjjenek fel. Ha pedig még ez nem lenne elég, akkor jön a nagy csavar: a férje el akar vállni.

Duke Elliott legjobb barátnőjének, Poppy-nak a testvére, aki a katonaságnál dolgozott, most viszont már hazatért, és nagy megelepetésként éri, amikor abban a házban találja Elliott-ot, amiben elvileg neki kellene lakni. Duke, miután kiderült, hogy miért is lakik Elliott ott a lányaival, nem akarja zavarani őket, ezért készül elmenni, viszont a nő ezt teljes mértékben ellenzi, szóval ettől kezdve egy lakásban együtt élnek.
Egyáltalán nem az a helyzet, hogy ne ismernék egymást, sőt, épp az ellenkezője mondható el róluk, már egész régóta ismerősök, továbbá, igenis vonzónak találják a másikat. Ezt a vonzalmat egyikőjük sem tudja letagadni, úristen, mikor ők ketten együtt vannak... Az, hogy szikrázik a levegő túlságosan enyhe kifejezés. Nagyon is enyhe. De vajon ez a vonzalom át tud alakulni valami egészen mássá? Megtudhatjátok, ha elolvassátok Emma Louise Fixed című regényét.
This kiss is a lightning strike. It's a flash of white in the darkness I've been used to living in. Her lips scorch me, lighting me up from the inside out.
Ahogy már fentebb is említettem, ez volt a legelső könyv, amit Emma Louise írónőtől olvastam, és annyira meglepődtem, amikor megtudtam, hogy ez az írónőnek a második publikált regénye. Szóval mondhatjuk, hogy ő még egy új írónő, de viszont nagyon tehetséges. Ha már most ilyen szépségesen tud írni, el sem tudom képzelni, hogy mi lesz később. Már most alig várom, hogy többet olvashassak tőle. Szerintem nagyon is csodálatos és lenyűgöző az írásmódja. A történet pedig nagyon imádnivaló de ugyanakkor elképesztően érzelmes.
A karaktereket nagyon szerettem. Személy szerint én úgy gondolom, hogy Elliott egy nagyszerű főhősnő és igazán jó anya. Váláson megy keresztül, mindent megtesz azért, hogy túl tudjon lépni ezen és, hogy új életet kezdhessen, boldogságra leljen és, hogy a lányait békességben fel tudja nevelni és a legjobb életet tudja biztosítani nekik. Duke... Ohhhh, annyira ámulatos. ♥ Imádtam. Imádtam őket együtt. ♥ Elliott lányai, Bailey és Brooke pedig csak még cukibbá tették az egész történetet.
Poppy és Keir is hamar a kedvenceim lettek, a Fixed után már nagyon-nagyon-nagyon-nagyon kíváncsi lettem a történetükre.
"Duke, just be yourself. The girls love you." So could I.
Mindent figyelembe véve, az én tetszésemet elnyerte Emma Louise Fixed című alkotása. Ez egy igazán édes romantikus történet telis-tele érzelmekkel. Nagyon tudom ajánlani azoknak az olvasóknak, akik szeretik a romantikus történeteket, 100%-ig biztos vagyok benne, hogy tetszeni fog nektek. Már alig várom a következő kötet megjelenését! ♥
the time the wine bottle is empty, my fingers are like prunes. Lifting my drunk
self out of the tub is a precarious exercise, but one I've perfected quite
well. Turning the radio off, I move to the linen cupboard. Sober me forgot to
leave a towel out. Drunk me is amused to find that sober me also forgot to
bring the clean towels up from the laundry room downstairs.
man, I really am drunk.
it” I think out loud before I make my way to my room. This is the only perk of
being alone here for a few days. There's no one to judge me if I decide to stay
in pyjamas eating takeaway and drinking wine all weekend. There’s also no one
to judge me or my not so youthful anymore body if I decide to stroll down
stairs butt naked at three pm. It’s actually quite freeing. Since the girls,
I’ve struggled with how I see myself, my body. Carrying two good sized babies
to almost full term does terrible things to a women's body. No amount of gym
and Pilates is ever going to fix the mess that is my stomach and thighs, much
to my chagrin. And even more to Petes, obviously.
bet Amber’s thighs don’t jiggle” I mutter to myself as I pad down the stairs.
In fact, I know they don’t. I saw enough of them in Pete’s office to know that
she’s toned in the places that mattered to my husband. Ex-husband?
the fuck ever.
that my wayward thoughts need to shut the fuck up, I detour to the fridge for
more wine, completely forgetting that I still haven’t grabbed a robe or a towel
to cover my ass up. Yanking the door open, the frigid air biting at my skin
causes me to let out a startled yelp.
shit, that’s cold” I mutter as I leaned in to get the wine that I'd stored
right at the back away from the girls.
think that’s the point of a refrigerator, Sweetheart”
deep gravelly voice sounding from the direction of the front door makes me jump
out of my own skin, causing me to whack my head on the internal shelf. The
clang of my teeth crashing together causing me to drop the wine from my hand
and let go of the door that had until that moment, been hiding my naked body.
even the shatter of glass on the floor is loud enough to distract me from the
complete and utter mortification I feel at being caught in all my drunk, naked
glory by the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.
date: January 3rd, 2019
Flawed Love
in the series:
my best friends brother.
not over her ex.
should have seen it coming, my world being shattered by the man that was
supposed to love me. But I didn't and now I'm trying to find the pieces of me
he left behind.
can't fix her, not when I'm just as broken as she is. I should leave her alone,
she's too good for me. But, fighting the attraction that pulls us together is
getting harder every day. It doesn't take long until we're a tangle of limbs
and pleasures. No promises are made, no guarantees. Just a vow to keep our
hearts out of the bedroom. Simple, right? Except, now we both have to try and
avoid getting cut on each other's broken parts.
was kindly provided by the author and Give Me Books PR in exchange for an
honest review.*
For me, 2018 was the year of new-to-me authors, and it already seems like this will continue in 2019, too. I am starting this year with a review about Fixed by Emma Louise. She is a completely new-to-me author, until Fixed, I have never read anything by her. I have read so many amazing things about her first novel in this series, which is Score, and after reading Fixed, I am even more curious, I really want to read Poppy and Keir's story, too. Before jumping into my review, I want to give you an advice: I think if you read Score before Fixed, you will enjoy it more. I have read Fixed without reading it, and I understood everything, I just think that it could be even more amazing if you read these books in order.
I thought I could do this. Thought I could let this be about my body, but somehow it's become about my mind. My heart.
The heroine of the story is Elliott. She is married, they have two beautiful twin daughters, but they are not happy at all. Elliott is still in love with her husband, but Pete does not feel the same. Moreover, the worst happens: Elliott finds out that he is cheating on him. With someone, who was really important to her. But unfortunately, it was not the first time, not so later we find out that Pete cheated on her previously too, and not just once, a lot of times. Elliott wants to save their marriage, she wants the best for her daughters, she wants to give them everything that possible, and she wants them to grow up in a family with two parents. But that's when her life flips upside down: her husband wants a divorce.

Duke is Elliott's best friend's, Poppy's brother, who was a member of the army, but now he is home and he is kinda surprised when he finds Elliott in the house where he is supposed to stay. Duke doesn't want to bother them and wants to leave, but Elliott doesn't let that happen, so very soon, they find themselves sharing a house and living together.
They are not strangers at all, they have known each other for a very-very long time, and furthermore, there is an attraction between them. They can not deny it, OMG, when these two characters are together... Well, there is more between them than just a "spark". A very lot more. But can this transform into something more? You can find out if you read Fixed by Emma Louise.
This kiss is a lightning strike. It's a flash of white in the darkness I've been used to living in. Her lips scorch me, lighting me up from the inside out.
As I have already mentioned, this was the very first book I have read by Emma Louise, and I was so super surprised when I have found out that it was her second book that it is now published. So, she is kinda a new author, but she is so talented. If she can write that beautifully now, what will happen later? I already can't wait to read more by her. I really do believe that her writing style is absolutely amazing and super fascinating. The story itself is so cute and at the same time, it is emotional.
Talking about the characters, I liked them. Personally, I do believe that Elliott is an amazing character and a wonderful mother. She is going through a divorce, she is trying to move one, find happiness and raise her daughters and give them everything she can. Duke... Ohhh, he is sooo swoonworthy. ♥ I loved him so much. And I adored them together. ♥ Elliott's daughters, Bailey and Brooke made the whole story even more adorable.
Poppy and Keir are my biggest favourties too, after reading Fixed I really-really-really-really want to read their story too, I am so curious what happens in that book.
"Duke, just be yourself. The girls love you." So could I.
Taking everything into account, I really liked Fixed by Emma Louise It is a sweet romantic story full of emotions. I can highly recommend it to romance readers, I am 100% sure that you will love it. Can't wait for the next book! ♥
the time the wine bottle is empty, my fingers are like prunes. Lifting my drunk
self out of the tub is a precarious exercise, but one I've perfected quite
well. Turning the radio off, I move to the linen cupboard. Sober me forgot to
leave a towel out. Drunk me is amused to find that sober me also forgot to
bring the clean towels up from the laundry room downstairs.
man, I really am drunk.
it” I think out loud before I make my way to my room. This is the only perk of
being alone here for a few days. There's no one to judge me if I decide to stay
in pyjamas eating takeaway and drinking wine all weekend. There’s also no one
to judge me or my not so youthful anymore body if I decide to stroll down
stairs butt naked at three pm. It’s actually quite freeing. Since the girls,
I’ve struggled with how I see myself, my body. Carrying two good sized babies
to almost full term does terrible things to a women's body. No amount of gym
and Pilates is ever going to fix the mess that is my stomach and thighs, much
to my chagrin. And even more to Petes, obviously.
bet Amber’s thighs don’t jiggle” I mutter to myself as I pad down the stairs.
In fact, I know they don’t. I saw enough of them in Pete’s office to know that
she’s toned in the places that mattered to my husband. Ex-husband?
the fuck ever.
that my wayward thoughts need to shut the fuck up, I detour to the fridge for
more wine, completely forgetting that I still haven’t grabbed a robe or a towel
to cover my ass up. Yanking the door open, the frigid air biting at my skin
causes me to let out a startled yelp.
shit, that’s cold” I mutter as I leaned in to get the wine that I'd stored
right at the back away from the girls.
think that’s the point of a refrigerator, Sweetheart”
deep gravelly voice sounding from the direction of the front door makes me jump
out of my own skin, causing me to whack my head on the internal shelf. The
clang of my teeth crashing together causing me to drop the wine from my hand
and let go of the door that had until that moment, been hiding my naked body.
even the shatter of glass on the floor is loud enough to distract me from the
complete and utter mortification I feel at being caught in all my drunk, naked
glory by the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.
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