Megjelenés ideje: 2019. január 17.
Sorozat: Brayshaw High
A sorozat kötetei:
Boys of Brayshaw High
Trouble at Brayshaw
Oldalak száma: 376
"Girls like you aren't exactly
welcomed at a place like this, so keep your head down and look the other
Those were the exact words of my
social worker when she dropped me in my newest hellhole, a place for
"troubled teens".
I didn't listen, and now I'm on
their radar.
They expect me to play along in
their games of hierarchy, to fall in line in the social order they've deemed me
Too bad for them, I don't follow
Too bad for me, they're determined
to make sure I do.
Inconceivably attractive and
treated like kings...these are the boys of Brayshaw High.
And I'm the girl who got in their
*A recenziós példányt az írónő
biztosította egy őszinte értékelésért cserébe.*
Imádok új írókat megismerni, és most is lett egy újabb legnagyobb kedvencem! Ő pedig nem más, mint Meagan Brandy, aki a Boys of Brayshaw High című regényével teljesen lenyűgözött és levett a lábamról. Mostmár én is egy #BrayGirl vagyok. ♥
Ez a könyv sokkal több annál, mint amit reméltem.
Ez a könyv sokkal több annál, mint amire gondoltam, hogy lesz.
Ez a könyv piszkosul sokkal több annál, mint amire számítottam.
Ez a könyv sokkal több annál, mint amire fel voltam készülve.
ÚRISTEN, AZOK A FIÚK!!! A teljes történet alatt szinte birtokoltak. Egyszerűen nem tudok túllépni ezen a történeten. De nem is akarok.
Ha szerettétek Amo Jones The Elite King's Club és/vagy Erin Watt A Royal család című sorozatát, akkor ez KÖTELEZŐ olvasmány számotokra. Nem fogjátok megbánni, ha elolvassátok.
Tudom, hogy korai még ilyet mondani, de az biztos, hogy a Boys of Brayshaw High a 2019-es év egyik legeslegjobbika. ♥ El sem tudom képzelni, hogy ha már ez ilyen zseniális volt, akkor milyenek lesznek a következők? De már nagyon kész vagyok a folytatásokra. ♥
Viszont miért is gondolom azt, hogy ez a könyv annyira nagyszerű? Lássuk csak...
These boys are… more than I was
ready for.
Szóval, a kötet főszereplője Raven Carver, aki nem éppen a legmegfelelőbb körülmények között él és nőtt fel. Édesanyja nem inkább egy mintaszülő, ennél távolabb szerintem már nem is állhatna ettől a fogalomtól, viszont az édesapjáról sem lehet pozitívakat mondani, már régóta nincs a képben.

Eddigi élete során sokszor bajba került, és emiatt már többször is előfordult, hogy elbocsájtották az iskolából. És pontosan ez is történik az egész történet kezdetén, a Bray House-ba kerül, ami egy olyan otthon, amelyben olyan tinédzser korú lányok laknak, akik szintén rossz körülmények között éltek, sokszor kerültek bajba stb. Ennek következtében a Brayshaw High-ba fog ettől kezdve járni, azonban ez nem egy általános középiskola, ugyanis ezt az intézményt három fiú "irányítja". Szó szerint mindenki, és most tényleg úgy értem, hogy mindenki - tanárok, diákok, az iskola alkalmazottai, mindenki követi és betartja a szabályaikat, egészen addig, ameddig Raven első napja el nem érkezik. Már többen is figyelmezetették a lányt, hogy amennyire csak lehet, maradjon távol mindenféle bajtól, de legfőképpen ettől a három fiútól, de ő nem hallgatott rájuk. És most az ő figyelmük is Raven-re irányul.
“Because I’m not your problem.”
“Be my problem.”
“Be my problem.”
Ez a három fiú, akikről eddig szó volt nem más, mint Maddoc, Captain és Royce. Ők tipikusan azok a fiúk, akikkel nem érdemes ujjat húzni, és pontosan ezért figyelmeztetik Raven-t annyira, hogy maradjon a lehető legtávolabb tőlük. Hármójuk között különleges kapocs van, szinte mindent együtt csinálnak, és egy kosárlabdacsapatban játszanak.
Minden lány "Bray girl" akar lenni, a közelükbe akar férkőzni, viszont bőven vannak azokból is, akik ennél többet akarnak, és azt hiszik, hogy ők fogják "megszelídíteni" őket. Őket azonban egyáltalán nem lehet megszelídíteni.
Eddig annyira nagyon nem is érdeklődtek egyetlen lány iránt sem, azonban Raven mindhármuk figyelmét felkelti - más és más okok miatt. Hogy mi is történik velük? Megtudhatjátok, ha elolvassátok Meagan Brandy hihetetlenül izgalmas sorozatának nyitókötetét, a Boys of Brayshaw High-t.
“Ew, get your nasty feet off me,” I
laugh, shoving Royce away.
“I have socks on!” he defends.
“So, feet nasty.”
“Not mine, look at these babies?” He wiggles his toes and I cringe.
“You’ve got some big ass feet.”
“And a big ass d*ck.”
“I have socks on!” he defends.
“So, feet nasty.”
“Not mine, look at these babies?” He wiggles his toes and I cringe.
“You’ve got some big ass feet.”
“And a big ass d*ck.”
Ez a könyv egyszerűen hihetetlen, egyszerűen felejthetetlen. Kezdjük ott, hogy a borítója elképesztően csodálatos. I-MÁ-DOM. Már jóval a borítóleleplezés előtt felekeltette a figyelmemet ez a regény, és miután az írónő megmutatta a kötet végleges külsejét csak még kíváncsibb lettem. Annyira tökéletesen illik a történethez és nem mellesleg gyönyörűséges is. ♥

A karakterek pedig... oh te jó ég. ♥ Ahogy már fentebb is említettem, Raven egy nagyszerű könyves főhősnő, imádtam az ő szemszögéből olvasni, annyira tetszett, hogy ilyen erős és független, egyszóval zseniális volt.
A fiúk pedig. Úristenúristenúristen. ♥♥♥ Belőlük sosem elég. Már most alig várom a következő regény megjelenését, hogy még többet olvashassak róluk. Bárcsak sosem érne véget ez a sorozat. ♥ Imádtam mindhármójukat, annyira, de annyira, de annyira lenyűgözőek. De legfőképpen a barátságuk tetszett, annyira nagyon tetszett, hogy ennyire közel állnak egymáshoz, kérdés nélkül segítenek a másiknak, mindig ott vannak egymásnak, minden esetben számíthatnak a másik támogatására. Egyszerűen nagyszerűek. ♥♥♥
“Packman.” I steal a piece of
bacon. “So, you the house cook when you’re not hungover?”
“We all cook.”
“Really?” I scrunch my nose, and I leap up on the stool. “Even Royce?”
“Hey!” A groggy voice comes from behind me then two arms are around me. “Heard that. And yes, even me. I happen to make a mean ass lasagna.”
“We all cook.”
“Really?” I scrunch my nose, and I leap up on the stool. “Even Royce?”
“Hey!” A groggy voice comes from behind me then two arms are around me. “Heard that. And yes, even me. I happen to make a mean ass lasagna.”
Mindent figyelembe véve, már csak egy megválaszolatlan kérdés maradt bennem: mikor fog megjelenni a következő kötet? Nekem most azonnal kell a Trouble at Brayshaw. Nagyon szükségem van rá.
Nagyon-nagyon-nagyon-nagyon őszintén tudom minden romantikus regény rajongónak ajánlani ezt a könyvet. Tudom, hogy ti is #BrayGirl-ök akartok lenni. ;) Bízzatok bennem, nem akarjátok, hogy ezek a fiúk és Raven kimaradjanak az életetekből.
Nem is kérdés, tőlem hat csillagot kap. ♥ Teljesen le vagyok nyűgözve.
Raven Carver, aren’t you?”
face forward with a frown.
but Maybell told me you were coming today. I didn’t think you’d be at school
already, but usually the only new kids who come are people from the home.”
well, I wasn’t exactly given an option so, here I am.”
you gonna run?”
laugh lightly, shifting my eyes to hers. “Nah. I’ve got nowhere to be. Now I’m
stuck in the system ‘til I’m eighteen anyway, so fuck it. May as well cruise
guys back there, you need to be careful. They’re… not like most high schoolers.
People around here listen to them, follow their every move.”
those are the guys the chick was referring to this morning.
you did today? They won’t allow that without getting you back. They can’t.” She
shakes her head.
keyed his Denali.” I shrug. “Big fucking deal.”
girl stops, her eyes widening. “Yeah, you got that part right. It is a ‘big
fucking deal.’ If they let some nobody, new girl like you – no offense – openly
disrespect them like that, it’ll threaten their entire system.”
System. They’re a big deal around here, and not just at the school. You either
kneel at their feet or get stomped under them. They’ll make sure you’re shamed,
one way or another.”
make our way up the dirt driveway. “He disrespected me first. If there’s one
thing I know about guys, it’s if you let them walk all over you, they’ll take
pleasure in doing it.”
girl steps ahead, pulling open the screen door as she looks back at me. “If
there’s one thing I know about the boys of Brayshaw, it’s that they’ll destroy
anything that threatens to mess up their vision. Watch out, Raven. Your little
stunt today may have gotten the guys you’re used to off your back, but for
these guys? All you did was paint the mark brighter.”
raise a black brow and she scowls at me.
target from them means a target from all their followers,” she spits.
“Let me guess… you’re a follower?”
time it’s her who pops an eyebrow. “Welcome to Brayshaw High.”
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Publishing date: January 17th, 2019
Series: Brayshaw High
Books in the series:
Boys of Brayshaw High
Trouble at Brayshaw
Print lenght: 376
"Girls like you aren't exactly
welcomed at a place like this, so keep your head down and look the other
Those were the exact words of my
social worker when she dropped me in my newest hellhole, a place for
"troubled teens".
I didn't listen, and now I'm on
their radar.
They expect me to play along in
their games of hierarchy, to fall in line in the social order they've deemed me
Too bad for them, I don't follow
Too bad for me, they're determined
to make sure I do.
Inconceivably attractive and
treated like kings...these are the boys of Brayshaw High.
And I'm the girl who got in their
*ARC was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*
I love discovering new authors, and now, I have a new biggest favourite! And she is Meagan Brandy who completely amazed me and swept me off my feet with Boys of Brayshaw High. I am totally a #BrayGirl. ♥
This book is more than I hoped for.
This book is better than I thought it would be.
This book is a hella lot more than I thought it would be.
This book is more that I was ready for.
OMG THOSE BOYS!!!! They owned me. They still own me. Book hangover level 1000000000.
If you loved The Elite King's Club by Amo Jones and/or The Royals series by Erin Watt, then it is a MUST READ for you. I am pretty sure that you won't regret reading it.
I know, it is a little early to say things like this, but Boys of Brayshaw High is definitely one of the best books of 2019. If that is so super captivating, I can not imagine what will happen in the next novels. I am so ready! ♥
So why do I think that it was so awesome? Let's see...
These boys are… more than I was
ready for.
The heroine of this story is the seventeen year old Raven Carver (Rae), whose life is not that easy. She is living in pretty bad conditions, and has been living that way since she was very little. Her mother is not the best parent in the world, she is very far from "the best", but I can not say any positive thing about her father either, he is not in the picture for a long now.

Sha has been in a lot of trouble and because of that, there were several times when she was removed from a highschool. And that is what happens when the whole story starts, and they put her into The Bray House, which is a girls only home for troubled teenagers, and they put her into the Brayshaw High. This school is "ruled" by three boys, and everyone, and I mean everyone - teachers, students, employees, so everyone, follows their rules. Until Raven's first day comes, because she won't do what other people tell her to do. Several people told her that she need to stay away from trouble and most importantly, from the boys, because it is the best for her, it is the only way to survive. But she does not listen. And now, she is on their radar.
“Because I’m not your problem.”
“Be my problem.”
“Be my problem.”
Those three boys I was talking about are Maddoc, Captain and Royce. At first, they are typically that boys you don'twant to mess with, and that is why people warn Raven to stay as far away as possible from them. There is a special bond between them, basically, they do everything together, they play in the same basketball team.
Every girl in their school wants to be a "Bray girl", they want to be near them, they want to spend time with them, and a lot of them want even more, they want these boys themselves, they want to "tame" them. One problem: they can not be tamed.
Until Raven's arrival, they did not really pay a lot of attention to these girls, they did not really want to spend a lot of time with them, but they are interested in Raven - for different reasons. What happens with them? You can find out if you read Meagan Brandy's newest novel, Boys of Brayshaw High, book one in her new super interesting series.
“Ew, get your nasty feet off me,” I
laugh, shoving Royce away.
“I have socks on!” he defends.
“So, feet nasty.”
“Not mine, look at these babies?” He wiggles his toes and I cringe.
“You’ve got some big ass feet.”
“And a big ass d*ck.”
“I have socks on!” he defends.
“So, feet nasty.”
“Not mine, look at these babies?” He wiggles his toes and I cringe.
“You’ve got some big ass feet.”
“And a big ass d*ck.”
This book is incredible, and simply unforgettable. To start with, look at that absolutely gorgeous cover! I A-DO-RE it. Before the cover reveal, I was already interested in this story, but the cover made me even more curious. It is so perfect for this novel and it is super stunning. ♥

The characters... OMG. ♥ As I have already mentioned above, Raven is an amazing heroine, I loved reading from her point of view, I adored that she is so strong and independent, shortly, she is genious.
And the boys. OMGOMGOMG. ♥♥♥ I think I can never get enough of them. I already can't wait for the next book's release to read more and more about them. I wish this series would never end. ♥
I adored all thee of them, I loved that they are so close to each other, they are there for each other, always help without quetions. They are simply amazing. ♥♥♥
“Packman.” I steal a piece of
bacon. “So, you the house cook when you’re not hungover?”
“We all cook.”
“Really?” I scrunch my nose, and I leap up on the stool. “Even Royce?”
“Hey!” A groggy voice comes from behind me then two arms are around me. “Heard that. And yes, even me. I happen to make a mean ass lasagna.”
“We all cook.”
“Really?” I scrunch my nose, and I leap up on the stool. “Even Royce?”
“Hey!” A groggy voice comes from behind me then two arms are around me. “Heard that. And yes, even me. I happen to make a mean ass lasagna.”
Taking everything into account, I have only one question that I would like to ask: when will be the next book released????? I need Trouble at Brayshaw right now. Or like yesterday. So, I NEED IT.
I can very-very-very-very highly and very-very-very-very honestly recommend it to every romance reader. I know you want to be #BrayGirl-s. You need these boys and Raven in your life.
It is not a question for me, I give it six stars. ♥ I am completely mesmerized.
Raven Carver, aren’t you?”
face forward with a frown.
but Maybell told me you were coming today. I didn’t think you’d be at school
already, but usually the only new kids who come are people from the home.”
well, I wasn’t exactly given an option so, here I am.”
you gonna run?”
laugh lightly, shifting my eyes to hers. “Nah. I’ve got nowhere to be. Now I’m
stuck in the system ‘til I’m eighteen anyway, so fuck it. May as well cruise
guys back there, you need to be careful. They’re… not like most high schoolers.
People around here listen to them, follow their every move.”
those are the guys the chick was referring to this morning.
you did today? They won’t allow that without getting you back. They can’t.” She
shakes her head.
keyed his Denali.” I shrug. “Big fucking deal.”
girl stops, her eyes widening. “Yeah, you got that part right. It is a ‘big
fucking deal.’ If they let some nobody, new girl like you – no offense – openly
disrespect them like that, it’ll threaten their entire system.”
System. They’re a big deal around here, and not just at the school. You either
kneel at their feet or get stomped under them. They’ll make sure you’re shamed,
one way or another.”
make our way up the dirt driveway. “He disrespected me first. If there’s one
thing I know about guys, it’s if you let them walk all over you, they’ll take
pleasure in doing it.”
girl steps ahead, pulling open the screen door as she looks back at me. “If
there’s one thing I know about the boys of Brayshaw, it’s that they’ll destroy
anything that threatens to mess up their vision. Watch out, Raven. Your little
stunt today may have gotten the guys you’re used to off your back, but for
these guys? All you did was paint the mark brighter.”
raise a black brow and she scowls at me.
target from them means a target from all their followers,” she spits.
“Let me guess… you’re a follower?”
time it’s her who pops an eyebrow. “Welcome to Brayshaw High.”
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