Megjelenés ideje: 2019. január 28.
Party Ever After
sorozat kötetei:
ReWined - Első rész
ReWined - Második rész
ReWined - Harmadik rész
száma: 496
life is one big party until the day I turn 27 and everything changes. Before I
can take over my grandfather’s vineyard, I have to…
Move back to my hometown.
Stop partying.
Get married. Wait! What?
I know it, I’m buying a huge-ass diamond ring. Throwing a balls-out engagement
party. And making the wedding a quickie before the bride has a chance to change
her mind.
me isn’t her first choice. She says this party boy is anything but husband
material. That I’m cocky, arrogant, presumptuous, and even manipulative.
both of our failing businesses merging and a contract that states only one
winery can survive, we’re spending a lot of time negotiating, and not the kind
I prefer.
our perfectly unstable marriage is right on track until I go and screw
everything up.
I have to win her back, and short of rewinding time or riding in on a white
horse, I’m at a loss of how to do that.
every girl dreams of a Prince Charming. Right?
I can redefine this party boy, and turn him into one.
wait and see.
recenziós példányt az írónő és a Give Me Books PR biztosította egy őszinte
értékelésért cserébe.*
Romcom rajongók figyeljetek, van egy nagyon jó könyvem számotokra. ;) Kim Karr Party Ever After című sorozatának három kötete ma egyben jelent meg, így mostmár az egész történetet is meg lehet vásárolni egy könyvként. Persze ha szeretnétek, akkor egyenként is megvásárolhatjátok a könyveket, a tartalom ugyanaz, csupán a borító más.
Én kifejezetten szeretem a romantikus-humoros történeteket, és a ReWined regények kifejezetten ilyenek voltak. Már volt szerencsém olvasni az írónőtől, és ezzel sem okozott csalódást a számomra. Paris és Tyler története igazán nagyszerű lett, imádtam mindkettejüket, a könyvek nagyon olvasmányosak, kevesebb mint egy nap alatt a végére értem. De annyira nem akartam, hogy vége legyen! ♥ Még simán képes lennék egy ugyanennyit vagy esetleg még többet is olvasni róluk.
a knight in shining armor, remember?” I smirked. “And I always find a damsel in
A sorozat főhőse Tyler Holiday, aki éppen a huszonhetedik születésnapját ünnepli a történet kezdetekor. Tyler családja borral foglalkozik, van egy borászatuk is, amit a férfi a huszonhetedik életévének betöltése után meg is örökölhet. Tyler megfogadva nagyapja tanácsát, egészen eddig keményen dolgozott és rengeteget tanult azért, hogy egy nap majd nagyszerű vezetője lehessen a cégüknek, ami California Jane néven fut.
Szóval ő már készen is áll mindenre, azonban nem minden úgy alakul, ahogy ő azt tervezte. Ugyanis a nagymamája, Wilhemina azzal a hírrel érkezik hozzá, hogy a California Jane szinte már a csőd szélén áll, és csak akkor tudják megmenteni az egész borászatot, ha Tyler és Paris Fairchild összeházasodnak. Azonban van egy kis baj: ki nem állhatják egymást. Működhet így egy házasság?
shit with emotions, you know that. And I’m not sure about anything in this
world other than you. Do you understand me?
Paris és Tyler tíz évvel ezelőtt egy rövid ideig együtt voltak, azonban valami történt kettejük között, és azóta nem is képesek a másikra nézni. Most azonban nagyon is muszáj lenne együttműködniük.

Paris-nak ez az egész házasság dolog egy picit bonyolultabb a kelleténél, hiszen egy másik férfival van együtt. Egy igazán felkapott párról van szó, gyakran szerepelnek a címlapokon is. De vajon tényleg ez az igazság?
Tyler és Paris is a saját borászatukat tartják szem előtt, így mindenre hajlandóak, hogy megmentsék ezeket. Mi is történik velük? Megtudhatjátok, ha elolvassátok Kim Karr Party Ever After című alkotását.
do you want?”
he growled.
he stood, my gaze drifted appreciatively over him. The expensive three-piece
suit made my mouth water. “I’m not part of the deal?”
half of his mouth turned up. “Then I’ll negotiate.”
was in such trouble.
Kim Karr zseniálisat alkotott. Megint. Komolyan, ebben az írónőben egyszerűen nem lehet csalódni. A történetet imádtam, csakúgy, mint ahogy már fentebb is említettem, nagyon hamar a végére értem. A karakterek annyira nagyon jók voltak. Tyler az elején az a tipikus nőfaló férfi, de ő annyival sokkal több ennél. És az ő megismerésében külön segített az, hogy ezek a könyvek Tyler és Paris szemszögén keresztül íródtak, és szerintem ez Tyler-nél csak még nagyszerűbb volt. Sokkal jobban meg lehetett érteni őt, hogy mi zajlik le benne, mit érez, szerintem nagyon kellett ez ehhez a történethez.
Paris egy elképesztően jó főhősnő, imádtam, hogy ennyire áldozatkész volt, és bármit megtett volna azért, hogy meg tudja menteni a családja birtokát. Tyler és ő tökéletes páros, annyira illettek egymáshoz és nagyon jól kiegészítették a másikat. ♥ Zseniális könyves pár.
Mellettük még kifejezetten imádtam a mellékszereplőket, a legnagyobb kedvenceim Tabitha és Grayson voltak. Nem tudom, hogy róluk írt-e már az írónő, vagy nem, de ha nem, akkor nagyon bízom benne, hogy egyszer fog. Elképesztő egy páros. :D Szóval most muszáj kiderítenem, hogy megjelent-e már a történetük, mert ha igen, akkor az nekem nagyon, de nagyon kell.
went about my manly duties and hammered the nail into the wall where she’d
marked an X and waited for her to hand me a picture to hang on it.
not be a pic of Gray’s d*ck,” I mused as she unwrapped the brown
that would be awesome,” he shouted, fist pumping. Then he lowered his voice and
galnced at his wife. “It’s not, right?”
calpped her hands together. “Do you like it?”
beautiful,” (…)
gave Tabitha a nod and mouthed, “Thank you.”
pic would have been better,” Grayson mused, and we all laughed at that.
Mindent figyelembe véve, Kim Karr mindhárom ReWined könyve egy nagyon könnyed és humoros olvasmány. Ugyanakkor pedig a viccesebb részek mellett vannak bőven érzelmesebb pillantok is benne, amik bizony képesek voltak könnyeket csalni a szemembe, nagyon megérintőket voltak. Minden olyan olvasónak nagyon tudom ajánlani ezt a sorozatot, akik szeretik a romantikus-humoros történeteket. Szerintem ez is tetszeni fog nektek.
Tőlem mindhárom regény öt csillagot kap. Imádtam Tyler és Paris történetét. ♥
Publishing date: January 28th, 2019
Party Ever After
in the series:
ReWined - Volume 1
ReWined - Volume 2
ReWined - Volume 3
lenght: 496
life is one big party until the day I turn 27 and everything changes. Before I
can take over my grandfather’s vineyard, I have to…
Move back to my hometown.
Stop partying.
Get married. Wait! What?
I know it, I’m buying a huge-ass diamond ring. Throwing a balls-out engagement
party. And making the wedding a quickie before the bride has a chance to change
her mind.
me isn’t her first choice. She says this party boy is anything but husband
material. That I’m cocky, arrogant, presumptuous, and even manipulative.
both of our failing businesses merging and a contract that states only one
winery can survive, we’re spending a lot of time negotiating, and not the kind
I prefer.
our perfectly unstable marriage is right on track until I go and screw
everything up.
I have to win her back, and short of rewinding time or riding in on a white
horse, I’m at a loss of how to do that.
every girl dreams of a Prince Charming. Right?
I can redefine this party boy, and turn him into one.
wait and see.
was kindly provided by the author and Give Me Books PR in exchange for an
honest review.*
Romcom fans, where are you? I have an amazing trilogy to recommend to you. ;) Books in Party Ever After trilogy by Kim Karr are released as one book, and it is the ReWined - The Complete Series, so now you can buy all three novels in one. If you prefer, you can still buy these separately, the story is the same, only the cover is different.
I absolutely love romantic comedies, and I really do think that ReWined is an awesome romcom story. I have already read some books by Kim Karr, and she never disappointed me. Paris and Tyler's story is super fantastic, I loved both of these characters, all three books are so much fun, I have finished the whole trilogy in less than one day. But I didn't want it to end! ♥ I would love to read so much more about this couple.
a knight in shining armor, remember?” I smirked. “And I always find a damsel in
The hero of the series is Tyler Holiday, who is celebrating his twenty-seventh birthday at the beginning of the story. His family has a vinery, and he can inherit that business after her twenty-seventh birthday. Tyler did what his grandpa wanted him to do - to work hard and learn a lot and one day, become a good boss. Now, he is more than ready to inherit their vinery, which is California Jane. But there are some problems...
Her grandmother, Wilhemina brings some news, but these are not really good. To be honest, these are pretty bad. California Jane is in a huge trouble, and she thinks that there is only one way to save it. And that would be the following: Tyler and Paris need to get married. There is only one problem with this "solution": they hate each other. Like, really hate each other. Can they make this marriage work if they do not want to be together at all?
shit with emotions, you know that. And I’m not sure about anything in this
world other than you. Do you understand me?
Ten long years ago, Paris and Tyler spent a little time together, but something bad happened between them, and since then, they hate each other. But now, they really have to find a solution together...

For Paris, this whole marriage thing is a little bit more difficult, because she is in a relationship and we can say that they are a pretty popular couple. But is it really the truth?
Tyler and Paris want the best to their vineries, and they are willing to do everything that can save these. What happens with them? You can find out if you read ReWined - The Complete Series by Kim Karr.
do you want?”
he growled.
he stood, my gaze drifted appreciatively over him. The expensive three-piece
suit made my mouth water. “I’m not part of the deal?”
half of his mouth turned up. “Then I’ll negotiate.”
was in such trouble.
Kim Karr wrote an amazing story. Again. Honestly, she never made me disappointed, I love her books so much. I adored all three books, as I have already mentioned, I have finished this series so soon.
The characters are simply fantastic. At the beginning, Tyler is that typical manwhore, but he is so much more than that. And the fact that these novels are written in dual POVs makes it even easier to truly understand him. We can learn a lot more about not just him, but Paris too, it was so awesome for this book.
Paris is a super awesome heroine, I really loved that she is so willing to do basically anything to save her vinery. Tyler and her are so good together, they are an incredible couple. They are perfect for each other. ♥
Besides them, I really loved the secondary characters, especially Tabitha and Grayson. I don't know that Kim has already written their story or not, but if yes, I need it right now. They are so funny. :D So now, I have to find out if there is a book about them or not, because if yes, I really need it.
went about my manly duties and hammered the nail into the wall where she’d
marked an X and waited for her to hand me a picture to hang on it.
not be a pic of Gray’s d*ck.,” I mused as she unwrapped the brown
that would be awesome,” he shouted, fist pumping. Then he lowered his voice and
galnced at his wife. “It’s not, right?”
calpped her hands together. “Do you like it?”
beautiful,” (…)
gave Tabitha a nod and mouthed, “Thank you.”
pic would have been better,” Grayson mused, and we all laughed at that.
Taking everything into account, all three ReWined books by Kim Karr were such a fun read. I loved that besides the funny parts, there were more emotional moments, some of these even made me cry a little, these were realy touching. I can highly recommend this whole trilogy to anyone, who loves romantic comedies, I really to think that you will like that one too.
From me, all three books got five stars, I loved Tyler and Paris' story so much. ♥
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