2022. április 16., szombat

Karina Halle: Crown of Crimson – Borítóleleplezés | Crown of Crimson by Karina Halle – Cover Reveal

Karina Halle: Crown of Crimson | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés várható ideje: 2022. április 28.
Sorozat: Underworld Gods
A sorozat kötetei:
God of Death (előzménynovella, még nem jelent meg)
River of Shadows
Crown of Crimson
The next thrilling instalment in the Underworld Gods series. Perfect for readers who want high steam Hades/Persephone and Beauty and the Beast vibes with a dark Nordic folklore twist.
All Hanna Heikkinen wants is to be reunited with her father again. After all, that’s why she ventured into the dark and dangerous fantasy world of Tuonela, the Land of the Dead, in order to save his life. But this time her devotion to her father comes at a cost---her growing relationship with Tuoni, the God of Death himself, who held Hanna captive in exchange for her fathers life. The last thing she expects is to feel remorse at how she left things with Death, yet the dark and sexy God is all she can think about.
Death has always prided himself on never trusting the living, but Hanna’s apparent betrayal has left a scar fathom’s deep. Vowing revenge on his future bride, and making sure she upholds her end of the bargain, Death sets out across his realm to steal Hanna back, which only fans the flames between them. But Death and Hanna aren’t just fighting each other---malevolent Old Gods are rising to power within the realm, magic is being poisoned, and buried secrets are brought to light, secrets that may cause Hanna to lose everyone she loves dear once again.
Karina Halle Underworld Gods című sorozatának második kötete, a Crown of Crimson, várhatóan 2022. április 28.-án fog megjelenni, és tegnap végre sor került a regény borítóleleplezésére is.
Személy szerint én már a River of Shadows és a God of Death borítóját is nagyon imádtam, de most a Crown of Crimson ezt az imádatot simán felülmúlta, nagyon nehezen találok olyan szavakat, amelyek méltóak lennének ehhez a szépséghez.
Én még nem kerítettem sort a River of Shadows elolvasására, mert úgy hallottam, hogy függővéges, de be kell valljam, egyre nehezebb halogatnom, szóval valószínűleg hamarosan én is bele fogom vágni magam ebbe a különleges világba.
Crown of Crimson | Borító

Egy kis érdekesség: A regény borítóján Renee Carlino írónőt láthatjuk.
Ti mit gondoltok erről a borítóról?
Köszönöm szépen, hogy ma is velem tartottatok.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
Crown of Crimson by Karina Halle | Book profile
Expected publication: April 28th, 2022
Series: Underworld Gods
Books in the series:
God of Death (prequel, release date: to be announced)
River of Shadows
Crown of Crimson
The next thrilling instalment in the Underworld Gods series. Perfect for readers who want high steam Hades/Persephone and Beauty and the Beast vibes with a dark Nordic folklore twist.
All Hanna Heikkinen wants is to be reunited with her father again. After all, that’s why she ventured into the dark and dangerous fantasy world of Tuonela, the Land of the Dead, in order to save his life. But this time her devotion to her father comes at a cost---her growing relationship with Tuoni, the God of Death himself, who held Hanna captive in exchange for her fathers life. The last thing she expects is to feel remorse at how she left things with Death, yet the dark and sexy God is all she can think about.
Death has always prided himself on never trusting the living, but Hanna’s apparent betrayal has left a scar fathom’s deep. Vowing revenge on his future bride, and making sure she upholds her end of the bargain, Death sets out across his realm to steal Hanna back, which only fans the flames between them. But Death and Hanna aren’t just fighting each other---malevolent Old Gods are rising to power within the realm, magic is being poisoned, and buried secrets are brought to light, secrets that may cause Hanna to lose everyone she loves dear once again.
The next installment of the Underworld Gods series by Karina Halle, titled Crown of Crimson, will be released on April 28th, 2022, and finally, yesterday the cover of this novel was revealed.
Personally speaking, I absolutely adore the cover of River of Shadows and God of Death, but I am completely obsessed with the cover of Crown of Crimson. It is so hard to find world the describe the beauty that this cover is.
Unfortunately, I have not read River of Shadows yet, mainly because I heard it ends on a cliffhanger, but to tell you the truth, it is getting super hard to not to pick it up, so most probably I will dive into this super interesting world really soon.
Crown of Crimson | Cover
Fun fact: The model on this cover is author Renee Carlino.
What do you think about this cover?
Thank you so so much for joining me today.
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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