2022. április 23., szombat

Könyves Hírek | Bookish News

Sziasztok! :)
Az elmúlt néhány nap könyves szempontból kiváltképpen izgalmasra sikeredett, ezért arra gondoltam, hogy a legfrissebb híreket egy bejegyzés keretein belül összefoglalom nektek.
Jó böngészést mindenkinek!
Megváltozott Karina Halle Crown of Crimson című regényének megjelenési dátuma
Sajnálattal tudatta Karina Halle velünk, hogy az Underworld Gods sorozatának második kötete a vártakkal ellentétben nem április 28.-án, hanem május 23.-án fog megjelenni (már elő is rendelhető, katt ide). Ennek oka nem más, mint hogy az írónő lelki problémákkal küzd, és nem tudott eléggé koncentrálni az írásra. A bejelentő bejegyzést ide kattintva elolvashatjátok.
Leiner Laurához megérkezett a Random első példánya
Leiner Laura a mai napon megosztott pár új képet a közösségi felületein, amelyeken már láthatjuk is a Random egy nyomtatott példányát.
A Random május 3.-án fog megjelenni. Aki előrendelte, várhatóan ezen a napon készhez is fogja kapni a kötetet. A megjelenést követően a regény megvásárolható lesz az L&L Könyvesboltból.
Cora Reilly antológia
Cora Reilly Bound by Blood című antológiája limitált ideig a Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles eredeti borítóinak stílusában megvásárolható az Amazonról (katt ide).

Ilsa Madden-Mills Strangers in Love című sorozata hamarosan új kötettel bővül
Ilsa Madden-Mills a tegnapi nap folyamán egy meglepetés bejelentéssel lepett meg minket, melynek során megmutatta nekünk, hogy melyik regény lesz a következő megjelenése.
A Princess and the Player az írónő Strangers in Love című sorozatának második kötete lesz (ettől függetlenül teljesen egyedülálló regényként is olvasható), és várhatóan 2022. november 1-jén fog megjelenni.
A masquerade ball brings together an NFL player and a penniless princess in this smart and sexy romance from Wall Street Journal bestselling author Ilsa Madden-Mills

Level-headed Francesca Lane never thought she’d miss her own wedding. But when her fiancé betrays her, she puts on her wedding dress and ditches the altar for a masquerade ball—at a sex club.
There, she meets NFL star Tuck Avery, dressed as a prince and hiding behind a mask as he celebrates his birthday. For one night, Francesca and Tuck indulge in a wickedly incognito affair. No names. No strings. And the masks don’t come off.
Unfortunately, Francesca soon realizes her prince is the wealthy jock who lives in the penthouse of her apartment building. His hobbies include parties and supermodels—or so the tabloids say. Another shallow jerk is the last thing Francesca needs, so she vows to keep Tuck from recognizing her, not that she’s his type anyway.
But fate has a teeny-tiny trick up her sleeve…
A plus sign on a pregnancy test.
Can this tormented prince accept love, or will he push his princess away forever?
Princess and the Player is a complete stand-alone romance with nuanced characters and a swoony happily ever after.
Magyarul is meg fog jelenni a The V Games sorozat
Nem olyan rég Ker Dukey az Instagramon számolt be arról, hogy a Könyvmolyképző Kiadó jóvoltából magyar nyelven is meg fog jelenni a K. Webster írónővel közösen megalkotott sorozatuk, a The V Games.

Elle Kennedy új sorozata
Elle Kennedy idén új sorozattal örvendezteti meg olvasóit. A Prep nyitókötete, a Misfit, várhatóan 2022. július 26.-án fog megjelenni.
Finding out your mom is marrying some rich dude you’ve never met is enough to make any eighteen-year-old guy’s head spin. But for RJ SHAW, it only gets worse: he’s being sent to Sandover Prep for senior year. If there’s one place a misfit hacker like RJ doesn’t belong, it’s an ivy-covered all-boys boarding school for rich delinquents.
RJ knows his stay at Sandover will be temporary. Which means there’s no point making friends or trying to fit in. But the plan to remain antisocial goes awry when he meets a gorgeous girl in the woods on campus. SLOANE TRESSCOTT is pure temptation, with a sharp tongue and an ice princess attitude RJ’s determined to crack. Except there’s a catch. Sloane is the one girl he is forbidden from touching.
The headmaster’s daughter.
Good thing RJ doesn’t believe in rules. Sure, Sloane insists she’s swearing off guys this year, but their connection is impossible to deny. He wants her bad, and he’s going to win her over if it kills him.
Unless her ex-boyfriend kills him first.
DUKE, the ruling king of Sandover, will stop at nothing to get rid of his competition. Luckily, RJ’s unwittingly made some friends—his new stepbrother FENN, a pretty boy with a self-destructive streak; LAWSON, self-proclaimed agent of chaos; and SILAS, the All-American Good Guy who can’t actually be as nice as he seems.
If RJ wants to survive prep school and win Sloane’s heart, he’ll need to adapt—and fast.
Később érkezik Giana Darling Caution to the Wind című regénye
Giana Darling The Fallen Men című sorozatának hetedik kötete, a Caution to the Wind, a vártakkal ellentétben nem április 29.-én, hanem május 23.-án fog megjelenni. Az írónő Facebook és Instagram oldalát a kötet borítóleleplezése után feltörték, és sajnos még mindig nem sikerült visszaszereznie őket. Giana a hírlevelében fejtette ki, hogy emiatt a közösségi felületeken nem tudta reklámozni a Caution to the Wind-ot, és így üzleti szempontból nem lenne a legjobb lépés megjelentetni a könyvet. Hozzátette, hogy ha sikerül hamarabb visszakapnia az oldalait, akkor van esély arra, hogy a kötet is hamarabb fog publikálásra kerülni.

Új borítókat kapott a Kingdom duológia

Rina Kent Kingdom duológiájának kötetei mostantól szépséges, teljesen új, alternatív borítókkal is megvásárolhatóak az Amazonról, illetve Rina Kent webshopjából.
Reign of a King – puhatáblás: katt ide
Reign of a King – keménytáblás: ​​​​​​​​katt ide
Reign of a King Rina webshopja: katt ide
Rise of a Queen – puhatáblás: katt ide
Rise of a Queen – keménytáblás: katt ide
Rise of a Queen Rina webshopja: katt ide

Különkiadást kapott Kennedy Ryan Hoops sorozata

Kennedy Ryan Hoops regényei mostantól csodaszép, új, illusztrált borítókkal is megvásárolhatóak az Amazonról (katt ide, ide és ide) és az írónő webshopjából (katt ide).
Azt itt fontos megjegyeznem, hogy jelenleg csak az angol nyelvű kiadások érhetőek el ezekkel a borítókkal, arról sajnos nem tudok, hogy a Könyvmolyképzőnek szándékában áll-e így is publikálni ezeket a regényeket.

R. S. Grey hamarosan új regénnyel jelentkezik

R. S. Grey írónő nemrég bejelentette, hogy következő regénye My Professor címmel fog megjelenni 2022. június 2.-án. A kötetről jelenleg csak ennyit tudunk.
Köszönöm szépen, hogy ma is velem tartottatok. Remélem, hogy hasznosnak találtátok ezt a bejegyzést.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
Hi everyone! :)
In the past few days, we have got so many super exciting book related news, and I wanted to collect all of these into one blog post for you.
Happy reading!
The release date for Crown of Crimson by Karina Halle has changed
Unfortunately, Karina Halle had to share some sad news with us. The release date for Crown of Crimson, the second book in her Underworld Gods series, had to be pushed back, because she has been struggling with her mental health (if you want to read her announcement post, click here).
The new release date for Crown of Crimson is May 23rd, and it is already available for preorder (click here).

Cora Reilly anthology
The Bound by Blood anthology by Cora Reilly, with a cover that resembles the old covers of the Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles novels, is available for purchase for a limited time (click here).

The next volume of Strangers in Love is coming soon
Yesterday, Ilsa Madden-Mills surprised us with an announcement, she revealed which book will be the next release of hers.
Princess and the Player will be the second book in her Strangers in Love series (but it can be read as a complete standalone), and it is expected to be released on November 1st, 2022.
A masquerade ball brings together an NFL player and a penniless princess in this smart and sexy romance from Wall Street Journal bestselling author Ilsa Madden-Mills.
Level-headed Francesca Lane never thought she’d miss her own wedding. But when her fiancé betrays her, she puts on her wedding dress and ditches the altar for a masquerade ball—at a sex club.
There, she meets NFL star Tuck Avery, dressed as a prince and hiding behind a mask as he celebrates his birthday. For one night, Francesca and Tuck indulge in a wickedly incognito affair. No names. No strings. And the masks don’t come off.
Unfortunately, Francesca soon realizes her prince is the wealthy jock who lives in the penthouse of her apartment building. His hobbies include parties and supermodels—or so the tabloids say. Another shallow jerk is the last thing Francesca needs, so she vows to keep Tuck from recognizing her, not that she’s his type anyway.
But fate has a teeny-tiny trick up her sleeve…
A plus sign on a pregnancy test.
Can this tormented prince accept love, or will he push his princess away forever?
Princess and the Player is a complete stand-alone romance with nuanced characters and a swoony happily ever after.
The V Games will be released in Hungarian
Ker Dukey announced on her Instagram page that rights to The V Games trilogy (Vlad, Ven and Vas), which is co-written with K. Webster, has been sold to Könyvmolyképző Márkabolt.

New series by Elle Kennedy
This year, we will get a new series from Elle Kennedy. The first book in her Prep series, titled Misfit, will be released on July 26th.
Finding out your mom is marrying some rich dude you’ve never met is enough to make any eighteen-year-old guy’s head spin. But for RJ SHAW, it only gets worse: he’s being sent to Sandover Prep for senior year. If there’s one place a misfit hacker like RJ doesn’t belong, it’s an ivy-covered all-boys boarding school for rich delinquents.
RJ knows his stay at Sandover will be temporary. Which means there’s no point making friends or trying to fit in. But the plan to remain antisocial goes awry when he meets a gorgeous girl in the woods on campus. SLOANE TRESSCOTT is pure temptation, with a sharp tongue and an ice princess attitude RJ’s determined to crack. Except there’s a catch. Sloane is the one girl he is forbidden from touching.
The headmaster’s daughter.
Good thing RJ doesn’t believe in rules. Sure, Sloane insists she’s swearing off guys this year, but their connection is impossible to deny. He wants her bad, and he’s going to win her over if it kills him.
Unless her ex-boyfriend kills him first.
DUKE, the ruling king of Sandover, will stop at nothing to get rid of his competition. Luckily, RJ’s unwittingly made some friends—his new stepbrother FENN, a pretty boy with a self-destructive streak; LAWSON, self-proclaimed agent of chaos; and SILAS, the All-American Good Guy who can’t actually be as nice as he seems.
If RJ wants to survive prep school and win Sloane’s heart, he’ll need to adapt—and fast.
The release date for Caution to the Wind has been pushed back
Caution to the Wind by Giana Darling will be the seventh book in The Fallen Men series, but unfortunately, its release date had to be pushed back from April 29th to May 23rd. Gianas Facebook and Instagram page have been hacked not long after the cover reveal of Caution to the Wind, and sadly she still has not gotten them back. In her newsletter, Gianna wrote that as a result of not having those social media pages, she could not promote her upcoming release, and it would not be a good business decision to release the book right now. She said she is working on getting her pages back, and if she manages to get them back sooner, it is possible that she will release Caution to the Wind earlier.
Special editions of the Kingdom Duet
The Kingdom Duet by Rina Kent is now available with beautiful, brand new, special editions on Amazon and on her webshop.
Reign of a King – paperback: click here
Reign of a King – hardback: ​​​​​​​​click here
Reign of a King Rinas webshop: click here
Rise of a Queen – paperback: click here
Rise of a Queen – hardback: click here
Rise of a Queen Rinas webshop: click here

Special editions of the Hoops series
The Hoops novels by Kennedy Ryan are now available with stunning, brand new, illustrated covers on Amazon (click here, here and here) and on her webshop (click here).

R. S. Greys upcoming release
R. S. Grey has just announced that her next release will be titled My Professor, and it is expected to be released on June 2nd, 2022. So far, that is all we know about this novel.
Thank you so so much for joining me today. I hope you found this blog post useful.
Have a wonderful day!

xoxo, Fruzsi

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