Ezt a posztot egy kedves barátnőmmel közösen készített júniusi könyves bejegyzéssorozat keretein belül hozom el nektek. Instagramon
@shitofareaderslife felhasználónévvel találhatjátok meg, emellett pedig van egy
blogja is, katt ide, ha ezt is meg szeretnétek nézni.
A mai napon a május könyves tevékenységeimet fogom megosztani veletek.
A májusi hónap során...
... Tizenhárom bejegyzést sikerült közzétennem a blogomon. Ezek közül öt könyvértékelés volt. Nagyon boldog vagyok, hogy többet tudtam posztolni, de annak pedig különösen örülök, hogy ennyi értékelést tudtam írni. Rég volt már ilyenre példa nálam.
... Tizenegy könyvet sikerült elolvasnom, ezek közül egy olvasás volt. Igazság szerint tizenkét könyvet kezdtem el olvasni, de ezek közül egyet sajnos félbe kellett hagynom.
... Három olyan könyvet sikerült elolvasnom, amelyeket
olyan író írt, akitől ezelőtt még nem olvastam.
Most pedig szeretném nektek részletesebben is megmutatni, hogy mely könyveket olvastam el az elmúlt néhány hét során (a legkiemelkedőbbeket egy kis rózsaszín medállal fogom jelölni).
↠ Danielle Lori: The Sweetest Oblivion
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 4., 20:58 → 2022. május
5., 11:29
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ Sometimes, the cheapest things are the most valuable. ❞
↠ Michelle Heard: Taken by a Sinner
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 7., 22:35 → 2022. május
8., 19:31
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ It’s
you and me from here on out. Together we’ll rule, and together we’ll fall. ❞
↠ Michelle Heard: Owned by a Sinner
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 8., 22:18 → 2022. május
11., 00:43
Értékelés: 1 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
↠ Rina Kent: Cruel King
Olvasás típusa: újraolvasás
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 12., 12:24 → 2022.
május 13., 12:17
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ I’ll not be a secondary character in my own life. ❞
❝ “Do you believe in fate?” he asks.
I’m taken aback by his super out of character question.
“Not really.”
“Me neither, but now I’m starting to.” ❞
↠ Piper Rayne: A Greene Family Vacation
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 13., 23:50 → 2022. május 14., 17:29
Értékelés: 5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ We’ve all got issues,
they’re just not the same. Doesn’t mean one is harder than the other. ❞
❝ I just want to make sure
you know that in my life, the sun rises and sets on you. ❞
↠ Rebecca Jenshak: Wild Love
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 16., 00:33 → 2022.
május 16., 23:59
Értékelés: 5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ After I shut the door, Dakota giggles and takes the food
from me. “You have fans.”
“Don’t worry. You’ll always be my favorite.” ❞
❝ Thank you for wanting to make this shitty night better,
but it already is just being here with you. ❞
↠ Karina Halle: River of Shadows
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 17., 22:53 → 2022.
május 18., 15:45
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ We’re all sinners, little bird. Every one of us. To sin
is to be human, to be human is to sin. ❞
↠ Rebecca Jenshak: Tutoring the Player
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 20., 23:16 → 2022.
május 23., 18:40
Értékelés: 3 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ “I’ve missed you so much. I was trying to give you space,
but –”
She shakes her head. “I like my space better with you in
it.” ❞
❝ “I thought you were about to kick me out of your favorite
“It isn’t my favorite spot anymore without you.” ❞
↠ Karina Halle: Crown of Crimson
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 23., 18:54 → 2022.
május 25., 00:11
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ “What’s shadow magic?” I ask.
“So many questions,” mushy lades notes dryly.
“Can you blame me?” I ask, defensively throwing my arms
out. “This isn’t my world, and I don’t even know my own world that well.”
“Sometimes the answers to our questions come from deep
within,” she says.
“Yeah, thanks, I already tried yoga,” I tell her. “The
only thing I learned was that it’s boring as hell.”
“Perhaps you learned that you’re boring as hell,” she
remarks. ❞
❝ “I would tell you not to be afraid,” Vipunen says. “But
that would be foolish. You can’t stop the fear you feel, not yet. You will
learn in time to live with the fear and let it feed you, fuel you. For now, be
afraid, Hanna. Be very afraid.”
Well, fuck.
“Hello.” I clear my throat. “It’s nice to finally meet
Even when you’re shitting your pants, it’s good to keep
up your manners. ❞
↠ Jen L. Grey: Moon Kissed
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 25., 10:24 → 2022. május 27., 01:02
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ No
matter where you are, my heart is yours. ❞
↠ Rina Kent: Empire of Desire
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: félbehagyott
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 27., 23:09 → 2022.
május 29., 09:49
Értékelés: –
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ The world isn’t only yes or no. There are “I guess”
moments – maybes, the unsure. ❞
↠ Teagan Hunter: Puck Shy
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás státusza: befejezett
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. május 30., 23:36 → 2022.
május 31., 14:08
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ A shadow falls over her and a beer appears in front of
her face. She grins at the tall guy with ink-black hair and black-framed
glasses who takes the seat next to her. He’s wearing a shirt that says “G.O.A.T
Dad” with a picture of him and several tiny goats. I’m not usually into the
whole nerd-vibe thing he has going, but this guy is… wow.
She takes the drink from his outstretched hand, then tips
the cup my way. “Plus, the alcohol helps. I’m Delia, by the way.” She gestures
toward the guy beside her. “This is my husband, Zach. Please ignore his
embarrassing shirt. He wouldn’t take it off.”
He leans around her and send me a grin. “She’s always
trying to get me naked.”
She swats at him. “Zachary!” ❞
❝ Real love doesn’t come around often. Hell, sometimes it
never comes around at all. But when it does… it’s worth waiting for. ❞
Nagyon szépen köszönöm, hogy elolvastátok ezt a
bejegyzést, remélem, hogy tetszett. Ne felejtsetek el benézni Laura blogjára
sem. Bízom benne, hogy jövő héten kedden is velünk fogtok tartani.
Legyen csodás napotok! ❤
xoxo, Fruzsi
I am brining you this list in collaboration with one of
my dear friends, because we are continuing our monthly bookish themed blog post
series. You can find her as @shitofareaderslife on Instagram, and she has a
blog too, click here if you want to check it out.
Today, I will write about my bookish activities and achievements during the month of May.
During the month of May...
... I have managed to publish thirteen new posts on my blog. The fact that I was so active on my blog makes me so happy, and I am so proud of myself for sharing five book reviews during the month of May.
... I have read eleven books, all of these were first time
readings. To be honest, I have started to read twelve books, but I had stop and mark one as dnf.
... I have read three books written by an author whose
work I was not familiar before.
And now, let me list you all the novels I have read in May (I will mark my biggest favourites with a little pink medal).
↠ The Sweetest Oblivion by Danielle Lori
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 4th, 2022, 08:58 pm → May 5th, 2022, 11:29 am
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ Sometimes, the cheapest things are the most valuable. ❞
↠ Taken by a Sinner by Michelle Heard
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 7th, 2022, 10:35 pm → May 8th, 2022, 07:31 pm
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ It’s
you and me from here on out. Together we’ll rule, and together we’ll fall. ❞
❝ Just
by breathing, you make my heart beat faster. ❞
↠ Owned by a Sinner by Michelle Heard
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 8th, 2022, 10:18 pm → May 11th, 2022, 00:43 am
Rating: 1 star
Favourite quotes:
↠ Cruel King by Rina Kent
Reading type: rereading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 12th, 2022, 12:24 pm → May 13th, 2022, 12:17 pm
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ I’ll not be a secondary character in my own life. ❞
❝ “Do you believe in fate?” he asks.
I’m taken aback by his super out of character question.
“Not really.”
“Me neither, but now I’m starting to.” ❞
↠ A Greene Family Vacation by Piper Rayne
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 13th, 2022, 11:50 pm → May 14th, 2022, 05:29 pm
Rating: 5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ We’ve all got issues,
they’re just not the same. Doesn’t mean one is harder than the other. ❞
❝ I just want to make sure
you know that in my life, the sun rises and sets on you. ❞
↠ Wild Love by Rebecca Jenshak
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 16th, 2022, 00:33 am → May 16th, 2022, 23:59 pm
Rating: 5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ After I shut the door, Dakota giggles and takes the food
from me. “You have fans.”
“Don’t worry. You’ll always be my favorite.” ❞
❝ Thank you for wanting to make this shitty night better,
but it already is just being here with you. ❞
↠ River of Shadows by Karina Halle
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 17th, 2022, 10:53 pm → May 18th, 2022, 03:45 pm
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ We’re all sinners, little bird. Every one of us. To sin
is to be human, to be human is to sin. ❞
↠ Tutoring the Player by Rebecca Jenshak
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 20th, 2022, 11:16 pm → May 23rd, 2022, 06:40 pm
Rating: 3 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ “I’ve missed you so much. I was trying to give you space,
but –”
She shakes her head. “I like my space better with you in
it.” ❞
❝ “I thought you were about to kick me out of your favorite
“It isn’t my favorite spot anymore without you.” ❞
↠ Crown of Crimson by Karina Halle
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 23rd, 2022, 06:54 pm → May 25th, 2022, 00:11 am
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ “What’s shadow magic?” I ask.
“So many questions,” mushy lades notes dryly.
“Can you blame me?” I ask, defensively throwing my arms
out. “This isn’t my world, and I don’t even know my own world that well.”
“Sometimes the answers to our questions come from deep
within,” she says.
“Yeah, thanks, I already tried yoga,” I tell her. “The
only thing I learned was that it’s boring as hell.”
“Perhaps you learned that you’re boring as hell,” she
remarks. ❞
❝ “I would tell you not to be afraid,” Vipunen says. “But
that would be foolish. You can’t stop the fear you feel, not yet. You will
learn in time to live with the fear and let it feed you, fuel you. For now, be
afraid, Hanna. Be very afraid.”
Well, fuck.
“Hello.” I clear my throat. “It’s nice to finally meet
Even when you’re shitting your pants, it’s good to keep
up your manners. ❞
↠ Moon Kissed by Jen L. Grey
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 25th, 2022, 10:24 am → May 27th, 2022 01:02 am
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ No
matter where you are, my heart is yours. ❞
↠ Empire of Desire by Rina Kent
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: did not finish
Reading date: May 27th, 2022, 11:09 pm → May 29th, 2022, 09:49 am
Rating: –
Favourite quotes:
❝ The world isn’t only yes or no. There are “I guess”
moments – maybes, the unsure. ❞
↠ Puck Shy by Teagan Hunter
Reading type: first time reading
Reading status: finished
Reading date: May 30th, 2022, 11:36 pm → May 31rd, 2022, 02:08 pm
Rating: 4,5 csillag
Favourite quotes:
❝ A shadow falls over her and a beer appears in front of
her face. She grins at the tall guy with ink-black hair and black-framed
glasses who takes the seat next to her. He’s wearing a shirt that says “G.O.A.T
Dad” with a picture of him and several tiny goats. I’m not usually into the
whole nerd-vibe thing he has going, but this guy is… wow.
She takes the drink from his outstretched hand, then tips
the cup my way. “Plus, the alcohol helps. I’m Delia, by the way.” She gestures
toward the guy beside her. “This is my husband, Zach. Please ignore his
embarrassing shirt. He wouldn’t take it off.”
He leans around her and send me a grin. “She’s always
trying to get me naked.”
She swats at him. “Zachary!” ❞
❝ Real love doesn’t come around often. Hell, sometimes it
never comes around at all. But when it does… it’s worth waiting for. ❞
Thank you so so much for reading for this wrap up post. I
hope you liked it, and if you did, please join us next Tuesday too. Do not
forget to check out my sweet friend, Laura’s post too.
Have a wonderful day! ❤
xoxo, Fruzsi
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