2021. október 27., szerda

Piper Rayne: The Baileys – borító átalakulás | The Baileys by Piper Rayne – cover rereveal

Piper Rayne The Baileys sorozata egy teljes borítóátalakuláson esett át. Az írónők minden nap egy kötetnek az új külsejét mutatják meg nekünk, eddig ötre derült fény. Mikor megtudtam, hogy ezek a regények új borítót fognak kapni, bevallom, egy kicsit féltem, mert szerintem az eredetiek mára már szinte ikonikussá váltak. Viszont most, hogy már öt leleplezésre sor került, azt kell, hogy mondjam, kifejezetten szépek lettek. Ha most csak egyet ki kellene emelnem ezek közül, akkor igencsak nagy bajban lennék, nem hiszem, hogy tudnék kedvencet választani. Izgatottan várom a többi könyv megújult borítóját!
Ui: Ha szerettek nagyobb családokról olvasni, akkor mindenképpen adjatok esélyt ennek a sorozatnak is. Én már csak az utolsó kettőt nem olvastam, a többi viszont hatalmas kedvencem lett, főleg a Confessions from a Naughty Nanny (nemrég újraolvastam a legkedvencebb jeleneteimet ebből a kötetből, és ó te jó ég, ez a történet most is képes teljesen lenyűgözni engem, annyira imádom ezt a párt).
De most nem is húznám tovább a szót, mutatom is az eddig leleplezett borítókat.
Jó böngészést mindenkinek!
Piper Rayne: Lessons from a One-Night Stand | Fülszöveg + borító átalakulás
If you’re a guy like me, and you find yourself having banged your sexy new boss —the school principal — in the back of your Jeep one drunken night, heres a few takeaways based on my experience...
Lesson One: always get her FULL name.
Lesson Two: consider asking what she does for a living.
Lesson Three: find out why shes moved to town. Get details. Details are crucial.
Lesson Four: don’t alter her bio in front of an auditorium of high school students unless you know she has a sense of humor for that sort of thing.
Lesson Five: if you ignore Lesson Four, apologize instead of flirt when you're sent to the principal’s office.
Lesson Six: NEVER sleep with her again.
Lesson Seven: pay attention to this one, its the most important of them all.
Don’t fall for your one-night stand.
Class dismissed.
Piper Rayne: Advice from a Jilted Bride | Fülszöveg + borító átalakulás
What’s a girl to do after being ditched at the altar by text message? That’s right. Text. Message.
How does she pick up the pieces and move on? I’m no Dear Abby but here’s a little free advice…
Advice #1 – First, purge your apartment of all things him—by tossing his belongings off the balcony.
Advice #2 – Do not, I repeat do not, throw anything out into the hallway because you’ll injure your hot new neighbor.
Advice #3 – When said neighbor brings over Chinese Food do not let him stay and keep you company. It’s awkward when you realize he’s your boss.
Advice #4 – Accept his offer to help you with your side business but think twice before using a date to his sister’s wedding as collateral.
Advice #5 – Investigate who your mystery neighbor really is. Don’t trust his word even if he’s the world’s best kisser.
If you listen to nothing else, pay attention to that last one. It’s the most important and will save you a lot of heartache.
Piper Rayne: Birth of a Baby Daddy | Fülszöveg + borító átalakulás
If you’re having fun living your bachelor life in your Alaskan hometown and out of nowhere a woman shows up holding a baby she insists is yours, you need a plan-a birth plan.
BP Step #1 - Lift your jaw off the floor.
BP Step #2 - Figure out the baby's age-do the math.
BP Step #3 - Try to remember the woman and with any luck, her name.
BP Step #4 - Double check that she's not confusing you with your twin brother.
BP Step #5 - Ignore your five sisters scowls as your entire family watches the drama unfold.
There's only one thing you shouldn't do.
BP Step #6 – Don’t assume she’s there because she wants your daughter to call you Daddy. You’ll only end up disappointed.
Time to figure out a new plan-one that changes her mind.
Piper Rayne: Falling for My Brother’s Best Friend | Fülszöveg + borító átalakulás
Let’s say you’re an independent, self-sufficient woman who runs the family company and you find yourself falling for your little brother’s best friend. Now, more than ever, you need to count all the reasons why you need to abandon falling.
Abandon Falling #1 – He’s a womanizer. Hasn’t had a serious relationship a day in his life and changes women more often than he changes his sheets.
Abandon Falling #2 – He’s never serious. He cracks one-liners, mostly at your expense.
Abandon Falling #3 – When things go wrong, he seems unfazed and always remains in control. It’s so annoying.
Abandon Falling #4 – He has tattoos. Lots of them. Everywhere. Not to mention, he owns a tattoo parlor. (Damn it! Why doesn’t that sound like a bad thing anymore?)
Abandon Falling #5 – There’s a growing list of how different you two are. You can’t get along for fifteen minutes—a lifetime together would land one of you in prison.
Keep repeating those reasons and drown yourself in work. Pretend you don’t notice his good qualities or how enticing he looks without a shirt, and do not, I repeat, do not agree to live with the man while your place is being repaired from flood damage.
Trust me, even the strongest of us can only forego temptation for so long.
Piper Rayne: Demise of a Self-Centered Playboy | Fülszöveg + borító átalakulás
You might be wondering how you’ll know when your playboy ways are coming to an end. For some it might be an unexpected pregnancy (ahem… you know who), for others it might be finally landing the one woman you’ve always wanted (cough… I won’t mention any names). For me, it was the death of my mentor and the subsequent reading of his will.
The signs were there, they always are. But I didn’t notice them until it was too late, and my demise was complete.
Demise Sign #1 – You find yourself thrust into the land of responsibility and you don’t immediately hightail it out of town.
Demise Sign #2 – Despite being stuck with the world’s biggest Jekyll & Hyde, some sadistic part of you actually enjoys spending time with her.
Demise Sign #3 – Your family suddenly stops wanting to weigh in on every decision in your life.
Demise Sign #4 – Somehow you end up being the voice of reason in your tumultuous partnership.
Demise Sign #5 – You start thinking of other people before yourself.
Demise Sign #6 – You agree to put yourself in the middle of an Alaskan reality TV show that has both of you sleeping in the same tent.
Demise Complete.

Ti mit gondoltok az új borítóktól?
Köszönöm szépen, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
The Baileys books by Piper Rayne have brand new covers. The authors show us one new cover a day, so far, they have revealed five. To be completely honest, when I found out that these books would have new covers I was a little bit afraid, because in my opinion, the original ones are pretty much iconic. But now, after seeing five new covers I have to say that I am not disappointed like at all, the changed ones are so incredibly pretty. If I had to pick just one as my biggest favourite, well, it would be a very tough decision for me, to say the least. I can not wait to see the rest of the new covers!
PS.: If you like to read about big families, you absolutely need to read this series too. I have read seven books in this series, and they were all really amazing, especially Confessions from a Naughty Nanny (I have recently reread some of my biggest favourite scenes, and oh my it was so amazing, I love this couple so so much).
But now, without further ado, let me show you the new covers.
Happy reading!
Lessons from a One-Night Stand by Piper Rayne | Blurb + cover rereveal
If you’re a guy like me, and you find yourself having banged your sexy new boss —the school principal — in the back of your Jeep one drunken night, here's a few takeaways based on my experience...
Lesson One: always get her FULL name.
Lesson Two: consider asking what she does for a living.
Lesson Three: find out why shes moved to town. Get details. Details are crucial.
Lesson Four: don’t alter her bio in front of an auditorium of high school students unless you know she has a sense of humor for that sort of thing.
Lesson Five: if you ignore Lesson Four, apologize instead of flirt when youre sent to the principal’s office.
Lesson Six: NEVER sleep with her again.
Lesson Seven: pay attention to this one, its the most important of them all.
Don’t fall for your one-night stand.
Class dismissed.
Advice from a Jilted Bride by Piper Rayne | Blurb + cover rereveal
What’s a girl to do after being ditched at the altar by text message? That’s right. Text. Message.
How does she pick up the pieces and move on? I’m no Dear Abby but here’s a little free advice…
Advice #1 – First, purge your apartment of all things him—by tossing his belongings off the balcony.
Advice #2 – Do not, I repeat do not, throw anything out into the hallway because you’ll injure your hot new neighbor.
Advice #3 – When said neighbor brings over Chinese Food do not let him stay and keep you company. It’s awkward when you realize he’s your boss.
Advice #4 – Accept his offer to help you with your side business but think twice before using a date to his sister’s wedding as collateral.
Advice #5 – Investigate who your mystery neighbor really is. Don’t trust his word even if he’s the world’s best kisser.
If you listen to nothing else, pay attention to that last one. It’s the most important and will save you a lot of heartache.
Birth of a Baby Daddy by Piper Rayne | Blurb + cover rereveal
If you’re having fun living your bachelor life in your Alaskan hometown and out of nowhere a woman shows up holding a baby she insists is yours, you need a plan-a birth plan.
BP Step #1 - Lift your jaw off the floor.
BP Step #2 - Figure out the babys age-do the math.
BP Step #3 - Try to remember the woman and with any luck, her name.
BP Step #4 - Double check that she's not confusing you with your twin brother.
BP Step #5 - Ignore your five sister's scowls as your entire family watches the drama unfold.
There's only one thing you shouldn't do.
BP Step #6 – Don’t assume she’s there because she wants your daughter to call you Daddy. You’ll only end up disappointed.
Time to figure out a new plan-one that changes her mind.

Falling for My Brother’s Best Friend by Piper Rayne | Blurb + cover rereveal
Let’s say you’re an independent, self-sufficient woman who runs the family company and you find yourself falling for your little brother’s best friend. Now, more than ever, you need to count all the reasons why you need to abandon falling.
Abandon Falling #1 – He’s a womanizer. Hasn’t had a serious relationship a day in his life and changes women more often than he changes his sheets.
Abandon Falling #2 – He’s never serious. He cracks one-liners, mostly at your expense.
Abandon Falling #3 – When things go wrong, he seems unfazed and always remains in control. It’s so annoying.
Abandon Falling #4 – He has tattoos. Lots of them. Everywhere. Not to mention, he owns a tattoo parlor. (Damn it! Why doesn’t that sound like a bad thing anymore?)
Abandon Falling #5 – There’s a growing list of how different you two are. You can’t get along for fifteen minutes—a lifetime together would land one of you in prison.
Keep repeating those reasons and drown yourself in work. Pretend you don’t notice his good qualities or how enticing he looks without a shirt, and do not, I repeat, do not agree to live with the man while your place is being repaired from flood damage.
Trust me, even the strongest of us can only forego temptation for so long.
Demise of a Self-Centered Playboy by Piper Rayne | Blurb + cover rereveal
You might be wondering how you’ll know when your playboy ways are coming to an end. For some it might be an unexpected pregnancy (ahem… you know who), for others it might be finally landing the one woman you’ve always wanted (cough… I won’t mention any names). For me, it was the death of my mentor and the subsequent reading of his will.
The signs were there, they always are. But I didn’t notice them until it was too late, and my demise was complete.
Demise Sign #1 – You find yourself thrust into the land of responsibility and you don’t immediately hightail it out of town.
Demise Sign #2 – Despite being stuck with the world’s biggest Jekyll & Hyde, some sadistic part of you actually enjoys spending time with her.
Demise Sign #3 – Your family suddenly stops wanting to weigh in on every decision in your life.
Demise Sign #4 – Somehow you end up being the voice of reason in your tumultuous partnership.
Demise Sign #5 – You start thinking of other people before yourself.
Demise Sign #6 – You agree to put yourself in the middle of an Alaskan reality TV show that has both of you sleeping in the same tent.
Demise Complete.

What do you think about the new covers?
Thank you so so much for reading this post.
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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