2021. augusztus 2., hétfő

Cora Reilly: By Sin I Rise – hírek | By Sin I Rise by Cora Reilly – news

By Sin I Rise | Könyvprofil
Sorozat: Sins of the Fathers
A sorozat kötetei:
By Sin I Rise
By Virtue I Fall
By Fate I Conquer
Maddox – Mad Dog – White hates everything the name Vitiello stands for, after he witnessed his father and his men getting butchered by the Capo of the Italian mob in their territory. Raised by his uncle, the president of the Tartarus MC, Maddox is destined to follow in his footsteps. Now their chapter is on the rise again, but for their ultimate triumph they need to destroy the Vitiello empire. And what better way to do it than to steal the spoilt Vitiello princess and break her piece by piece until her father begs for mercy.
Known as the spoilt princess of New York, Marcella Vitiello grew up in a golden cage. If your father is the most feared man in New York, people gift you with reverence.
Destined to marry the boyfriend approved by her father, Marcella is sick of being treated like an untouchable porcelain doll.
She resents the life forced upon her by her family until everything she took for granted is ripped from her. Where she’s now, her name doesn’t bring awe, only pain and humiliation.
If you’ve grown up in a high castle, the fall is all the deeper.
Sins of the fathers have a way of catching up…who’s going to bleed for them?
Eredetileg szeptember 15.-én jelent volna meg Cora Reilly Sins of the Fathers sorozatának a nyitókötete, a By Sin I Rise, és ez meg is fog történni, csupán egy kis változással. Cora nemrég bejelentette, hogy Marcella és Maddox történetét nem egy, hanem két kötetben olvashatjuk majd. A By Sin I Rise első része szeptember 15.-én fog megjelenni, a másodikat pedig januárban olvashatjuk. Az első rész borítóleleplezésére ezen a héten pénteken fog sor kerülni.
Cora ezt a bejelentést a Facebook olvasói csoportjában tette közzé, mutatok a posztról egy képernyőképet nektek, ha esetleg valaki el szeretné olvasni a teljes posztot. A bejegyzés alatt az írónő megválaszolt néhány kérdést a Sins of the Fathers-szel kapcsolatban, ha érdeklődtök a sorozat iránt, akkor mindenképpen érdemes benézni oda is.
Cora Reilly | Elérhetőségek
Köszönöm szépen, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést, remélem, hogy hasznosnak találtátok.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
By Sin I Rise  | Book profile
Series: Sins of the Fathers
Books in the series:
By Sin I Rise
By Virtue I Fall
By Fate I Conquer
Maddox – Mad Dog – White hates everything the name Vitiello stands for, after he witnessed his father and his men getting butchered by the Capo of the Italian mob in their territory. Raised by his uncle, the president of the Tartarus MC, Maddox is destined to follow in his footsteps. Now their chapter is on the rise again, but for their ultimate triumph they need to destroy the Vitiello empire. And what better way to do it than to steal the spoilt Vitiello princess and break her piece by piece until her father begs for mercy.
Known as the spoilt princess of New York, Marcella Vitiello grew up in a golden cage. If your father is the most feared man in New York, people gift you with reverence.
Destined to marry the boyfriend approved by her father, Marcella is sick of being treated like an untouchable porcelain doll.
She resents the life forced upon her by her family until everything she took for granted is ripped from her. Where she’s now, her name doesn’t bring awe, only pain and humiliation.
If you’ve grown up in a high castle, the fall is all the deeper.
Sins of the fathers have a way of catching up…who’s going to bleed for them?
By Sin I Rise, the first book in the Sins of the Fathers series, was supposed to be released on September 15th, and it is still going to happen, but there is a little bit of change in Marcella and Maddox’ story. Cora has just announced that they will get two books. So the first part of By Sin I Rise will be released on September 15th, and we will be able to read the second part in January. The cover reveal for the first part will happen this Friday.
I will share a screenshot of that post with you, but Cora has also started to answer some reader questions about Sins of the Fathers in the comment section, so if you are interested in this series, check out her Facebook reader group to read her answers to those questions.
Cora Reilly | Author links
Thank you so so much for reading this blog post, I hope you found it helpful.
Have a wonderful day!

xoxo, Fruzsi

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