2021. augusztus 1., vasárnap

Legjobban várt romantikus megjelenéseim | My most anticipated romance releases

Eljött az augusztus is, most már javában benne vagyunk a 2021-es év második felében (ami egészen hihetetlen, ha engem kérdeztek). Arra gondoltam, hogy az augusztusi hónapot egy olyan bejegyzéssel fogom megnyitni, amelyben összegyűjtöttem nektek azokat a regényeket, amelyeknek a megjelenésére 2021 második felében számíthatunk, és amiket már hihetetlen mértékű izgalommal várok. Ez csak egy kis rövid bemutató lesz, tényleg csak a legeslegeslegjobban várt köteteimet gyűjtöttem most össze, a későbbiekben majd tervezek hónapokra lebontott listákat is megosztani veletek.
Remélem, hogy hasznosnak fogjátok találni ezt a bejegyzést. Jó böngészést mindenkinek!
Leiner Laura: Iskolák versenye II. trilógia harmadik része
Bár erről a regényről még nem tudunk sokat, csupán annyit, hogy még idén meg fog jelenni, viszont még így is a legjobban várt regényeim közé tartozik. Én még csak tegnap este kezdtem el olvasni a Bízz bennemet, és egészen bőven hajnali 5 utánig képtelen voltam lerakni a könyvet, és csak azért, mert tudtam, hogy ha akkor nem hagyom abba az olvasást, akkor nem fogok aludni egy percet sem. Jelenleg még csak a kötet felénél járok, de már most ki merem jelenteni azt, hogy ez az egyik legeslegeslegjobb 2021-es olvasmányom.
Laura az egyik blogbejegyzésében megerősítette, hogy idén meg fog jelenni a harmadik kötet, ha el szeretnétek olvasni ezt a posztot, akkor katt ide.
Cora Reilly: By Sin I Rise | Könyvprofil
Várható megjelenés: 2021. szeptember 15.
Borítóleleplezés: 2021. augusztus 6.
Sorozat: Sins of the Fathers
A sorozat kötetei:
By Sin I Rise
By Virtue I Fall
By Fate I Conquer
Maddox – Mad Dog – White hates everything the name Vitiello stands for, after he witnessed his father and his men getting butchered by the Capo of the Italian mob in their territory. Raised by his uncle, the president of the Tartarus MC, Maddox is destined to follow in his footsteps. Now their chapter is on the rise again, but for their ultimate triumph they need to destroy the Vitiello empire. And what better way to do it than to steal the spoilt Vitiello princess and break her piece by piece until her father begs for mercy.
Known as the spoilt princess of New York, Marcella Vitiello grew up in a golden cage. If your father is the most feared man in New York, people gift you with reverence.
Destined to marry the boyfriend approved by her father, Marcella is sick of being treated like an untouchable porcelain doll.
She resents the life forced upon her by her family until everything she took for granted is ripped from her. Where she’s now, her name doesn’t bring awe, only pain and humiliation.
If you’ve grown up in a high castle, the fall is all the deeper.
Sins of the fathers have a way of catching up…who’s going to bleed for them?
A By Sin I Rise lesz Cora Reilly új sorozatának, a Sins of the Fathers-nek a nyitókötete, és én már azóta tűkön ülve várom ennek a sorozatnak a kezdetét, amióta Cora beharangozta. Ha még esetleg nem hallottatok volna róla: ezekben a regényekben a Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles és a Camorra Chronicles karaktereinek gyermekein lesz a hangsúly, ők lesznek a főszereplők. A By Sin I Rise Luca és Aria elsőszülött lányáról, Marcella-ról, a By Virtue I Fall Dante és Val lányáról, Anna-ról, a By Fate I Conquer pedig Remo és Serafina lányáról ÉS Luca és Aria fiáról, Greta-ról és Amo-ról fog szólni (őszintén megmondva én ennek várom legjobban a megjelenését, a többire is nagyon kíváncsi vagyok, de ez a páros egyszerűen tökéletes). A sorozat további kötetekkel fog bővülni, azonban Cora ezeknek még nem jelentette be a címeit.
Staci Hart: For Love or Honey | Könyvprofil
Várható megjelenés: 2021. szeptember 21.
When the devil comes to town, you have to meet him head-on.
Which is exactly what I did when Grant Stone rolled into our small Texas town, driving a sports car I could fit in the bed of my truck, wearing a suit as black as his soul. He’s here to acquire mineral rights to half a dozen farms in town.
And there’s no way he’s getting mine.
I don’t make deals with the devil.
So when he challenges me to show him the small town ropes, my motivation is the prospect of seeing him make a fool of himself. He might have an angle, but if he thinks he can finagle me into endangering my bee farm, he’s got another thing coming.
Until the line in the sand is washed away.
My farm in danger. A town in upheaval. A man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
And me in the middle.
When the devil comes to town, you have to meet him head-on.
And when he sneaks into your heart, he’ll only break it.
Staci Hart For Love or Honey című regényét én még csak pár nappal ezelőtt fedeztem fel, de már a fülszöveg- és borítóleleplezéssel teljesen megvett magának. Én személy szerint méhészekről még sosem olvastam romantikus regényekben, női méhészekről meg plane nem, szóval már nagyon izgatottan várom a szeptembert.
Elle Kennedy: The Legacy | Könyvprofil
Várható megjelenés: 2021. szeptemer 21.
Sorozat: Off-Campus
A sorozat kötetei:
The Deal – Az üzlet
The Mistake – A baklövés
The Score – A pont
The Goal – A cél
The Legacy
The international bestselling Off-Campus series returns with a collection of four novellas by New York Times bestselling author Elle Kennedy! This brand-new installment provides the much-anticipated answer to the question: where are they now?
A The Legacy-t ahogy megláttam, úgy rögtön landolt is a kívánságlistámon. Az Off-Campus az egyik legnagyobb kedvenc sportos-romantikus sorozatom, és szinte nem is tudtam hinni a szememnek, amikor megláttam, hogy még egy könyv fog szólni ezekről a csodás párokról.
Giana Darling: Dangerous Temptation | Könyvprofil
Várható megjelenés: 2021. szeptember 28.
He arrives all dressed in black. Diamond cufflinks. A watch on his tanned wrist that cost more than we would ever see in a lifetime of work. He carries a single red rose for my mother.
Months later, Tiernan Morelli lays red roses on my mother’s grave. That same day, he tells me that he is my new guardian.
I should have known from the very start that he had more in common with the thorns than the rose. Now I know the truth: I’m a pawn in his dangerous game of revenge. I was too young and naive. Now it's too late to save myself from his clutches.
I belong to him.
Az idei szeptember telis-tele lesz jobbnál-jobb romantikus könyvekkel, a listámat ezúttal Giana Darling Dangerous Temptation című kötete bővíti. Én személy szerint nagyon szeretem az olyan történeteket, amelyekben a két főszereplő között van egy nagyobb korkülönbség, szóval már alig várom, hogy olvashassam Giana új alkotását is.
Piper Rayne: My Sister’s Flirty Friend | Könyvprofil
Várható megjelenés: 2021. november 2.
Sorozat: The Greene Family
A sorozat kötetei:
My Twist of Fortune
My Beautiful Neighbor
My Almost Ex
My Vegas Groom
My Sister’s Flirty Friend
My Unexpected Surprise
My Famous Frenemy
My Scorned Best Friend
My Fake Fiancé
My Brother’s Forbidden Friend
My Sister’s Flirty Friend is about a guy who can’t stop thinking about his younger sister’s best friend, but we’re not telling who!
This is book four in Piper Rayne’s brand new small town family series, The Greene Family.

Piper Rayne: My Unexpected Surprise | Könyvprofil
Várható megjelenés: 2021. december 14.
Sorozat: The Greene Family
A sorozat kötetei:
My Twist of Fortune
My Beautiful Neighbor
My Almost Ex
My Vegas Groom
My Sister’s Flirty Friend
My Unexpected Surprise
My Famous Frenemy
My Scorned Best Friend
My Fake Fiancé
My Brother’s Forbidden Friend
My Unexpected Surprise is about a guy who finds out sometimes surprises come with ten fingers and ten toes. Can you guess who?
This is book five in Piper Rayne’s brand new small town family series, The Greene Family.
Piper Rayne könyveit egy nagyon kedves barátom ajánlására kezdtem el olvasni, és hihetetlenül hálás vagyok neki ezért, hiszen a szívem csücske lett a Baily és a Greene család is. Ha szerettek nagyobb családokról olvasni, akkor érdemes egy pillantást vetni ezekre a kötetekre is. Tökéletesen van vegyítve mindegyikben a humoros és az érzelmesebb pillanatok száma. Idén két regénnyel fog bővülni a sorozat, amiket hatalmas izgatottsággal várok. Én a The Greene Family sorozatból még csak a My Vegas Groom című könyvet olvastam el, viszont már ennek is sikerült teljes mértékben lenyűgöznie, alig várom, hogy még többet olvashassak erről a családról.
Rina Kent: Empire of Desire | Könyvprofil
Várható megjelenés: 2021. november 4.
Sorozat: Empire
A sorozat kötetei:
Empire of Desire
Empire of Sin
Empire of Hate
Empire of Lust
My forbidden husband.
From the internationally bestselling author, Rina Kent,
comes a complete STANDALONE full of twisted love.
Father’s best friend.
Age gap.
Marriage of convenience.
Unrequited love.
Note: This is NOT a dark romance.

Rina Kent könyveit én nagyon imádom, ha ti is szerettek egy kicsit sötétebb témájú történeteket olvasni, akkor bátran tudom nektek ajánlani az ő alkotásait is. Az év második felében egy új sorozatot indít az írónő, amelynek első kötete, az Empire of Desire, várhatóan november elején fog megjelenni. A kötetben a két főszereplő között lesz korkülönbség (azt még pontosan nem tudjuk, hogy mekkora), és egy érdekházasságról fog szólni a történet. Nekem ezek hatalmas kedvenceim, szóval már csak ezekkel simán megvett magának.
És ezennel a végére is értünk ennek a listának, jelenleg ezek a legjobban várt romantikus megjelenéseim. Köszönöm szépen, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést, remélem, hogy fel tudtatok fedezni benne egy olyan könyvet (vagy akár többet is), amit ti is szívesen elolvasnátok.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
Hey everyone!
We are officially in the second half of 2021 (which is completely mindblowing if you ask me). I thought that it would be a good idea to start this month by posting a list with my most anticipated romance novels that will be released in the second half of this year. This list will not be that long, I have only selected some books that I am really really really really really excited for, I am planning on sharing monthly most anticipated releases list with you.
But right now, I hope you will find this list helpful. Happy reading!

Laura Leiner’s upcoming release
Laura Leiner is my biggest favourite Hungarian author, her books made me fall in love with reading, I wholeheartedly adore her work. The third book in her new series is releasing this year, but we do not have a release date yet (she said she will announce it soon). I am currently reading the first novel in that series, and I am so incredibly obsessed with this story. I have started to read it last night, and way after 5am I had to force myself to put it down and get some sleep. Yeah, it is that good. I shouldn’t have waited this long to read it, I don’t know why I did it, but I should have read it a lot sooner. Anyway, I am glad that I am reading it right now because I have been in a huge book slump and this book just kicked me out of it. I am only halfway through, but I can already say that this is one of the best books I have read in 2021.
So yeah, I am only reading the first book in that series, but I am already eagerly waiting for the third one.
By Sin I Rise by Cora Reilly | Book profile
Expected publication: September 15th, 2021
Cover reveal: August 6th, 2021
Series: Sins of the Fathers
Books in the series:
By Sin I Rise
By Virtue I Fall
By Fate I Conquer
Maddox – Mad Dog – White hates everything the name Vitiello stands for, after he witnessed his father and his men getting butchered by the Capo of the Italian mob in their territory. Raised by his uncle, the president of the Tartarus MC, Maddox is destined to follow in his footsteps. Now their chapter is on the rise again, but for their ultimate triumph they need to destroy the Vitiello empire. And what better way to do it than to steal the spoilt Vitiello princess and break her piece by piece until her father begs for mercy.
Known as the spoilt princess of New York, Marcella Vitiello grew up in a golden cage. If your father is the most feared man in New York, people gift you with reverence.
Destined to marry the boyfriend approved by her father, Marcella is sick of being treated like an untouchable porcelain doll.
She resents the life forced upon her by her family until everything she took for granted is ripped from her. Where she’s now, her name doesn’t bring awe, only pain and humiliation.
If you’ve grown up in a high castle, the fall is all the deeper.
Sins of the fathers have a way of catching up…who’s going to bleed for them?
Cora Reilly’s brand new series, Sins of the Fathers, will begin in September, that is when the first book, By Sin I Rise, will be released. I have been eagerly waiting for this series since Cora announced it. If you haven’t heard about it yet: the main characters in these novels will be the childrens of the couples from Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles and The Camorra Chronicles. By Sin I Rise will tell the story of Luca and Aria’s daughter, Marcella; By Virtue I Fall will be about Dante and Val’s daughter, Anna; and By Fate I Conquer will be the story of Remo and Serafina’s daughter AND Luca and Aria’s son, Great and Amo (to be completely honest, I am most excited about this couple, of course I would love to read the others’ stories to, but this couple is already pure perfection). The series will have more books, but Cora has not announced the titles of those yet.
For Love or Honey by Staci Hart | Book profile
Expected publication: September 21st, 2021
When the devil comes to town, you have to meet him head-on.
Which is exactly what I did when Grant Stone rolled into our small Texas town, driving a sports car I could fit in the bed of my truck, wearing a suit as black as his soul. He’s here to acquire mineral rights to half a dozen farms in town.
And there’s no way he’s getting mine.
I don’t make deals with the devil.
So when he challenges me to show him the small town ropes, my motivation is the prospect of seeing him make a fool of himself. He might have an angle, but if he thinks he can finagle me into endangering my bee farm, he’s got another thing coming.
Until the line in the sand is washed away.
My farm in danger. A town in upheaval. A man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
And me in the middle.
When the devil comes to town, you have to meet him head-on.
And when he sneaks into your heart, he’ll only break it.
I have only discovered Staci Hart’s upcoming release, For Love or Honey, a few days ago, and I am still completely obsessed with it, she absolutely amazed me with the blurb and cover reveal. I have never read about bee keepers in romance novels, especially not about a woman who is a bee keeper, so I am really curious, I am super excited for this story.
The Legacy by Elle Kennedy | Book profile
Expected publication: September 21st, 2021
Series: Off-Campus
Books in the series:
The Deal
The Mistake
The Score
The Goal
The Legacy
The international bestselling Off-Campus series returns with a collection of four novellas by New York Times bestselling author Elle Kennedy! This brand-new installment provides the much-anticipated answer to the question: where are they now?

As soon as I saw that Elle Kennedy’s newest release will be The Legacy, I instantly added it to my to-be-read list. Off-Campus is one of my biggest favourite sport romance series, I can not even tell you how many times I have reread those books, so I almost could not believe my eyes when I saw that we would be getting a new novel featuring those wonderful couples.
Dangerous Temptation by Giana Darling | Book profile
Expected publication: September 28th, 2021
He arrives all dressed in black. Diamond cufflinks. A watch on his tanned wrist that cost more than we would ever see in a lifetime of work. He carries a single red rose for my mother.
Months later, Tiernan Morelli lays red roses on my mother’s grave. That same day, he tells me that he is my new guardian.
I should have known from the very start that he had more in common with the thorns than the rose. Now I know the truth: I’m a pawn in his dangerous game of revenge. I was too young and naive. Now it's too late to save myself from his clutches.
This September will be filled with so many amazing romance novel releases, one of the newest addition to my most anticipated list is Dangerous Temptation by Giana Darling. Personally, I really love age gap romances, so I can not wait to read Giana’s newest story.
My Sister’s Flirty Friend by Piper Rayne | Book profile
Expected publication: November 2nd, 2021
Series: The Greene Family
Books in the series:
My Twist of Fortune
My Beautiful Neighbor
My Almost Ex
My Vegas Groom
My Sister’s Flirty Friend
My Unexpected Surprise
My Famous Frenemy
My Scorned Best Friend
My Fake Fiancé
My Brother’s Forbidden Friend
My Sister’s Flirty Friend is about a guy who can’t stop thinking about his younger sister’s best friend, but we’re not telling who!
This is book four in Piper Rayne’s brand new small town family series, The Greene Family.
My Unexpected Surprise by Piper Rayne | Book profile
Expected publication: December 14th, 2021
Series: The Greene Family
Books in the series:
My Twist of Fortune
My Beautiful Neighbor
My Almost Ex
My Vegas Groom
My Sister’s Flirty Friend
My Unexpected Surprise
My Famous Frenemy
My Scorned Best Friend
My Fake Fiancé
My Brother’s Forbidden Friend
My Unexpected Surprise is about a guy who finds out sometimes surprises come with ten fingers and ten toes. Can you guess who?
This is book five in Piper Rayne’s brand new small town family series, The Greene Family.
I have started to read Piper Rayne’s book because one of my amazing friends recommended them to me, and I am so incredibly thankful that she did it because now the Bailey and the Greene family has a super special place in my heart. If you like to read about bigger families, then please check out these series too, trust me, they are so good. The authors mixed funny and emotional scenes perfectly together, it is so easy to love these characters. We will get two more Greene books, and words can not express how excited I am for both of these. I have only read My Vegas Groom from The Greene Family, and it was such a wonderful reading experience, I can not wait to read more about this family.
Empire of Desire by Rina Kent | Book profile
Expected publication: November 4th, 2021
Series: Empire
Books in the series:
Empire of Desire
Empire of Sin
Empire of Hate
Empire of Lust
My forbidden husband.
From the internationally bestselling author, Rina Kent,
comes a complete STANDALONE full of twisted love.
Father’s best friend.
Age gap.
Marriage of convenience.
Unrequited love.
Note: This is NOT a dark romance.
I really adore Rina Kent’s novels, if you like to read books that have darker themes, then you should definitely check them out. In the second half of 2021, Rina will start a brand new series (Empire), and the first book will be released in the beginning of November. Knowing that it will be an age gap (we don’t know exactly how big the age gap is) and marriage of convenience story is more than enough for me, I just simply can not contain my excitement for this book!
And we have reached the end of my most anticipated romance releases list. Thank you so so much for reading this blog post, I hope you could find a book (or even more) that you would also love to read.
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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