is tértem egy új Top 5 Szerdás bejegyzéssel, a mai poszt témája a következő:
Augusztus 4.: Félúton
Mivel július már a múlté, hivatalosan is a 2021-es év
második feléhez érkeztünk. Melyek azok a kedvenc könyveid, amelyek az év első
felében jelentek meg?
Szerencsére ebben az évben több idén megjelent regényt is sikerült elolvasnom, most pedig mutatom is nektek, hogy melyik az az öt, amelyik a legjobban elnyerte a tetszésemet. A könyveket teljesen véletlenszerű sorrendben sorolom fel.
Jó böngészést mindenkinek! ❤
↠ Piper Rayne: My Vegas Groom | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2021. május 18.
Sorozat: The Greene Family
A sorozat kötetei:
My Twist of Fortune
My Beautiful Neighbor
My Almost Ex
My Vegas Groom
My Sister’s Flirty Friend
My Unexpected Surprise
My Famous Frenemy
My Scorned Best Friend
My Fake Fiancé
My Brother’s Forbidden Friend
Waking up next to a stranger wearing a wedding ring was
not on the itinerary.
I came to Las Vegas for a quick girl’s trip, but somehow
ended up a married woman. What I thought would stay in Vegas followed me back
to my small town of Sunrise Bay, Alaska.
Of course, my new husband—MMA champion fighter, Logan
Stone—couldn’t find me alone at my house to tell me he wants to give our
impromptu nuptials a shot. He has to tell me in front of my entire family and
half the town.
The two of us couldn’t be more opposite, but he offers me
a deal I can’t refuse which involves me pretending we’re happily married for
three months. Yeah, a lot of things can change in that short amount of time,
most importantly catching feelings for a man whose lifestyle I despise.
Mondhatjuk úgy is, hogy a My Vegas Groom olvasásával a sorozat kellős közepébe ugrottam, hiszen nem olvastam az ezelőtt megjelent köteteket. Azért történt így, mert személy szerint én nagyon szeretem az olyan könyveket, amelyben a szereplők egy meglepetés házasságon esnek át (ez általában úgy néz ki, hogy elmennek Vegasba, egy kicsit többet isznak a kelleténél, másnap pedig házaspárként ébrednek fel a főszereplők), és amikor megláttam, hogy Piper Rayne legújabb alkotása is ezt a témát dolgozza fel, egyszerűen muszáj volt elolvasnom. Ha ti is hasonlón gondolkoztok, én azt mondom, olvassátok el nyugodtan, őszintén megmondva én egyáltalán nem éreztem azt, hogy lemaradtam volna valamiről azzal, hogy nem olvastam az előző részeket, az írónők zseniálisan megoldották ezt is, bevezetnek a történetbe, de mégsem árulnak el sokat, csak pont annyit, hogy teljes mértékben élvezhesse az olvasó a történetet.
A My Vegas Groom azonnal hatalmas kedvencemmé vált, ez egy rendkívül lebilincselő regény, nagyon szórakoztató, de egyben érzelmes volt; ha szerettek nagyobb családokról is olvasni, akkor biztos vagyok benne, hogy titeket is le fog nyűgözni.
↠ Carian Cole: Don’t Kiss the Bride | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2021. január 31.
I guess you could say I was a damsel in distress, and he
was my knight in shining armor.
But more accurately, I was a girl with a lot of bad luck,
and he was a guy with a lot of muscles and tattoos.
Jude “Lucky” Lucketti wasn’t just a sexy, brooding
construction worker. He was my own personal hero who seemed to be in all the
right places at the right times. Like when my car broke down and I needed a
ride home, and when I face planted on the sidewalk right in front of him and
had to be taken to the emergency room.
Those weren’t exactly my best moments, but they were his.
We became friends, and it didn’t matter that he was
sixteen years older than me. We had a lot in common—like our love of old rock
music and vintage fast cars, and our aversion to relationships.
When he approached me with a crazy idea to help me out, I
couldn’t say no.
The arrangement was supposed to be temporary. A marriage
on paper and nothing else.
It should’ve been easy, but it wasn’t.
Because here I am, eighteen years-old, still in high
school, and married to a man I was never supposed to fall in love with.
We had just one rule—no kissing the bride.
But we broke that rule, and it sealed our fate forever.
A Don’t Kiss the Bride volt a legeslegelső könyv, amit Carian Cole írónőtől olvastam, és már ezzel teljesen megvett magának. Néhány héttel ezelőtt azért kezdtem el olvasni ezt a regényt, mert akkor nagyon egy olyan történetet szerettem volna, amiben a főszereplők között van egy nagyobb korkülönbség, és így, hogy már elolvastam, azt kell, hogy mondjam, minden egyes elvárásomat felülmúlta ez a kötet. Ha ti is szeretitek az ilyen témájú történeteket, akkor mindenképpen el kell olvasnotok ezt is. Az írásmód, a karakterek, a cselekmény, ó, minden annyira tökéletesen lett kivitelezve. A Don’t Kiss the Bride nem csak a 2021-es év legjobb korkülönbséges regénye, hanem az egyik legjobb, amit valaha olvastam.
↠ Eliah Greenwood: Dear Love, I Hate You | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2021. március 12.
Sorozat: Easton Boys
A sorozat kötetei:
Dear Love, I Hate You (Xavier & Aveena története)
Dear Heart, I Hate You (Finn & Dia története) – még
nem jelent meg
It all started with an anonymous letter.
He wasn’t supposed to find it—no one was. And he definitely
wasn’t supposed to answer it.
We end up talking through letters and sticky notes in a
book. One sticky note. Two sticky notes. Ten sticky notes. All baring our
darkest, deepest secrets.
It’s all fun and games until I find out who my pen pal
Xavier Emery. King of my basketball-obsessed town, my
childhood bully, and the guy I am in grave danger of falling in love with.
But the rules were clear: we can never know who we’re
talking to, and the confessions can never, ever get out. Seriously. It would
destroy lives.
Fine by me. Even if Mr. Popular does find out his
confidant is little old me, it’s not like he’d ever love me back…
Eliah Greenwood nekem egy teljesen új írónő volt, a Dear Love, I Hate You előtt még semmit sem olvastam tőle, de ezzel a regényével teljes mértékben elvarázsolt. Ez a kötet több mint 400 oldalas, és én ezt kevesebb mint egy nap alatt el is olvastam. Xavier és Aveena gyorsan belopták magukat a szívembe, imádtam a kis levélváltásaikat, egyszerűen zseniális lett ez a könyv. Ráadásul, egy kis bepillantást nyerünk két mellékszereplő életébe, akik szavakkal ki sem tudom fejezni, hogy mennyire cukik együtt. Imádtam a jeleneteiket, és hihetetlenül boldog voltam, amikor az írónő bejelentette, hogy az ő történetüket is megírja. Már alig várom, hogy olvashassam a Dear Heart, I Hate You-t.
Addig is, ha egy jó középiskolában játszódó, utálatból-szerelem regényre vágytok, akkor mindenképpen olvassátok el a Dear Love, I Hate You-t.
↠ Shey Stahl: When We Met | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2021. április 9.
When Kacy Conner crashes her car into the side of my
repair shop, I should have ignored it.
Given the damage to the building and her car, I couldn’t.
But I didn’t have to offer her a place to stay. None of it had to do with her
being stranded in our small town or those beautiful blue eyes. And it certainly
did not have to do with her contagious laughter or that she’s crazy sexy and
I’m lying. It has everything to do with her.
Now I have to think of a reason to make her stay past the
two weeks it takes to fix her car.
And I’m enlisting the help of my two adorable daughters.
I know, you should never use your kids to get laid, but whoever said that
hadn’t gone five years without any.
Or they’re lying to you.
Don’t go calling protective services on me. Everything
I’m having them do is completely harmless. I mean, it’s totally okay to bribe
your kids with cookies to slash her tires so she can’t leave. And it’s fine to
have them steal the battery out of her car. Okay, I helped with that one.
Hello, they can’t carry a car battery. They can’t even clean their room, or so
they tell me.
Also, just so we’re clear on how far you can take it,
it’s no big deal to have your three-year-old fake an injury to get alone time
with her. I’m sure all single dad’s do that.
A little white lie never hurt anyone.
Until her lie finds her and I begin to question
everything she’s told me about the night we met.
Shey Stahl munkásságára először az Instagramon figyeltem fel, amikor is leleplezte a legújabb regényének, a When We Met-nek, a borítóját. Rengeteg bookstagrammer megosztotta, és nekem ez a borító első látásra szerelem lett. Hát nem imádnivaló? Aznap a kötet landolt is a kívánságlistámon, és tűkön ülve vártam, hogy végre eljöjjön április eleje, és olvashassam ezt a könyvet. Azt tudni kell rólam, hogy én imádom az olyan történeteket, amelyekben a férfi főszereplő egy egyedülálló apuka, és ha elolvastátok a fülszöveget, akkor ti is tudjátok, hogy a When We Met is ilyen, szóval engem már a megjelenése előtt teljesen elnyert magának ez a kötet.
Az elolvasása után sem kellett csalódnom, ez az egyik legaranyosabb regény, amit valaha is olvastam. Egyszerűen faltam a sorokat, ha egy könnyed, humoros kis olvasmányra vágytok, akkor bátran tudom nektek ajánlani Shey Stahl When We Met című alkotását.
↠ Natasha Knight: With this Ring | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2021. február 2.
Sorozat: To Have and To Hold Duet
A sorozat kötetei:
With this Ring
I Thee Take
When I rescued Scarlett De La Cruz from her tower it’s
not like her prospects were looking so great.
You’d think she’d show a little gratitude. Thank me for
putting my ring on her finger and marking her as mafia property.
My property.
I’ll keep her safe. And the trade-off isn’t so bad. Most
women would jump at the chance to sleep in my bed.
Not Scarlett, though.
My Cartel Princess has a big mouth and an even bigger
attitude. But it’s her furious caramel eyes that keep me coming back for more.
That and the way her body bends to mine like it already knows it belongs to me.
Scarlett is my enemy. She’s also the one woman I can’t
keep my hands off.
But if I don’t keep my head on straight, everything I’ve
worked for all these years will have been for nothing.
Dark romance-ből nekem jöhet bármennyi, az ilyen történetekből nekem sosem elég. Főleg, ha érdekházasság is van benne. Fogalmam sincs, hogy miért szeretem ezeket annyira, egyszerűen képtelen vagyok megunni. Ha éppen egy ilyen könyvet kerestek, akkor érdemes egy pillantást vetni Natasha Knight With this Ring című alkotására is. Én nagyon gyorsan a végére értem, és utána rendesen rossz volt várni a folytatásra (ó, hogy én mennyire utálom a függővégeket), rendesen számoltam vissza a napokat az I Thee Take megjelenéséig.
Szóval ha egy izgalmas maffiás történetre vágytok, akkor nagyon tudom ajánlani nektek ezt a duológiát, engem teljesen levett a lábamról.
Köszönöm szépen, hogy elolvastátok a legújabb Top 5 Szerdás bejegyzésemet. Ha
esetleg kedvet kaptatok ti is a Top 5 Szerdázáshoz, Molyon van egy külön zóna
is (katt ide), ahová belinkelhetitek a posztjaitokat. Goodreads-en is van egy
csoport hozzá (katt ide), ha szeretnétek angolul is ilyeneket olvasni, akkor
mindenképpen érdemes benézni oda is.
csodás napotok! ❤
am back with a brand new Top 5 Wednesday post. Today’s topic is:
4th: Halfway There!
that July is over, we’re officially in the second half of 2021! What are some
of your favourite books published in the first half of this year?
Fortunately, I have already read many novels which were released in the first half of 2021, so here is my first August Top 5 Wednesday list with my favourite 2021 releases. I will list the books in a random order.
Happy reading! ❤
↠ My Vegas
Groom by Piper Rayne | Book profile
date: May 18th, 2021
The Greene Family
in the series:
Twist of Fortune
Beautiful Neighbor
Almost Ex
Vegas Groom
Sister’s Flirty Friend
Unexpected Surprise
Famous Frenemy
Scorned Best Friend
Fake Fiancé
Brother’s Forbidden Friend
up next to a stranger wearing a wedding ring was not on the itinerary.
came to Las Vegas for a quick girl’s trip, but somehow ended up a married
woman. What I thought would stay in Vegas followed me back to my small town of
Sunrise Bay, Alaska.
course, my new husband—MMA champion fighter, Logan Stone—couldn’t find me alone
at my house to tell me he wants to give our impromptu nuptials a shot. He has
to tell me in front of my entire family and half the town.
two of us couldn’t be more opposite, but he offers me a deal I can’t refuse
which involves me pretending we’re happily married for three months. Yeah, a
lot of things can change in that short amount of time, most importantly
catching feelings for a man whose lifestyle I despise.
kinda jumped straight into this series by reading My Vegas Groom, because I
have not read the previous books before starting it. The reason for that is I
really love the accidental marriage trope, and when I saw that this one is a
story like that, I just simply could not wait, I had to read it. If you are
thinking about doing the same, do not worry, for me it was completely fine, I
could totally enjoy it, and it even became one of the best novels I have read
in 2021. It is a really fun story, and I am 100% sure you will also love it,
especially if you like reading about bigger families.
↠ Don’t Kiss
the Bride by Carian Cole | Book profile
date: January 31st, 2021
guess you could say I was a damsel in distress, and he was my knight in shining
more accurately, I was a girl with a lot of bad luck, and he was a guy with a
lot of muscles and tattoos.
“Lucky” Lucketti wasn’t just a sexy, brooding construction worker. He was my
own personal hero who seemed to be in all the right places at the right times.
Like when my car broke down and I needed a ride home, and when I face planted
on the sidewalk right in front of him and had to be taken to the emergency
weren’t exactly my best moments, but they were his.
became friends, and it didn’t matter that he was sixteen years older than me.
We had a lot in common—like our love of old rock music and vintage fast cars,
and our aversion to relationships.
he approached me with a crazy idea to help me out, I couldn’t say no.
arrangement was supposed to be temporary. A marriage on paper and nothing else.
should’ve been easy, but it wasn’t.
here I am, eighteen years-old, still in high school, and married to a man I was
never supposed to fall in love with.
had just one rule—no kissing the bride.
we broke that rule, and it sealed our fate forever.
Kiss the Bride was my very first book by Carian Cole, and I was so obsessed with this story from the first word to the very last. I picked it up because I wanted to read a
novel in which there is a bigger age difference between the characters, and let
me tell you, it exceeded my expectations. If you love age gap romances, it is a
must read for you. The writing, the characters, the story, ah everything is
just so perfectly executed. Don’t Kiss the Bride is literally not just the best age gap story
of 2021, this is one of the best ones I have ever read.
↠ Dear
Love, I Hate You by Eliah Greenwood | Book profile
date: March 12th, 2021
Easton Boys
in the series:
Love, I Hate You (Xavier & Aveena’s story)
Heart, I Hate You (Finn & Dia’s story) – to be released
all started with an anonymous letter.
wasn’t supposed to find it—no one was. And he definitely wasn’t supposed to
answer it.
end up talking through letters and sticky notes in a book. One sticky note. Two
sticky notes. Ten sticky notes. All baring our darkest, deepest secrets.
all fun and games until I find out who my pen pal is...
Emery. King of my basketball-obsessed town, my childhood bully, and the guy I
am in grave danger of falling in love with.
the rules were clear: we can never know who we’re talking to, and the confessions
can never, ever get out. Seriously. It would destroy lives.
by me. Even if Mr. Popular does find out his confidant is little old me, it’s
not like he’d ever love me back…
Greenwood was a new-to-me author for me, I have not read her books before I picked
up Dear Love, I Hate You, which completely mesmerized me. This novel is more
than 400 pages long, and I have managed to finish it in less than a day. I have
quickly developed a soft spot for Xavier and Aveena, I adored their letters,
this story is just so incredibly amazing. Moreover, we get so many glimpses into
the secondary characters’ lives, two of them are so cute, and I was so so so so
so happy when the author announced that she will write their story too. I can
not wait to finally read Dear Heart, I Hate You.
the meanwhile, if you are looking for a good enemies-to-lovers high school
romance, then I can highly and honestly recommend Dear Love, I Hate You to you.
↠ When We Met by Shey Stahl
| Book profile
date: April 9th, 2021
Kacy Conner crashes her car into the side of my repair shop, I should have
ignored it.
the damage to the building and her car, I couldn’t. But I didn’t have to offer
her a place to stay. None of it had to do with her being stranded in our small
town or those beautiful blue eyes. And it certainly did not have to do with her
contagious laughter or that she’s crazy sexy and feisty.
lying. It has everything to do with her.
I have to think of a reason to make her stay past the two weeks it takes to fix
her car.
I’m enlisting the help of my two adorable daughters. I know, you should never
use your kids to get laid, but whoever said that hadn’t gone five years without
they’re lying to you.
go calling protective services on me. Everything I’m having them do is
completely harmless. I mean, it’s totally okay to bribe your kids with cookies
to slash her tires so she can’t leave. And it’s fine to have them steal the
battery out of her car. Okay, I helped with that one. Hello, they can’t carry a
car battery. They can’t even clean their room, or so they tell me.
just so we’re clear on how far you can take it, it’s no big deal to have your
three-year-old fake an injury to get alone time with her. I’m sure all single
dad’s do that.
little white lie never hurt anyone.
her lie finds her and I begin to question everything she’s told me about the
night we met.
have discovered Shey Stahl’s books on Instagram, more exactly when she revealed
the cover of her newest novel, When We Met. Many bookstagrammers shared it, and
this cover was a love at first sight for me. Isn’t it adorable? I have
instantly added it to my to-be-read list, and I was eagerly waiting for April,
so I could finally read this beauty. I really love single dad romances, if you have
read the blurb then you know this one is also a single dad story, so yeah, When
We Met completely amazed me way before it was released.
was not disappointed after I finished reading it, this is one of the cutest
novels I have ever read. I have devoured it so quickly, if you are in mood for
a really good romcom, then I can highly recommend this one for you.
↠ With
this Ring by Natasha Knight | Book profile
date: February 2nd, 2021
To Have and To Hold Duet
in the series:
this Ring
Thee Take
I rescued Scarlett De La Cruz from her tower it’s not like her prospects were
looking so great.
think she’d show a little gratitude. Thank me for putting my ring on her finger
and marking her as mafia property.
keep her safe. And the trade-off isn’t so bad. Most women would jump at the
chance to sleep in my bed.
Scarlett, though.
Cartel Princess has a big mouth and an even bigger attitude. But it’s her
furious caramel eyes that keep me coming back for more. That and the way her
body bends to mine like it already knows it belongs to me.
is my enemy. She’s also the one woman I can’t keep my hands off.
if I don’t keep my head on straight, everything I’ve worked for all these years
will have been for nothing.
can never get enough of dark romance novels. I just adore them, especially if they
include an arranged marriage. Don’t ask me why I love them so much, because I
have no idea, I just simply do. If you are looking for a story like that,
please check out With this Ring by Natasha Knight. I have finished reading this
novel so quickly, and after that, it was so painful to wait for the next one
(oh, I have a love-hate relationship with cliffhangers), literally I have been
counting down the days until the release of I Thee Take. And the wait wasn’t
even that long, because it was released on February 23rd.
So yeah, if you are in
mood for a mafia romance, then I can highly recommend this duet for you, it has
absolutely swept me off my feet.
you so so much for reading this post, I hope you liked it. If you are
interested in the Top 5 Wednesday project, they have a group on Goodreads
(click here) where you can find the upcoming topics and you can read lists by
other readers too.
a wonderful day! ❤
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