2021. szeptember 1., szerda

Top 5 Wednesday: ellenségekből-szeretők | Top 5 Wednesday: enemies-to-lovers

Három hét kihagyás után ismét megérkeztem egy újabb Top 5 Szerdás bejegyzéssel. Az előző három témához nem sokat tudtam volna hozzáfűzni, nem volt meg egyikhez sem az öt könyv, ezért úgy döntöttem, hogy félig kész listákat nem fogok közzétenni.
Néhány nappal ezelőtt fény derült a szeptemberi témákra, és ezekkel már sokkal jobban tudok azonosulni. A mai napon például az egyik nagy kedvencemmel fogunk foglalkozni, ami nem más, mint az ellenségekből-szeretők. Én elég sok dark romance regényt olvasok, számos ilyen történetben jelen van ez a téma is, de igyekeztem úgy összeállítani ezt a listát, hogy azok is találjanak maguknak olvasnivalót, akik éppen nem szeretik a sötétebb témájú sztorikat.
Most pedig nem is húznám tovább a szót, mutatom is, hogy jelenleg melyek a kedvenc ellenségekből-szeretők témáját feldolgozó könyveim. Szokás szerint teljesen random sorrendben fogom megmutatni nektek az erre a hétre választott köteteket.

Jó böngészést mindenkinek!
Kennedy Fox: Needing Him | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2018. április 14.
Sorozat: Bishop Brothers
A sorozat kötetei:
Taming Him
Needing Him
Chasing Him
Keeping Him
Needing Him is a full-length 100k+ words standalone novel that's filled with hilarious banter, forbidden office relations, and plenty of enemies-to-lovers drama! Let Kennedy Fox take you to the South for a fun, steamy adventure that'll surely leave your Kindles on fire!
Evan Bishop is your typical hotshot doctor.
Hardass, brooding, and all business.
Instead of working on the family ranch, Evan broke the mold and became an ER doctor.
He’s good with his hands—in more ways than one—smart as a whip and is the definition of God’s gift to women. Being a gentleman is in his Southern roots, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t flawed. Exclusive dating has never been a top priority and his tragic past makes him stay at arm’s length. Deciding to let loose for a wild night, he takes a page from the Bishop brother’s relationship book and hooks up with a mysterious girl he’ll never have to see again, which is perfect for this self-proclaimed bachelor.
Emily Bell is a city girl through and through but is determined to get away from her family and past. All she wants is a fresh start and to make a name for herself in the medical field. No random hookups and no dating coworkers—that’s her new motto after being burned time and again. When she agrees to attend a wedding as a plus-one, she’s soon ditched and left to drink solo—but not for long. Mr. Suit is the ultimate temptation with his Southern charm, messy blond hair, and irresistible sex appeal. Everything about him screams bad news, but he makes her reconsider her rules just for one night.
After all, some rules are made to be broken.
They want the same thing—one night of passion then they’ll go their separate ways. No cuddling afterward. No next day phone calls. No awkward goodbyes. Too bad the universe has other plans—one that’ll be obvious when they report to work on Monday morning.
*A contemporary romance with a little Southern drama. This is book 2 in the Bishop Brothers series. Each book features a different brother and can be read as a complete standalone. HEA guaranteed!*
Not suitable for readers under 18 due to adult language and sexual content.
Aki már régebb óta követ engem tudhatja, hogy Kennedy Fox Bishop Brothers című könyvsorozata az egyik örök kedvencem, bátran merem mindenkinek ajánlani, aki egy humorous, de mégis érzelmekkel teli kisvárosban játszódó családi történetre vágyik. Nem titok, hogy a négy regény körül a Needing Him lett a szívem csücske, Evan és Emily története a mai napig az egyik legnagyobb kedvencem.
A Needing Himről a blogon olvasható egy értékelés itt, mutatok nektek egy kis részletet belőle, de ha kíváncsiak vagytok a teljes véleményezésre, akkor katt ide.
HŰHA!!! Ez volt az összes reakcióm, miután elolvastam az utolsó sort is ebből a könyvből. Hűha. Ezek az írónők biztos, hogy tudják, hogy hogyan kell megírni egy kiváló regényt. A Bishop Brothers sorozat minden, amire egy romantika kedvelő olvasónak szüksége van, és ahogy egyre többet és többet olvasunk rólunk, egyre jobban és jobban megszeretjük őket, és csak még többet és többet akarunk.
IMÁDOM. IMÁDOM. IMÁDOM. IMÁDOM. IMÁDOM. IMÁDOM. És még vagy ezerszer le tudnám írni ezt a szót, mert tényleg elképesztően imádtam ezt a regényt. Lyra Parish és Brooke Cumberland duója hamar nagyon nagy kedvencem lett, a Bishop testvérek pedig még hamarabb belopták magukat a szívembe. ♥
Cora Reilly: Twisted Pride | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2019. április 16.
Sorozat: The Camorra Chronicles
A sorozat kötetei:
Twisted Loyalties (Fabiano & Leona története)
Twisted Emotions (Nino & Kiara története)
Twisted Pride (Remo & Serafina története)
Twisted Bonds (Nino & Kiara története)
Twisted Hearts (Savio & Gemma története)
Twisted Cravings (Adamo & Dinara története)
Remo Falcone is beyond redemption.
As Capo of the Camorra he rules with a brutal hand over his territory – a territory the Chicago Outfit breached.
Now Remo is out for retribution.
A wedding is sacred, stealing a bride sacrilegious.
Serafina is the niece of the Boss of the Outfit, and her hand has been promised in marriage for years, but kidnapped in her wedding dress on her way to church by Remo, Serafina quickly realizes that she can’t hope for saving. Yet, even in the hands of the cruelest man she knows, she is determined to cling to her pride, and Remo soon understands that the woman at his mercy might not be as easy to break as he thought.
A ruthless man on a quest to destroy the Outfit by breaking someone they are supposed to protect.
A woman intent on bringing a monster to his knees.
Two families that will never be the same.

Cora Reilly volt az, aki bevezetett engem a maffiás romantikus regények világába, ahonnan azóta sem tudtam szabadulni, és őszintén megmondva, ezt én nem is bánom. A Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles és a The Camorra Chronicles kötetei teljesen a hatalmukba kerítettek, izgatottan várom már, hogy a kedvenc párosaim gyermekeiről is olvashassak (szeptember 15.-én jön az első, By Sin I Rise címmel, erről is találtok posztokat a blogon). A Twisted Pride egy erősen ellenségekből-szeretők témáját feldolgozó regény, bátran ajánlom mindenkinek, aki szereti a dark romance történeteket, nem fogtok csalódni benne. Nekem mai napig az egyik legnagyobb kedvencem.
R. S. Grey: Hotshot Doc | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2018. december 6.
Dr. Russell has a bad reputation around our hospital. The scrub techs say he’s cold-blooded, the nurses say he’s too cocky for his own good, and the residents say he’s the best surgeon in the world—really, just a swell guy!—on the off chance he’s within earshot.
I try to avoid him and his temper at all costs. It’s just as easy to admire his sexy, grip-it-while-he’s-ravishing-you hair and chiseled jaw from a healthy distance, preferably from the other end of the hallway…half-hidden behind a plant.
Unfortunately, my plan crumbles when my trusty ol’ boss decides to swap his white coat for a Hawaiian shirt. His retirement leaves me with two terrible options: switch specialties and spend months retraining, or take an open position as Dr. Russell’s surgical assistant.
That means I have to stand near him in the OR for hours on end and anticipate his every need without letting his biting words and bad attitude intimidate me. Oh, and as if that’s not difficult enough, my silly crush on him—the one I’ve tried to stomp on until it disappears—might just be reciprocated.
It’s fine.
I’m fine.
I take my job seriously. There will be no smoldering bedroom eyes across the operating table, no angry almost-kisses in the storage closet. (Well, no more of those.)
What’s the phrase? An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Maybe I should go for a whole damn bushel.
R. S. Greyre mindig számíthatok, ha egy jó kis humorral megfűszerezett romantikus regényre vágyom. A Hotshot Doc még mindig az egyik legnagyobb kedvcencem tőle,  erről a könyvről is olvasható egy értékelés a blogomon, ehhez is beillesztek egy kis részletet, de ha el szeretnétek olvasni a teljes véleményezést, akkor katt ide.
R. S. Grey megint megcsinálta. Teljesen szerelmes lettem a legújabb regényébe, ami nem más, mint a Hotshot Doc. Őszintén, talán szavakkal ki sem tudom rendesen fejezni, hogy mennyire is imádtam ezt a történetet. Szó szerint, nincsenek szavaim. Ha csak nagyon-nagyon röviden kellene bemutatnom valakinek ezt a kötetet, akkor azt mondanám, hogy függőséget okoz. De tényleg nagyon a függője lesz az olvasó. Ha el szeretnétek kezdeni, akkor azt tudom nektek tanácsolni, hogy győződjetek meg arról, hogy nincs semmi fontos dolog a teendőitek között aznapra. Spoiler veszély: az egyszer biztos, hogy nem fogjátok tudni letenni. Ez a történet már a legeslegelején szinte beszippant, és egyáltalán nem akarjátok még csak egy másodpercig sem abbahagyni az olvasást. És mi történik akkor, ha a végére értek? Csak többet akartok majd. És még többet. És többet. És talán csak egy picivel még többet. Ez a könyv tipikusan az, amit nem akartok majd befejezni, mert annyira megszeretitek majd a karaktereket, és csak még tovább és tovább akarjátok majd olvasni az életükről szóló történetet. ♥
Ez a könyv magáért beszél. Hihetetlenül káprázatos. A karakterek zseniálisak, Rachel írásmódja kifejezetten lenyűgöző, én nagyon szeretem az ő történeteit olvasni. Ezúttal is egy szépséges történetet adott ki a kezei közül. A Hotshot Doc egy elképesztően szívmelengető, elbűvölő, vicces, ellenállhatatlan romantikus-humoros történet, amit bárkinek, aki szereti az utálatból-szerelem/orvosos könyveket nyugodtan tudok ajánlani. Ez lesz a legújabb legnagyobb kedvencetek.
6 csillag. Mindenféle kérdés nélül. 6 csillag. Gratulálok R. S. Grey, ismét sikerült teljesen lenyűgöznöd! ♥
Rina Kent: Reign of a King | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2020. október 29.
Sorozat: Kingdom Duet
A sorozat kötetei:
Rule of a Kingdom (előzmény novella)
Reign of a King
Rise of a Queen
Nothing is fair in war.
Jonathan King is every bit his last name.
He’s also my dead sister’s husband and way older than me.
When I first met him as a clueless child, I thought he was a god.
Now, I have to confront that god to protect my business from his ruthless grip.
Little did I know that declaring a war on the king will cost me everything.
When Jonathan covets something, he doesn’t only win, he conquers.
Now, he has his sights on me.
He wants to consume not only my body, but also my heart and my soul.
I fight, but there’s no escaping the king in his kingdom...
Reign of a King is the first part of a duet and is not standalone.
Rina Kent munkásságára idén figyeltem fel, számtalan regényét olvastam már, hatalmas rajongója lettem az írónőnek. Van egy sorozat, ami messze kitűnik mind közül, ne értsetek félre, amit olvastam, mindent nagyon szeretem, ez viszont… Lassan egy éve már, hogy olvastam ezeket a könyveket, de még mindig sokat kell gondolkoznom azon, hogy egy olyan szót találjak, amellyel a lehető legjobban ki tudnám fejezni, hogy mennyire is szeretem a Kingdom Duetet. Dark romance + ellenségekből-szeretők rajongóinak nagyon tudom ajánlani, adjatok neki egy esélyt. Engem teljesen levett a lábamról, remélem, hogy nektek is hasonló élményt fog nyújtani Jonathan és Aurora mindent elsöprő szerelme.
J. J. McAvoy: Ruthless People | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés ideje: 2014. július 15.
Sorozat: Ruthless People
A sorozat kötetei:
Declan + Coraline
Ruthless People
The Untouchables
American Savages
A Bloody Kingdom
To the outside world, they look like American Royalty, giving to charities, feeding the homeless, rebuilding the city. But behind closed doors is a constant battle for dominance between two Bosses, cultures, and hearts.
Ruthless People is a romantic crime fiction set in modern day Chicago, following the life and marriage of Melody Nicci Giovanni and Liam Callahan—rivals by blood and leaders through fear. Their marriage was arranged by their fathers in hopes to end years of bloodshed between the Irish and the Italians.
Liam, next in line to lead the Irish, believes he’s getting a simple-minded wife, one he can control, one who bends to his every need . . . the complete opposite of Melody. Bred to be a Boss, a world-class marksman, master of disguise, with no mercy and no fear. Twenty-four years later, she has achieved more than any man could even dream of, killing anyone who steps in her way. She knows exactly what type of man Liam is, and she would rather die than give up the power she has spent her whole life building. But with no other family left, she must not only learn to work with Liam, but the whole Callahan clan.
The Mafia of the past is evolving, and with rival bosses gunning for them, Melody and Liam will have to figure out how to work as one to take down those who stand in their way, all while keeping up appearances.
Power, Family, and Respect are everything.
Warning: This book contains adult language and subject matter including graphic violence and explict sex that may be disturbing for some readers. This book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.
J. J. McAvoy Ruhtless People sorozatát 2018-ban olvastam először, és élénken él bennem ez az élmény, hiszen teljesen lesokkolt a történet, és ezt a lehető legjobb értelemben értem. Emlékszem, hogy mennyire le voltam nyűgözve, szinte nem is hittem a szememnek, amikor Liam és Melody első találkozásáról olvastam, annyira meg voltam lepődve. Na, az ő történetük aztán ellenségekből-szeretők a javából.
Miután elkezdtem, semmi mást nem akartam olvasni, csak ezt. A Ruthless People teljesen magába szippantott, és egyszerűen képtelen voltam olvasni, addig meg sem álltam, amíg a sorozat végére nem értem. A mai napig ez az egyik legeslegjobb mafias-romantikus sorozat, amit valaha olvastam, ha szeretitek az ilyen történeteket, és még esetleg nem olvastátok ezt, akkor szerintem ne habozzatok, adjatok neki egy esélyt. 
Köszönöm szépen, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést, remélem, hogy tetszett!
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi

Hey everyone!
After skipping 3 topics, here I am again with a brand new Top 5 Wednesday post. I have skipped those topics because I could not really complete my lists for those, I did not want to share list with only like 2 or 3 books.
A few days ago the September topics were revealed, and those seem a lot more easier. Today, we are focusing on one of my biggest favourite tropes, which is enemies-to-lovers. I am a huge dark romance fan, and there are a lot of enemies-to-lovers stories mixed with darker elements that I really love, but I tried to make this list to have a little bit of everything, and those who do not like to read darker themed stories will also find something to read and love.
And now, without further ado, here are my top 5 enemies-to-lovers book. As usual, I am going to list the novels in a random order.
Happy reading!

Needing Him by Kennedy Fox | Book profile
Publishing date: April 14th, 2018
Series: Bishop Brothers
Books in the series:
Taming Him
Needing Him
Chasing Him
Keeping Him
Needing Him is a full-length 100k+ words standalone novel that's filled with hilarious banter, forbidden office relations, and plenty of enemies-to-lovers drama! Let Kennedy Fox take you to the South for a fun, steamy adventure that'll surely leave your Kindles on fire!
Evan Bishop is your typical hotshot doctor.
Hardass, brooding, and all business.
Instead of working on the family ranch, Evan broke the mold and became an ER doctor.
He’s good with his hands—in more ways than one—smart as a whip and is the definition of God’s gift to women. Being a gentleman is in his Southern roots, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t flawed. Exclusive dating has never been a top priority and his tragic past makes him stay at arm’s length. Deciding to let loose for a wild night, he takes a page from the Bishop brother’s relationship book and hooks up with a mysterious girl he’ll never have to see again, which is perfect for this self-proclaimed bachelor.
Emily Bell is a city girl through and through but is determined to get away from her family and past. All she wants is a fresh start and to make a name for herself in the medical field. No random hookups and no dating coworkers—that’s her new motto after being burned time and again. When she agrees to attend a wedding as a plus-one, she’s soon ditched and left to drink solo—but not for long. Mr. Suit is the ultimate temptation with his Southern charm, messy blond hair, and irresistible sex appeal. Everything about him screams bad news, but he makes her reconsider her rules just for one night.
After all, some rules are made to be broken.
They want the same thing—one night of passion then they’ll go their separate ways. No cuddling afterward. No next day phone calls. No awkward goodbyes. Too bad the universe has other plans—one that’ll be obvious when they report to work on Monday morning.
*A contemporary romance with a little Southern drama. This is book 2 in the Bishop Brothers series. Each book features a different brother and can be read as a complete standalone. HEA guaranteed!*
Not suitable for readers under 18 due to adult language and sexual content.
If you have been following me for a while now, you know that one of my all-time favourite book series is the Bishop Brothers by Kennedy Fox. If you want something funny and emotional, and you love to read about big families, then I can highly and honestly recommend it for you. It is not a secret that while I love all of these books, Needing Him has a special place in my heart.
A few years ago, I have posted a review about Needing Him, I will show you a little snippet right now, but if you want to read the whole thing, just click here.
WOW!!! That was my reaction after reading the last line in this book. Wow. These authors know how to write an excellent story that you’ll love. Bishop Brothers is everything a romance reader needs, and with reading more and more about them, we adore them better and better and we want more and more.
I ADORE, ADORE, ADORE, ADORE, ADORE, ADORE this novel. Lyra Parish and Brooke Cumberland surely know how to write a fantastic novel that readers will absolutely adore and completely fall in love with the characters. ♥ These authors easily and super soon became one of my biggest favourites, and Bishop brothers even more easily stole my heart. ♥
Twisted Pride by Cora Reilly | Book profile
Publishing date: April 16th, 2019
Series: The Camorra Chronicles
Books in the series:
Twisted Loyalties (Fabiano & Leona’s story)
Twisted Emotions (Nino & Kiara’s story)
Twisted Pride (Remo & Serafina’s story)
Twisted Bonds (Nino & Kiara’s story)
Twisted Hearts (Savio & Gemma’s story)
Twisted Cravings (Adamo & Dinara’s story)
Remo Falcone is beyond redemption.
As Capo of the Camorra he rules with a brutal hand over his territory – a territory the Chicago Outfit breached.
Now Remo is out for retribution.
A wedding is sacred, stealing a bride sacrilegious.
Serafina is the niece of the Boss of the Outfit, and her hand has been promised in marriage for years, but kidnapped in her wedding dress on her way to church by Remo, Serafina quickly realizes that she can’t hope for saving. Yet, even in the hands of the cruelest man she knows, she is determined to cling to her pride, and Remo soon understands that the woman at his mercy might not be as easy to break as he thought.
A ruthless man on a quest to destroy the Outfit by breaking someone they are supposed to protect.
A woman intent on bringing a monster to his knees.
Two families that will never be the same.
Cora Reilly’s books guided me into the world of mafia romance, and I have absolute no regret reading her books, they are one of my biggest obsessions. My mind is so preoccupied with her series titled Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles and The Camorra Chronicles, I am so incredibly excited to read about my favourite couples’ kids (the next generation series begins this month, the first book is By Sin I Rise, if you want to read more about it, you can find a lot of posts about it on my blog). The third book in The Camorra Chronicles, Twisted Pride, is still one of my biggest favourite enemies-to-lovers story, I can highly recommend it to dark romance lovers, trust me, you will love it.

Hotshot Doc by R. S. Grey | Book profile
Publishing date: December 6th, 2018
Dr. Russell has a bad reputation around our hospital. The scrub techs say he’s cold-blooded, the nurses say he’s too cocky for his own good, and the residents say he’s the best surgeon in the world—really, just a swell guy!—on the off chance he’s within earshot.
I try to avoid him and his temper at all costs. It’s just as easy to admire his sexy, grip-it-while-he’s-ravishing-you hair and chiseled jaw from a healthy distance, preferably from the other end of the hallway…half-hidden behind a plant.
Unfortunately, my plan crumbles when my trusty ol’ boss decides to swap his white coat for a Hawaiian shirt. His retirement leaves me with two terrible options: switch specialties and spend months retraining, or take an open position as Dr. Russell’s surgical assistant.
That means I have to stand near him in the OR for hours on end and anticipate his every need without letting his biting words and bad attitude intimidate me. Oh, and as if that’s not difficult enough, my silly crush on him—the one I’ve tried to stomp on until it disappears—might just be reciprocated.
It’s fine.
I’m fine.
I take my job seriously. There will be no smoldering bedroom eyes across the operating table, no angry almost-kisses in the storage closet. (Well, no more of those.)
What’s the phrase? An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Maybe I should go for a whole damn bushel.
I can always count on R. S. Grey if I am in mood for a romcom. Hotshot Doc is still one of my biggest favourite. I have also posted a review about this novel a few years ago, you can read a little snippet here, but if you are interested in the rest of the review, just click here
R. S. Grey did it again. I am completely in love with her newest novel, which is Hotshot Doc. Honestly, I can not even tell you how much I adored this novel. Literally, I do not have any words. If I should use only one word to describe this story, I would say that it is addictive. VERY addictive. Make sure you do not have anything really important on your to-do list if you want to start it. Spoiler alert: you won't be able to put it down. This novel pulls you in, and you won't want to put it down even for a second. And what happens when you finish it? You’ll crave for more. And more. And more. And maybe just a little bit more. This story is tipically the one you don't want to finish, because you will love the characters so much and just want to read more and more about them. ♥
This book speaks for itself. It is incredibly magnificent. The characters are genious, Rachel’s writing style is pretty impressive, I love reading her novels. This time, she wrote another beautiful story. Hotshot Doc is a super heart-warming, adorable, charming, funny, irresistible romcom, and I can highly and honestly recommend it to anyone who likes to read enemies-to-lovers/hospital-office romance stories. This will be your next biggest favourite.
Reign of a King by Rina Kent | Book profile
Publishing date: October 29th, 2020
Series: Kingdom Duet
Books in the series:
Rule of a Kingdom (prequel)
Reign of a King
Rise of a Queen
Nothing is fair in war.
Jonathan King is every bit his last name.
He’s also my dead sister’s husband and way older than me.
When I first met him as a clueless child, I thought he was a god.
Now, I have to confront that god to protect my business from his ruthless grip.
Little did I know that declaring a war on the king will cost me everything.
When Jonathan covets something, he doesn’t only win, he conquers.
Now, he has his sights on me.
He wants to consume not only my body, but also my heart and my soul.
I fight, but there’s no escaping the king in his kingdom...
Reign of a King is the first part of a duet and is not standalone.

This year I have discovered many new-to-me authors, and Rina Kent was one of them too. I have read so many books written by her, and I have become a huge fan of her work. I love all of her novels I have read, but one duet has a special place in my heart. Don’t get me wrong, I incredibly enjoyed her stories, but that one is just… I have read it like almost a year ago, and it is still so difficult to me to find the right words to describe how much I adore the Kingdom Duet. If you love dark romance + enemies-to-lovers, then it is a must read for you. It totally swept me off my feet, I hope you will love Jonathan and Aurora as much as I do.
Ruthless People by J. J. McAvoy | Book profile
Publishing date: July 15th, 2014
Series: Ruthless People
Books in the series:
Declan + Coraline
Ruthless People
The Untouchables
American Savages
A Bloody Kingdom
To the outside world, they look like American Royalty, giving to charities, feeding the homeless, rebuilding the city. But behind closed doors is a constant battle for dominance between two Bosses, cultures, and hearts.
Ruthless People is a romantic crime fiction set in modern day Chicago, following the life and marriage of Melody Nicci Giovanni and Liam Callahan—rivals by blood and leaders through fear. Their marriage was arranged by their fathers in hopes to end years of bloodshed between the Irish and the Italians.
Liam, next in line to lead the Irish, believes he’s getting a simple-minded wife, one he can control, one who bends to his every need . . . the complete opposite of Melody. Bred to be a Boss, a world-class marksman, master of disguise, with no mercy and no fear. Twenty-four years later, she has achieved more than any man could even dream of, killing anyone who steps in her way. She knows exactly what type of man Liam is, and she would rather die than give up the power she has spent her whole life building. But with no other family left, she must not only learn to work with Liam, but the whole Callahan clan.
The Mafia of the past is evolving, and with rival bosses gunning for them, Melody and Liam will have to figure out how to work as one to take down those who stand in their way, all while keeping up appearances.
Power, Family, and Respect are everything.
Warning: This book contains adult language and subject matter including graphic violence and explict sex that may be disturbing for some readers. This book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.
I have read the Ruthless People series by J. J. McAvoy way back in 2018, I remember loving it so hard, I was so shocked from the very first page, but I mean it in the best way possible. I was so extremely mesmerized by this story, the first encounter between Liam and Melody is the most epic ever. Oh boy, their story is the definition of enemies-to-lovers.
After I picked up Ruthless People, I did not want anything else, just this series, I was reading only this, and nothing else, it totally sucked me in, I could not stop until I reached the end.
This is still one of the very best mafia and enemies to lovers series I have ever read, if you are in mood for a story like that, please read it, trust me, you won’t regret it.
Thank you so so much for reading this post, I hope you liked it.
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi 

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