2022. február 22., kedd

Baráti ajánlás | A friend's recommendation

Sziasztok! :)
Ezt a posztot egy kedves barátnőmmel közösen készített februári könyves bejegyzéssorozat keretein belül hozom el nektek. Instagramon @shitofareaderslife felhasználónévvel találhatjátok meg, emellett pedig van egy blogja is, katt ide, ha ezt is meg szeretnétek nézni.
Január végén felvetettük azt az ötletet, hogy ajánljunk egymásnak egy-egy könyvet, amit februárban elolvasunk, és a mai posztban pedig írunk nektek az olvasási élményeinkről. Én Laura számára Max Monroe Dr. OB című könyvét választottam, a blogján már el is olvashatjátok róla a véleményét.
De még mielőtt megmutatnám, hogy mit ajánlott nekem Laura, ha esetleg lemaradtatok volna az előző bejegyzésekről, akkor ezeket itt megtekinthetitek:
Januári Összegző: katt ide
Azonnal Akarom Alkotók: katt ide
Érzed Már a Szív Szavát?: katt ide
És most nem is húznám tovább az időt, mutatom is, hogy Laura melyik regényt választotta a számomra.
Kellemes böngészést!
Rebecca Jenshak: Secret Puck | Könyvprofil
Sorozat: Campus Nights
A sorozat kötetei:
Secret Puck
Bad Crush
Broken Hearts
Wild Love
Secretly hooking up with the team captain’s sister was a bad idea.
In my defense, the first time I saw her I didn’t know who she was.
Kind, gorgeous, a little naïve. Ginny brightened my world from day one.
I knew I was no good for her. She was just out of a relationship and I had a reputation for having a new girl in my bed every weekend.
I tried to do the right thing. Honest.
I'm the one who insisted we should be just friends.
That lasted about as long as you’d expect.
But Ginny? She’s the best--best friend, best everything.
So yeah, hooking up with the team captain’s sister wasn’t a great idea.
Would I do it again?
In a heartbeat.
Amint láthatjátok, Laura Rebecca Jenshak Campus Nights című sorozatának a nyitókötetét, a Secret Puck-ot, választotta számomra. Nagyon megörültem, amikor leleplezte a könyv címét, hiszen már nem is emlékszem, hogy pontosan mikor olvastam utoljára sportos-romantikus, pontosabban jégkorongról szóló regényt. Néhány nappal ezelőtt végre sikerült sort kerítenem rá, és te jó ég, hogy ez mennyire jó volt! Februárban Heath és Ginny története kapta meg tőlem legeslegelőször az öt csillagot. 
Egy kisebb olvasási válságban szenvedtem mielőtt elkezdtem volna olvasni ezt a könyvet, de mihelyst belemerültem, képtelen voltam abbahagyni. Heath és Ginny eszméletlenül cukik együtt, a kettejük baráti köre pedig annyira hihetetlenül nagyszerű, hogy olvasás közben egyfolytában csak azt éreztem, hogy én is részese akarok lenni a kis csapatuknak. 
Ginny-vel rendkívül egyszerű volt azonosulnom, Heath egy nagyon szerethető karakter, szinte azonnal belopta magát a szívembe, Adam, Rhett és Mav csakugyan hamar a legnagyobb kedvenc karaktereim lettek. Azóta már a sorozat második kötetét, a Bad Crush-t, is végigolvastam, és te jó ég, nekem kell egy olyan srác, mint Adam. Jelenleg csak azt tart vissza attól, hogy rögtön belevessem magam Rhett történetébe, hogy holnap suliba kell mennem, plusz vár majd rám egy dolgozat is, szóval nem ártana kialudnom magam. És ha most belekezdenék a Broken Hearts-ba, akkor nem valószínű, hogy pihenéssel tölteném az éjszakát.
Szóval mindent figyelembe véve, számomra hatalmas sikerélménnyel zárult ez a baráti ajánlás, hiszen Laurának köszönhetően ismét megismertem egy olyan sorozatot, amely rögtön a kedvenceim listáján landolt.

Olvasás kezdete/vége:
2022. február 19., 10:50 → 2022. február 19., 23:31
Kedvenc idézetek:
“Invite them too. Mav can grill.”
“You cook?” I ask the always shirtless Maverick as he walks in the front door with Charli.
“I grill.”
“Is that different?”
“It’s manly and awesome.”
“Which is different than cooking?”
He grins. “Open flame.”
“I wanna take you to The Olive Garden.” (…) “You deserve The Olive Garden.”
“I know I probably should have gotten over it by now.”
“I don’t think fears work like that. I think they hang on until you face them in one way or another, poking holes in the pain and letting shine through.”
“It’s food. Can you grab it?”
I cross through the apartment and open the door, taking a deep breath of clean, uncontaminated air. After thanking the delivery guy, I take the bag of food back to the sick room.
“Here ya go.”
“Not for me.” He heaves. “Oh, just the smell makes me want to hurl again. It’s for you, so you’ll stay with me.”
“You didn’t need to bribe me.”
“Look, I know I’m your favourite person, but eventually your stomach would have convinced you to leave me.”
I chuckle and take the bag back out to the kitchen. “There is a lot of food in here.”
“You’re a hungry bitch.”
“Trying to watch a movie in here!” someone else calls out a window not far from mine.
Heath looks toward the voice. “Sorry, man. Almost done.”
Mav pushes froward. “Go fucking watch it then. Guy’s trying to pour his heart out.” He nods to Heath as if to say, I’ve got you covered.
You are my favorite person.
Maverick appears at the table. “Awww, look at you two, all smiles.” He drops his tray and then drapes an arm around each of our shoulders. “Bring it in, you two crazy kids. I’m so dang happy I could cry. Way to go big, buddy.” He nudges me with an elbow and then squeezes Ginny into his massive frame. “I love you two.”
Nagyon szépen köszönöm, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést, remélem, hogy tetszett. Ne felejtsetek el benézni Laura blogjára sem. Bízom benne, hogy jövő héten kedden is velünk fogtok tartani.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi

Hey everyone! :)
I am brining you this post in collaboration with one of my dear friends, because we are continuing our monthly bookish themed blog post series. You can find her as @shitofareaderslife on Instagram, and she has a blog too, click here if you want to check it out.
For the last post of this month, we decided way back in January that we would recommend each other a book, and we will talk about our reading experiences in the last post for February. I have picked Dr. OB by Max Monroe for Laura, and you can already read her review about it on her blog.
Before I show you the book she recommended to me, if you have not read my previous posts for this blog series, you can check them out here:
January Wrap Up: click here
Auto-buy Authors: click here
Can You Feel the Love?: click here
And now, without further ado, let me show you which book Laura picked for me.
Happy reading!
Secret Puck by Rebecca Jenshak | Book profile
Series: Campus Nights
Books in the series:
Secret Puck
Bad Crush
Broken Hearts
Wild Love
Secretly hooking up with the team captain's sister was a bad idea.
In my defense, the first time I saw her I didn’t know who she was.
Kind, gorgeous, a little naïve. Ginny brightened my world from day one.
I knew I was no good for her. She was just out of a relationship and I had a reputation for having a new girl in my bed every weekend.
I tried to do the right thing. Honest.
I'm the one who insisted we should be just friends.
That lasted about as long as you’d expect.
But Ginny? She’s the best--best friend, best everything.
So yeah, hooking up with the team captain’s sister wasn’t a great idea.
Would I do it again?
In a heartbeat.
As you can see, Lauras choice for me was the first book in the Campus Nights series by Rebecca Jenshak, which is titled Secret Puck. I was so super happy when she shared her choice with me because to be completely honest, I do not even remember when was the last time I have read a sport romance, not to mention a hockey romance. I have managed to read Secret Puck a few days ago, and oh my, it was so awesome! In February, it was the first book I rated with five stars.
I had been struggling with a readers block, and it was such an awful feeling, I wanted to read, but I simply could not. But everything changed when I picked up this book. I felt so happy especially because I had not been able to read for days before I started this one. Ginny and Heath are so adorable toegther, their friends are also incredibly wonderful, while I was reading this novel, I felt that I just simply want to be a part of their little group.
It was super easy to relate to Ginny, Heath is such a loveable character, he basically almost instantly stole my heart, Adam, Rhett and Mav also quickly became some of my biggest favourite characters. I loved Secret Puck so much that I could not stop, I just felt the need to continue this series. I have already finished Bad Crush, and oh my, I need a guy like Adam! The only thing that is stopping me from jumping into Broken Hearts right now is the fact that I will have to go to uni tomorrow, plus I will have to write a test, so yeah, I need to get some sleep, and I just know for sure if I started it right now, I would not spend the night with sleeping.
So, taking everything account, this recommendation challenge was a huge success for me, thanks to Laura, I could add another wonderful series to my favourites list.

Reading date:
February 19th, 2022, 10:50 am → February 19th, 2022, 11:31 pm
Favourite quotes:
“Invite them too. Mav can grill.”
“You cook?” I ask the always shirtless Maverick as he walks in the front door with Charli.
“I grill.”
“Is that different?”
“It’s manly and awesome.”
“Which is different than cooking?”
He grins. “Open flame.”
“I wanna take you to The Olive Garden.” (…) “You deserve The Olive Garden.”
“I know I probably should have gotten over it by now.”
“I don’t think fears work like that. I think they hang on until you face them in one way or another, poking holes in the pain and letting shine through.”
“It’s food. Can you grab it?”
I cross through the apartment and open the door, taking a deep breath of clean, uncontaminated air. After thanking the delivery guy, I take the bag of food back to the sick room.
“Here ya go.”
“Not for me.” He heaves. “Oh, just the smell makes me want to hurl again. It’s for you, so you’ll stay with me.”
“You didn’t need to bribe me.”
“Look, I know I’m your favourite person, but eventually your stomach would have convinced you to leave me.”
I chuckle and take the bag back out to the kitchen. “There is a lot of food in here.”
“You’re a hungry bitch.”
“Trying to watch a movie in here!” someone else calls out a window not far from mine.
Heath looks toward the voice. “Sorry, man. Almost done.”
Mav pushes froward. “Go fucking watch it then. Guy’s trying to pour his heart out.” He nods to Heath as if to say, I’ve got you covered.
You are my favorite person.
Maverick appears at the table. “Awww, look at you two, all smiles.” He drops his tray and then drapes an arm around each of our shoulders. “Bring it in, you two crazy kids. I’m so dang happy I could cry. Way to go big, buddy.” He nudges me with an elbow and then squeezes Ginny into his massive frame. “I love you two.”
Thank you so so much for reading for this post. I hope you liked it, and if you did, please join us next Tuesday too. Do not forget to check out my sweet friend, Laura’s post too.
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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