2022. február 2., szerda

Januári összegző | January wrap up

Sziasztok! :)
A mai bejegyzésem fő témái a januári olvasási élményeim és könyvekkel kapcsolatos eléréseim lesznek.
Ezt a posztot egy kedves barátnőmmel közösen készített februári könyves bejegyzéssorozat keretein belül hozom el nektek. Instagramon @shitofareaderslife felhasználónévvel találhatjátok meg, emellett pedig van egy blogja is, katt ide, ha ezt is meg szeretnétek nézni.
Ha esetleg lemaradtatok volna az előzőekről, akkor ezeket itt megtekinthetitek:
Decemberi Összegző: katt ide
2021-es Évértékelés + Újévi Fogadalmak: Könyves Kiadás: katt ide
Öt Csillagos Olvasmányok: katt ide
Ha Visszafordíthatnám az Időt...: katt ide
Legjobban Várt Romantikus Megjelenéseim: Január - Március: katt ide
Nem is húznám tovább az időt, mutatom is, hogy olvasás szempontjából hogyan telt számomra a január.
Kellemes böngészést mindenkinek!
A januári hónap során...
... tíz bejegyzést sikerült közzétennem a blogomon. Bár ez kevesebb, mint a decemberi posztok mennyisége, így is nagyon büszke vagyok erre a teljesítményemre.
... tizennégy könyvet sikerült elolvasnom, ezek mindegyike első alkalmas olvasás volt.
... négy olyan könyvet sikerült elolvasnom, amelyeket olyan írók írtak, akiktől ezelőtt még nem olvastam. Az új évre az egyik célom az volt, hogy minden hónapban szeretnék egy ilyen írótól olvasni, és bár még nagyon az év elején járunk, nagyon örülök neki, hogy a januári hónap során sikerült ezt a részt teljesítenem.
Most pedig szeretném nektek részletesebben is megmutatni, hogy mely könyveket olvastam el az elmúlt néhány hét során (a legkiemelkedőbbeket egy kis rózsaszín medállal fogom jelölni).
Laura Thalassa: Dark Harmony
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2021. december 9., 13:20 → 2022. január 1., 23:15
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
I love you, Callie, down to every last feather and scale. I love your darkness, I love your mind, I love your humor and your most coveted dreams. And I love how you love me – wholly, deeply, passionately.
He’s the dark side of the moon. He’s my beautiful, terrible mystery. My friend. My soulmate.

Krista & Becca Ritchie: Kiss the Sky
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 2., 19:27 → 2022. január 5., 00:28
Értékelés: 5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
You’re not a pit stop. You’re my finish line. There’s no one after you.
(…) no matter how many boxes people try to put you in, as long as you know yourself, youll be fine in the end.
Krista & Becca Ritchie: Hothouse Flower
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 5., 09:28 → 2022. január 7., 22:59
Értékelés: 5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
Freedom doesn’t come with age. It doesn’t magically appear when you’re a legal adult. It comes when you stand up for what you believe in.
You are your own anchor, Ryke. When you fail, you hurt yourself more than anyone else. Do you want to keep burning or are you going to let yourself rise?
Rina Kent: Vow of Deception
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 10., 20:59 → 2022. január 11., 01:31
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense.
If you like something, own up to it.
Rina Kent: Tempted by Deception
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 11., 01:32 → 2022. január 11., 23:18
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
(…) “Just so you know, the prettiest roses have the deadliest thorns.”
He stands beside me, his sheer size towering over me like doom. “You think that scares me?”
“I didn’t say it to scare you. I’m just relaying facts.”
“Here’s a fact for you, Lia. Deadly thorns thrill me.”
I swallow. “But they injure you.”
“It’s worth it.”
Scars mean you are alive and strong enough to survive.

Rina Kent: Consumed by Deception
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 11., 23:23 → 2022. január 13., 16:59
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
My love is possessive, obsessive, and knows no boundaries, not when I first met you and certainly not now.
There’s no such thing as too late or the end.
R. S. Grey: Enemies Abroad
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom (recenzió)
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 14., 19:53 → 2022. január 15., 17:07
Értékelés: 3 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
“Go to hell.”
He stretches his hand out for me to take. “Gladly, if only you’ll come with me.”
(…) I’ve had exactly zero meet cutes with eligible men. All the elevators I step onto are in perfect working order. Every bakery I visit is owned by some middle-aged mom, not a hunk who quit his big-time attorney job to pursue his love for patisserie. I peruse the aisles at grocery stores and never accidentally reach for the same bunch of bananas as my high school crush who happens to be back home so he can take care of his ailing grandmother. I mean, where’s the justice in this world?
Giana Darling: Bad Dream
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 15., 18:46 → 2022. január 15., 20:26
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
The idea that with careful dedication, you could unearth your truest self even after years of brutal wear and tear.
Giana Darling: Dangerous Temptation
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 15., 20:33 → 2022. január 16., 00:53
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
“Are you a vampire?”
Tiernan blinked, then tried to bite off a hard, choking laugh that exploded from his lips. He seemed as surprised as I was by the show of humor.
“No, I am not a vampire.”
Brando continued to look at him askance. “Prove it.”
Laughter rumbled through his tone, but he managed to keep a straight face. “How does one prove they aren’t a vampire?”
My little brother considered this seriously for a moment, then looked at me. “Do you have any garlic, Anca? Or maybe a cross?”
I rolled my lips under my teeth to keep from laughing. “No, Brandy Boy.”
“Dang,” he muttered, rubbing his chin.
Giana Darling: Beautiful Nightmare
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 16., 18:22 2022. január 17., 22:33
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
Most people spend their entire lives wishing for their dreams to come true, but no one ever wonders what will happen once they do. When we’ve reached our goal or achieved our happily-ever-after. Was everything you went through to get there worth it? Does it last?
Was everything you thought it would be?
I’ve made you bleed since the moment I met you, but now I’m the one bleeding out without you.
Holly Renee: The Touch of a Villain
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 18., 22:00 → 2022. január 19., 22:29
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
Both of us knew that it wouldn’t end well, but it didn’t stop is from falling. Beck was a risk I had been willing to take.
Holly Renee: The Fall of a God
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 19., 22:34 → 2022. január 22., 13:17
Értékelés: 3 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
“No. Say it.” (…)
“Why?” Her gaze snapped up to meet mine. “So you can hold whatever I say against me?”
That was fair. I knew it was, but I still hated it.
“The only thing I want to hold against you right now is me.”
Heather Renee: Wolf Kissed
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 23., 22:28 2022. január 27., 07:07
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
“Fair enough. How did you meet my cousin?” she asked, taking a step back when Roman leered at her.
“He found me on the beach and acted like a wet dog.”
Heather Renee: Wolf Taken
Olvasás típusa: első alkalom
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022. január 27., 21:31 → 2022. január 31., 09:05
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
You’re everything I didn’t know I needed, Cait.
You’re more than I deserve.
Nagyon szépen köszönöm, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést, remélem, hogy tetszett. Ne felejtsetek el benézni Laura blogjára sem. Bízom benne, hogy jövő héten kedden is velünk fogtok tartani.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
Hey everyone! :)
Here I am with a brand new blog post, and today I will talk about my January bookish reading experiences and achievements.
I am brining you this list in collaboration with one of my dear friends, because we are continuing our monthly bookish themed blog post series. You can find her as @shitofareaderslife on Instagram, and she has a blog too, click here if you want to check it out.
If you have not read my previous posts for this series, you can check them out here:
December Wrap Up: click here
2021 Wrap Up + New Year’s Resolution: Bookish Edition: click here
Five Star Reads: click here
If I Could Turn Back Time...: click here
Most Anticipated Romance Releases: January - March: click here

Now, without further ado, here are my January bookish achievements. Happy reading!
During the month of January...
... I have managed to publish ten new posts on my blog. Although it is less than the number of December posts, I am super proud of myself for doing.
... I have read fourteen books, and all of these were first time readings.
... I have read four books written by authors who were new to me. One of my goals for the new year was to read at least from one new-to-me author per month, and yes it is still the very beginning of 2022, but I am super happy that I could read from two authors whose work I was not familiar with before.
And now, let me list you all the novels I have read in January (I will mark my biggest favourites with a little pink medal).
Dark Harmony by Laura Thalassa
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: December 9th 2022, 01:20 pm → January 1st 2022, 11:15 pm
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
I love you, Callie, down to every last feather and scale. I love your darkness, I love your mind, I love your humor and your most coveted dreams. And I love how you love me – wholly, deeply, passionately.
He’s the dark side of the moon. He’s my beautiful, terrible mystery. My friend. My soulmate.
Kiss the Sky by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 2nd 2022, 07:27 pm → January 5th 2022, 00:28 am
Rating: 5 stars
Favourite quotes:
You’re not a pit stop. You’re my finish line. There’s no one after you.
(…) no matter how many boxes people try to put you in, as long as you know yourself, youll be fine in the end.
Hothouse Flower by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 5th 2022, 09:28 am → January 7th 2022, 10:59 pm
Rating: 5 stars
Favourite quotes:
Freedom doesn’t come with age. It doesn’t magically appear when you’re a legal adult. It comes when you stand up for what you believe in.
You are your own anchor, Ryke. When you fail, you hurt yourself more than anyone else. Do you want to keep burning or are you going to let yourself rise?
Vow of Deception by Rina Kent
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 10th 2022, 08:59 pm → January 11th 2022, 01:31 am
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense.
If you like something, own up to it.
Tempted by Deception by Rina Kent
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 11th 2022, 01:32 am → January 11th 2022, 11:18 pm
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
(…) “Just so you know, the prettiest roses have the deadliest thorns.”
He stands beside me, his sheer size towering over me like doom. “You think that scares me?”
“I didn’t say it to scare you. I’m just relaying facts.”
“Here’s a fact for you, Lia. Deadly thorns thrill me.”
I swallow. “But they injure you.”
“It’s worth it.”
Scars mean you are alive and strong enough to survive.

Consumed by Deception by Rina Kent
Reading date: first time reading
Reading date: January 11th 2022, 11:23 pm → January 13th 2022, 04:59 pm
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
My love is possessive, obsessive, and knows no boundaries, not when I first met you and certainly not now.
There’s no such thing as too late or the end.
Enemies Abroad by R. S. Grey
Reading type: first time reading (advance reviewer copy)
Reading date: January 14th 2022, 07:53 pm → January 15th 2022, 05:07 pm
Rating: 3 stars
Favourite quotes:
“Go to hell.”
He stretches his hand out for me to take. “Gladly, if only you’ll come with me.”
(…) I’ve had exactly zero meet cutes with eligible men. All the elevators I step onto are in perfect working order. Every bakery I visit is owned by some middle-aged mom, not a hunk who quit his big-time attorney job to pursue his love for patisserie. I peruse the aisles at grocery stores and never accidentally reach for the same bunch of bananas as my high school crush who happens to be back home so he can take care of his ailing grandmother. I mean, where’s the justice in this world?
Bad Dream by Giana Darling
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 15th 2022, 06:46 pm → January 15th 2022, 08:26 pm
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
The idea that with careful dedication, you could unearth your truest self even after years of brutal wear and tear.
Dangerous Temptation by Giana Darling
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 15th 2022, 08:33 pm → January 16th 2022, 00:53 am
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
“Are you a vampire?”
Tiernan blinked, then tried to bite off a hard, choking laugh that exploded from his lips. He seemed as surprised as I was by the show of humor.
“No, I am not a vampire.”
Brando continued to look at him askance. “Prove it.”
Laughter rumbled through his tone, but he managed to keep a straight face. “How does one prove they aren’t a vampire?”
My little brother considered this seriously for a moment, then looked at me. “Do you have any garlic, Anca? Or maybe a cross?”
I rolled my lips under my teeth to keep from laughing. “No, Brandy Boy.”
“Dang,” he muttered, rubbing his chin.
Beautiful Nightmare by Giana Darling
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 16th 2022, 06:22 pm January 17th 2022, 10:33 pm
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
Most people spend their entire lives wishing for their dreams to come true, but no one ever wonders what will happen once they do. When we’ve reached our goal or achieved our happily-ever-after. Was everything you went through to get there worth it? Does it last?
Was everything you thought it would be?
I’ve made you bleed since the moment I met you, but now I’m the one bleeding out without you.
The Touch of a Villain by Holly Renee
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 18th 2022, 10:00 pm → January 19th 2022, 10:29 pm
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
Both of us knew that it wouldn’t end well, but it didn’t stop is from falling. Beck was a risk I had been willing to take.

The Fall of a God by Holly Renee
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 19th 2022, 10:34 pm → January 22nd 2022, 01:17 pm
Rating: 3 stars
Favourite quotes:
“No. Say it.” (…)
“Why?” Her gaze snapped up to meet mine. “So you can hold whatever I say against me?”
That was fair. I knew it was, but I still hated it.
“The only thing I want to hold against you right now is me.”
Wolf Kissed by Heather Renee
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 23rd 2022, 10:28 pm January 27th 2022, 07:07 am
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
“Fair enough. How did you meet my cousin?” she asked, taking a step back when Roman leered at her.
“He found me on the beach and acted like a wet dog.”
Wolf Taken by Heather Renee
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 27th 2022, 09:31 pm → January 31st 2022, 09:05 am
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
You’re everything I didn’t know I needed, Cait.
You’re more than I deserve.

Thank you so so much for reading for this wrap up post. I hope you liked it, and if you did, please join us next Tuesday too. Do not forget to check out my sweet friend, Lauras post too.
Have a wonderful day!

xoxo, Fruzsi

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