2022. március 21., hétfő

Adriana Brinne: Lucan “The End” – alternatív borító | Lucan “The End” by Adriana Brinne – alternative cover

Adriana Brinne: Lucan “The End” | Könyvprofil
Sorozat: Holy Trinity
A sorozat kötetei:
Andrea “The Beginning”
Lucan “The End”
Fallon “The Madman”
Five years ago, I ruined us before we even started.
She thinks she got away from me.
That she’s finally free.
How wrong she is.
I lied to her about a lot of things, but I didn’t lie when I said she was mine and I was fucking hers.
There is no escaping me.
Escaping what we could be together.
I’ve been in hell for five excruciating long years and I’m not the same boy who made the wrong choice. I’m a man that has killed, maimed, and ruined everything good in his life just to get to this point and now there’s no going back.
I am Lucan Volpe, the Capo di tutti capi of the Holy Trinity and I’m claiming my queen.
Adriana Brinne Lucan The End című regénye hamarosan egy teljesen új borítóval is megvásárolható lesz. Én személy szerint imádom Adriana könyveinek az alternatív kiadásait, mindegyik mindig annyira gyönyörű, és a Lucan alternatív borítójáról is csak jókat tudok mondani, elmondhatatlanul szépséges lett.
Én már olvastam az írónő Andrea című alkotását, nekem nagyon elnyerte a tetszésemet, bátran ajánlom a dark romance műfaj rajongóinak. Nálam már tervben is van egy újraolvasás, szeretném folytatni a Holy Trinity sorozatot is, továbbá nagyon, de nagyon kíváncsi vagyok a Throne of Deception-re is. Ha szeretnétek új írók munkásságával megismerkedni, mindenképpen adjatok egy esélyt Adriana-nak is.
Lucan “The End” | Alternatív borító
Lucan “The End” | Eredeti borító – alternatív borító
Köszönöm szépen, hogy ma is velem tartottatok!
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
Lucan “The End” by Adriana Brinne | Book profile
Series: Holy Trinity
Books in the series:
Andrea “The Beginning”
Lucan “The End”
Fallon “The Madman”
Five years ago, I ruined us before we even started.
She thinks she got away from me.
That she’s finally free.
How wrong she is.
I lied to her about a lot of things, but I didn’t lie when I said she was mine and I was fucking hers.
There is no escaping me.
Escaping what we could be together.
I’ve been in hell for five excruciating long years and I’m not the same boy who made the wrong choice. I’m a man that has killed, maimed, and ruined everything good in his life just to get to this point and now there’s no going back.
I am Lucan Volpe, the Capo di tutti capi of the Holy Trinity and I’m claiming my queen.
Lucan The End by Adriana Brinne will soon be available with a breathtakingly stunning alternative edition. Personally, I really do adore her alternative covers, they are always so gorgeous, and now I can only say positive things about this new edition of Lucan too. Words can not even describe how pretty this cover is.
I have already read Andrea by Adriana Brinne, and I really liked it, I can highly recommend it to anyone who loves dark romance stories. I am already planning on rereading it, and then I would love to continue this series, plus I am super curious about Throne of Deception too. If you would love to read more books written by authors who are new to you, please give a chance to Adriana too.
Lucan “The End” | Alternate cover
Lucan “The End” | Original cover – alternative cover
Thank you so so much for joining me today!
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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