a posztot egy kedves barátnőmmel közösen készített februári könyves
bejegyzéssorozat keretein belül hozom el nektek. Instagramon
@shitofareaderslife felhasználónévvel találhatjátok meg, emellett pedig van egy
blogja is, katt ide, ha ezt is meg szeretnétek nézni.
Eredetileg ez a poszt lett volna a legelső a márciusi hónapban, viszont az egyetemi teendőim és a szakdolgozatom lefoglalták minden időmet, egyszerűen ha volt is egy kis szabadidőm, akkor sem volt kedvem olvasni, annyira lefáradtam. A múlt hét elején viszont sikerült befejeznem és le is adnom a szakdolgozatomat, amire nagyon büszke vagyok, szóval most egy kicsit felszabadultabb lettem. Emiatt pedig úgy véltem, hogy ideje lenne bepótolnom ezt a februári összegzős bejegyzésemet is.
is húznám tovább az időt, mutatom is, hogy olvasás szempontjából hogyan telt
számomra a február.
böngészést mindenkinek! ❤
A februári hónap során, ahogy már fentebb is említettem, rengeteg időt töltöttem az egyetemi dolgaimmal, ezért olvasás szempontjából nem lett valami tartalmas ez a pár hét. De nézzük is, hogy a könyvek területén hogyan is telt számomra a február.
... Hat bejegyzést sikerült közzétennem a blogomon. Bár ez lényegesen kevesebb, mint az elmúlt pár hónap számainál, erre az eredményemre így is nagyon büszke vagyok. Ígéretet tettem magamnak, mely szerint aktív leszek a blogomon is, és ezt eddig sikerült is betartanom, számomra pedig ez már egy hatalmas siker.
... Hét könyvet sikerült elolvasnom, ezek mindegyike első alkalmas olvasás
... Öt olyan könyvet sikerült elolvasnom, amelyeket olyan írók írtak, akiktől
ezelőtt még nem olvastam. Az új évre az egyik célom az volt, hogy minden
hónapban szeretnék egy ilyen írótól olvasni, borzasztóan örülök neki, hogy mindösszesen két hónap alatt ilyen sok új író munkásságával sikerült megismerkednem.
pedig szeretném nektek részletesebben is megmutatni, hogy mely könyveket
olvastam el az elmúlt néhány hét során (a legkiemelkedőbbeket egy kis rózsaszín
medállal fogom jelölni).
↠ Piper Rayne: My Famous Frenemy
Olvasás típusa: első
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022.
január 25., 20:32 → 2022. február 2., 00:46
Értékelés: 4,5 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ “What do you want me to
do?” There’s steel in my voice.
“You’re busy, Posey. I’ve
got it.”
Chevelle’s door opens.
“You got this, Marla!” She slams it again.
Chevelle’s door opens.
“You know she’s going to do it anyway, so just agree.” She slams it again.
Madi joins in and we’re
all jumping and screaming in excitement.
“Aw…” Chevelle whines
from the other side of the door.
“Chevelle, I know your
room is messy, just come out here.” My mom says, and her door springs open. ❞
❝ “It’s daughter/daddy
night. Mommy is drinking wine,” Emilia says to me. “She said one bottle might
not be enough.”
I run my fingers through
my niece’s thick hair.
Jed rolls his eyes.
“Molly is making me come, even though I do a kick-ass job already. Right,
kiddo?” He raises his hand, and she smacks it.
“Kick ass.” Emilia grins.
Jed pulls her close.
“That word stays between us, okay?”
Emilia nods, bit I
guarantee she’ll say it again before she goes to bed tonight. ❞
❝ “Oh, look. There are my
grandchildren.” She hooks her arm with mine. “Would you mind walking me over?
It’s a little muddy and you wouldn’t want to be responsible for me breaking my
hip, right?”
Logan totally underplayed
this whole Ethel and Dori fix up thing, but since I’m actually into a Greene –
Posey Greene, to be exact – I’ll gladly play along.
“Of course.”
She pats my hand. “I knew
you were a good man.”
“Don’t worry about us,
not like I’m older than you or anything,” Dori says.
Ethel looks over her
shoulder “Hold on to each other.” ❞
Willa Nash: The
Naughty, The Nice and The Nanny
Olvasás típusa: első
Olvasás kezdete/vége: 2022.
február 4., 21:22 → 2022. február 5., 11:50
Értékelés: 4 csillag
Kedvenc idézetek:
❝ His gaze was narrowed on
a girl in the middle of the room.
She wore a red tutu and
matching glitter slippers. In one hand, she held a wooden spoon. In the other,
a butcher’s knife.
“You must be Violet,” I
The angel. ❞
❝ “How many desserts can I
have before dinner?”
“Four,” she countered.
I arched an eyebrow.
(…) “Fine. One.” ❞
Eliah Greenwood:
Dear Heart, I Hate You
típusa: első alkalom (recenzió)
kezdete/vége: 2022. február 8., 22:24 → 2022. február 10., 22:37
4,5 csillag
❝ I
made a deal with the devil without reading it first.
all his pretty lies, I love you was the worst. ❞
❝ Theo’s
moving back in, thought you should know.
If he tells you I ate all the cookies you made, he’s lying.
Fine, I ate them. ❞
❝ “I
never answered your question,” he rasps against my lips.
in a daze, I struggle to make sense of his words.
asked me once to name one thing I don’t hate.”
were right. I do hate everything.”
kisses me again.
he says something I know will stick with me long after this moment is gone.
but you.” ❞
↠ Nikki
Sloane: The Doctor
típusa: első alkalom
kezdete/vége: 2022. február 5., 22:07 → 2022. február 17., 12:27
1,5 csillag
↠ Rebecca
Jenshak: Secret Puck
típusa: első alkalom
kezdete/vége: 2022. február 19., 10:50 → 2022. február 19., 23:31
5 csillag
❝ “Invite
them too. Mav can grill.”
cook?” I ask the always shirtless Maverick as he walks in the front door with
that different?”
manly and awesome.”
is different than cooking?”
grins. “Open flame.” ❞
❝ “It’s
food. Can you grab it?”
cross through the apartment and open the door, taking a deep breath of clean,
uncontaminated air. After thanking the delivery guy, I take the bag of food
back to the sick room.
ya go.”
for me.” He heaves. “Oh, just the smell makes me want to hurl again. It’s for
you, so you’ll stay with me.”
didn’t need to bribe me.”
I know I’m your favourite person, but eventually your stomach would have
convinced you to leave me.”
chuckle and take the bag back out to the kitchen. “There is a lot of food in
a hungry bitch.” ❞
❝ “Trying
to watch a movie in here!” someone else calls out a window not far from mine.
looks toward the voice. “Sorry, man. Almost done.”
pushes froward. “Go fucking watch it then. Guy’s trying to pour his heart out.”
He nods to Heath as if to say, I’ve got you covered. ❞
↠ Rebecca
Jenshak: Bad Crush
típusa: első alkalom
kezdete/vége: 2022. február 21., 20:58 → 2022. február 22., 19:21
5 csillag
❝ There’s
a knock at the door, and all three of us look at it but don’t move.
away. We’re too poor to buy anything, and we’ve already found Jesus,” Dakota
giggles. “What if it’s Girl Scouts selling cookies or hot firefighters checking
smoke alarms?”
you have cookies, knock three times,” Dakota yells again. ❞
❝ Adam
drops the board, and the last one reads, Will you be my girlfriend, Reagan?
step closer, and whisper, “But, what about… everything?”
we should give them some privacy,” Rhett says.
Mav starts. “It’s just about to get good.”
I’m not here,” Dakota says. “Just grabbing more wine and going to my room.
Where I have knives, just FYI.” ❞
↠ Rebecca
Jenshak: Broken Hearts
típusa: első alkalom
kezdete/vége: 2022. február 23., 20:39 → 2022. február 26., 19:41
3,5 csillag
❝ Maverick
stands in front of me for a solid minute taking photos until I can’t smile any
what the fuck are we doing here?”
thumb swipes across the screen. “No, no, no, maybe, no. Ha! Charli looks scared
of you in this one. No, no, no. Ooooh. What do we think?” He shows the photo to
buddy shrugs. “What’s the plan?”
that to Sienna. Dog pics are superior to dick pics.”
I was feeling hopeful he had some master plan, but seriously?
isn’t even my dog.”
He takes Charli and tosses me the phone. “I’ve tracked it. You’re three times
more likely to get laid sending that picture than one of your dick. Or, I am
your dick is ugly,” Heath says.
off, my dick is beautiful, and don’t pretend like you haven’t seen it.”
I haven’t, so please, don’t show us.” Adam holds up a hand. Then he looks at
me. “It’s worth a shot. Charli is a really fucking cute dog.”
just send the pic? No explanation?”
groans, takes my phone, taps something out and hands it back. “I didn’t realize
you needed me to do it all for you, Rhautruss. You’re welcome.”
fuck. A pit forms in my stomach as I read the text he sent. Meet Charli (Mav’s
dog). She likes to cuddle with me.
along with the text, he sent one of the pics.
it? That’s the magic? You didn’t say anything about me wanting to hang out.”
phone pings and the guys all wait for me to read it.
She’s adorable. What are you doing later?”
pumps his fist in the air. “And that’s how it’s done, boys.” ❞
szépen köszönöm, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést, remélem, hogy tetszett. Ne
felejtsetek el benézni Laura blogjára sem. Bízom benne, hogy jövő héten kedden
is velünk fogtok tartani.
csodás napotok! ❤
xoxo, Fruzsi
Hey everyone! :)
I am brining you this list in
collaboration with one of my dear friends, because we are continuing our
monthly bookish themed blog post series. You can find her as
@shitofareaderslife on Instagram, and she has a blog too, click here if you
want to check it out.
This February wrap up would have been the very first post in March, but my university courses and my thesis took up all my time, and as a result, I have not really had enough time to spend with reading and blogging. Fortunately, I have submitted my thesis in a few days ago, so now I am a tiny bit more free, so I thought it was time to post my February wrap up.
Now, without further ado, here are my February bookish achievements. Happy reading! ❤
During the month of February...
... I have managed to publish six new
posts on my blog. Although it is a lot less than the number of posts in the past few months, I am
super proud of myself for doing. I promised myself that I would stay active on my blog, and I managed to do so, and that is a huge success for me.
... I have read seven books, and all of
these were first time readings.
... I have read five books written by
authors who were new to me. One of my goals for the new year was to read at
least from one new-to-me author per month, and although it is still the very
beginning of 2022, I am still super happy that I could already discover so many new authors.
And now, let me list you all the novels I
have read in February (I will mark my biggest favourites with a little pink
↠ My
Famous Frenemy by Piper Rayne
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: January 25th, 2022., 08:32 pm → February 2nd, 2022, 00:46 am
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ “What do you want me to do?” There’s steel
in my voice.
“You’re busy, Posey. I’ve got it.”
Chevelle’s door opens. “You got this,
Marla!” She slams it again.
Chevelle’s door opens. “You know she’s
going to do it anyway, so just agree.” She slams it again.
Madi joins in and we’re all jumping and
screaming in excitement.
“Aw…” Chevelle whines from the other side
of the door.
“Chevelle, I know your room is messy, just
come out here.” My mom says, and her door springs open. ❞
❝ “It’s daughter/daddy night. Mommy is
drinking wine,” Emilia says to me. “She said one bottle might not be enough.”
I run my fingers through my niece’s thick
Jed rolls his eyes. “Molly is making me
come, even though I do a kick-ass job already. Right, kiddo?” He raises his
hand, and she smacks it.
“Kick ass.” Emilia grins.
Jed pulls her close. “That word stays
between us, okay?”
Emilia nods, bit I guarantee she’ll say it
again before she goes to bed tonight. ❞
❝ “Oh, look. There are my grandchildren.”
She hooks her arm with mine. “Would you mind walking me over? It’s a little
muddy and you wouldn’t want to be responsible for me breaking my hip, right?”
Logan totally underplayed this whole Ethel
and Dori fix up thing, but since I’m actually into a Greene – Posey Greene, to
be exact – I’ll gladly play along.
“Of course.”
She pats my hand. “I knew you were a good
“Don’t worry about us, not like I’m older
than you or anything,” Dori says.
Ethel looks over her shoulder “Hold on to
each other.” ❞
The Naughty, The Nice and The Nanny by Willa Nash
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: February 4th, 2022, 09:22 pm → February 5th, 2022, 11:50 am
Rating: 4 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ His gaze was narrowed on a girl in the
middle of the room.
She wore a red tutu and matching glitter
slippers. In one hand, she held a wooden spoon. In the other, a butcher’s
“You must be Violet,” I said.
The angel. ❞
❝ “How many desserts can I have before
“Four,” she countered.
I arched an eyebrow. “One.”
(…) “Fine. One.” ❞
Dear Heart, I Hate You by Eliah Greenwood
Reading type: first time reading (advance reviewer copy)
Reading date: February 8th, 2022, 10:24 pm → February 10th, 2022, 10:37 pm
Rating: 4,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ I made a deal with the devil without
reading it first.
Of all his pretty lies, I love you was the
worst. ❞
❝ Theo’s moving back in, thought you should
P.S. If he tells you I ate all the cookies
you made, he’s lying.
P.P.S. Fine, I ate them. ❞
❝ “I never answered your question,” he rasps
against my lips.
Trapped in a daze, I struggle to make
sense of his words.
“What question?”
“You asked me once to name one thing I
don’t hate.”
“You were right. I do hate everything.”
He kisses me again.
Then he says something I know will stick
with me long after this moment is gone.
“Everything but you.” ❞
The Doctor by Nikki Sloane
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: February 5th, 2022, 10:07 pm → February 17th, 2022, 12:27 pm
Rating: 1,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
Secret Puck by Rebecca Jenshak
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: February 19th, 2022,
10:50 am → February 19th, 2022, 11:31 pm
Rating: 5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ “Invite them too. Mav can grill.”
“You cook?” I ask the always shirtless
Maverick as he walks in the front door with Charli.
“I grill.”
“Is that different?”
“It’s manly and awesome.”
“Which is different than cooking?”
He grins. “Open flame.” ❞
❝ “It’s food. Can you grab it?”
I cross through the apartment and open the
door, taking a deep breath of clean, uncontaminated air. After thanking the
delivery guy, I take the bag of food back to the sick room.
“Here ya go.”
“Not for me.” He heaves. “Oh, just the
smell makes me want to hurl again. It’s for you, so you’ll stay with me.”
“You didn’t need to bribe me.”
“Look, I know I’m your favourite person,
but eventually your stomach would have convinced you to leave me.”
I chuckle and take the bag back out to the
kitchen. “There is a lot of food in here.”
“You’re a hungry bitch.” ❞
❝ “Trying to watch a movie in here!” someone
else calls out a window not far from mine.
Heath looks toward the voice. “Sorry, man.
Almost done.”
Mav pushes froward. “Go fucking watch it
then. Guy’s trying to pour his heart out.” He nods to Heath as if to say, I’ve
got you covered. ❞
Bad Crush by Rebecca Jenshak
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: February 21st, 2022, 08:58 pm → Februry 22nd, 2022, 07:21 pm
Rating: 5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ There’s a knock at the door, and all three
of us look at it but don’t move.
“Go away. We’re too poor to buy anything,
and we’ve already found Jesus,” Dakota yells.
Ginny giggles. “What if it’s Girl Scouts
selling cookies or hot firefighters checking smoke alarms?”
“If you have cookies, knock three times,”
Dakota yells again. ❞
❝ Adam drops the board, and the last one
reads, Will you be my girlfriend, Reagan?
I step closer, and whisper, “But, what
about… everything?”
“Maybe we should give them some privacy,”
Rhett says.
“But,” Mav starts. “It’s just about to get
“Pretend I’m not here,” Dakota says. “Just
grabbing more wine and going to my room. Where I have knives, just FYI.” ❞
Broken Hearts by Rebecca Jenshak
Reading type: first time reading
Reading date: February 23rd, 2022, 08:39 pm → February 26th, 2022, 07:41 pm
Rating: 3,5 stars
Favourite quotes:
❝ Maverick stands in front of me for a solid
minute taking photos until I can’t smile any longer.
“Okay, what the fuck are we doing here?”
His thumb swipes across the screen. “No,
no, no, maybe, no. Ha! Charli looks scared of you in this one. No, no, no.
Ooooh. What do we think?” He shows the photo to Adam.
My buddy shrugs. “What’s the plan?”
“Send that to Sienna. Dog pics are
superior to dick pics.”
Well, I was feeling hopeful he had some
master plan, but seriously?
“She isn’t even my dog.”
“So?” He takes Charli and tosses me the
phone. “I’ve tracked it. You’re three times more likely to get laid sending
that picture than one of your dick. Or, I am anyway.”
“Maybe your dick is ugly,” Heath says.
“Fuck off, my dick is beautiful, and don’t
pretend like you haven’t seen it.
“Well, I haven’t, so please, don’t show
us.” Adam holds up a hand. Then he looks at me. “It’s worth a shot. Charli is a
really fucking cute dog.”
“I just send the pic? No explanation?”
Mav groans, takes my phone, taps something
out and hands it back. “I didn’t realize you needed me to do it all for you,
Rhautruss. You’re welcome.”
Oh fuck. A pit forms in my stomach as I
read the text he sent. Meet Charli (Mav’s dog). She likes to cuddle with me.
And along with the text, he sent one of
the pics.
“That’s it? That’s the magic? You didn’t
say anything about me wanting to hang out.”
My phone pings and the guys all wait for
me to read it.
“Aww! She’s adorable. What are you doing
Mav pumps his fist in the air. “And that’s
how it’s done, boys.” ❞
Thank you so so much for reading for this
wrap up post. I hope you liked it, and if you did, please join us next Tuesday
too. Do not forget to check out my sweet friend, Laura’s post too.
Have a wonderful day! ❤
xoxo, Fruzsi
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