2022. október 21., péntek

Cora Reilly: Sins of the Fathers – Alternatív borítóleleplezés | Sins of the Fathers by Cora Reilly – Alternate cover reveal

Cora Reilly: Sins of the Fathers
A sorozat kötetei:
By Sin I Rise – Part One (Maddox és Marcella története)
By Sin I Rise – Part Two (Maddox és Marcella története)
By Virtue I Fall (Santino és Anna története)
By Fate I Conquer (Amo és Greta története várható megjelenés: 2022. november 29.)
Fülszöveg – By Sin I Rise:
Maddox ​– Mad Dog – White hates everything the name Vitiello stands for, after he witnessed his father and his men getting butchered by the Capo of the Italian mob in their territory. Raised by his uncle, the president of the Tartarus MC, Maddox is destined to follow in his footsteps. Now their chapter is on the rise again, but for their ultimate triumph they need to destroy the Vitiello empire. And what better way to do it than to steal the spoilt Vitiello princess and break her piece by piece until her father begs for mercy.
Known as the spoilt princess of New York, Marcella Vitiello grew up in a golden cage. If your father is the most feared man in New York, people gift you with reverence.
Destined to marry the boyfriend approved by her father, Marcella is sick of being treated like an untouchable porcelain doll.
She resents the life forced upon her by her family until everything she took for granted is ripped from her. Where she’s now, her name doesn’t bring awe, only pain and humiliation.
If you’ve grown up in a high castle, the fall is all the deeper.
Sins of the fathers have a way of catching up…who’s going to bleed for them?
Cora Reilly a mai nap folyamán leleplezte a Sins of the Fathers eddig megjelent köteteinek alternatív borítóit. Őszintén megmondva, én nem igazán voltam elragadtatva az eredeti borítóktól, úgyhogy nagyon örültem, hogy ez a sorozat is kap alternatív borítókat. Véleményem szerint fényévekkel szebbek, mint az eredetiek, annyira jó rájuk nézni és látni, hogy vannak rajtuk olyan elemek, amelyek tényleg reprezentálják a történeteket! Nekem személy szerint a három közül a By Virtue I Fall borítója tetszik a legjobban, és bár még nem olvastam Santino és Anna történetét, ez a borító most igazán meghozta a kedvem hozzá.
Az írónő elmondása szerint egy ideig ezek a könyvek e-könyv és nyomtatott formátumban is csak az új borítókkal lesznek megvásárolhatóak, viszont egy idő után az e-könyvek vissza fognak állni a modelles borítókra, viszont a nyomtatott könyvek csak az alternatív borítókkal lesznek kaphatóak. Forrás: Instagram borítóleleplező bejegyzés
By Sin I Rise – Part One | Eredeti borító – alternatív borító
By Sin I Rise – Part Two | Eredeti borító – alternatív borító
By Virtue I Fall | Eredeti borító alternatív borító
Ti mit gondoltok ezekről az alternatív borítókról?
Köszönöm szépen, hogy ma is velem tartottatok!
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi

Sins of the Fathers by Cora Reilly
Books in the series:
By Sin I Rise – Part One (the story of Maddox and Marcella)
By Sin I Rise – Part Two (the story of Maddox and Marcella)
By Virtue I Fall (the story of Santino and Anna)
By Fate I Conquer (the story of Amo and Greta expected release: November 29th, 2022)
Blurb – By Sin I Rise:
Maddox – Mad Dog – White hates everything the name Vitiello stands for, after he witnessed his father and his men getting butchered by the Capo of the Italian mob in their territory. Raised by his uncle, the president of the Tartarus MC, Maddox is destined to follow in his footsteps. Now their chapter is on the rise again, but for their ultimate triumph they need to destroy the Vitiello empire. And what better way to do it than to steal the spoilt Vitiello princess and break her piece by piece until her father begs for mercy.
Known as the spoilt princess of New York, Marcella Vitiello grew up in a golden cage. If your father is the most feared man in New York, people gift you with reverence.
Destined to marry the boyfriend approved by her father, Marcella is sick of being treated like an untouchable porcelain doll.
She resents the life forced upon her by her family until everything she took for granted is ripped from her. Where she’s now, her name doesn’t bring awe, only pain and humiliation.
If you’ve grown up in a high castle, the fall is all the deeper.
Sins of the fathers have a way of catching up…who’s going to bleed for them?
A few hours ago, Cora Reilly has revealed the alternate covers of the first three books in her mafia series, titled Sins of the Fathers. To say the truth, I was not really impressed by the original covers of these books, so I was super happy when I found out that these will have alternate covers too. And in my opinion, they are a lot more eye-catching than the original ones, they are just wonderful to look at, and I am so happy to see that they have different elements that actually represent the stories. If I had to pick a favourite, I would probably choose the cover of By Virtue I Fall, it is so pretty. I have not read the story of Santino and Anna yet, but this new cover really put me in the mood to start reading it.
According Cora Reilly, for now, both the e-book and the paperback versions of these books will be with the alternative covers. The e-books will be switched back to the model covers later, but the paperbacks will stay with the alternate covers. Source: cover reveal post on Instagram
By Sin I Rise – Part One | Original cover – alternate cover

By Sin I Rise – Part Two | Original cover – alternate cover

By Virtue I Fall | Original cover alternate cover
What do you think about the alternate covers?
Thank you so so much for joining me today!
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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