2022. október 26., szerda

Cora Reilly: By Fate I Conquer – Fülszöveg- és borítóleleplezés | By Fate I Conquer by Cora Reilly – Blurb and cover reveal

Cora Reilly: By Fate I Conquer | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés várható ideje: 2022. november 29.
Sorozat: Sins of the Fathers
A sorozat kötetei:
By Sin I Rise – Part One (Maddox és Marcella története)
By Sin I Rise – Part Two (Maddox és Marcella története)
By Virtue I Fall (Santino és Anna története)
By Fate I Conquer (Amo és Greta története)
Do you believe in love at first sight? In a love so strong and bright, it ignites you even in your darkest hours? Do you believe that somewhere in this world there’s someone who’s destined to be your other half? Your soulmate?
I didn’t.
Until I met her.
Greta Falcone.
The Camorra’s protected mafia princess. She’s forbidden to me.
My love for my family and my animals was all I needed. I never thought I’d fall in love. Until I met him.
Amo Vitiello. Future Capo of the Famiglia. Cruel and cold. The smiles that he has only for me quiet the chaos in my head.
What if you find your soulmate at the wrong time?
I knew the cruelest men, and yet nothing could ever be crueler than fate itself.
Cora Reilly By Fate I Conquer című regénye várhatóan 2022. november 29.-én fog megjelenni, és a tegnapi nap folyamán végre sor került a kötet fülszövegének és borítójának a leleplezésére. Bár a fülszöveg igencsak rejtélyesre sikeredett, nem igazán tudunk meg sokat a könyvről, de az alternatív borító annál beszédesebb lett.
Azt sokan tudjuk, hogy a balettcipő Gretat jelképezi, viszont ha jobban megnézzük, akkor láthatjuk, hogy a cipő alatt lapul egy összetört gyűrű is. Ez vajon azt jelentené, hogy Amo már jegyben jár valakivel, vagy akár már házas, és ez is megnehezíti számukra azt, hogy egy párt alkothassanak? Annyira várom már a november végét, úgy olvasnám már ezt a könyvet!
By Fate I Conquer | Modelles borító

By Fate I Conquer | Teljes modelles borító
By Fate I Conquer | Alternatív borító
By Fate I Conquer | Teljes alternatív borító
Köszönöm szépen, hogy ma is velem tartottatok!
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi
By Fate I Conquer by Cora Reilly | Book profile
Expected release: November 29th, 2022
Series: Sins of the Fathers
Books in the series:
By Sin I Rise – Part One (the story of Maddox and Marcella)
By Sin I Rise – Part Two (the story of Maddox and Marcella)
By Virtue I Fall (the story of Santino and Anna)
By Fate I Conquer (the story of Amo and Greta)
Do you believe in love at first sight? In a love so strong and bright, it ignites you even in your darkest hours? Do you believe that somewhere in this world there’s someone who’s destined to be your other half? Your soulmate?
I didn’t.
Until I met her.
Greta Falcone.
The Camorra’s protected mafia princess. She’s forbidden to me.
My love for my family and my animals was all I needed. I never thought I’d fall in love. Until I met him.
Amo Vitiello. Future Capo of the Famiglia. Cruel and cold. The smiles that he has only for me quiet the chaos in my head.
What if you find your soulmate at the wrong time?
I knew the cruelest men, and yet nothing could ever be crueler than fate itself.
By Fate I Conquer by Cora Reilly is expected to be released on November 29th, 2022, and yesterday was the day when the author finally showed us the cover and the blurb of Amo and Gretas story. The blurb is kinda mysterious, we do not really find out anything about this novel, but if we take a closer look on the alternate cover, we could find something very interesting.
We know that the ballett shoe represents Greta, and under the shoe, we can see a crushed ring. Does that mean that Amo is engaged, or even married, to someone else? Is that one reason for why they can not be together? Ah, I really wish we were closer to the end of November, I need to read this book!
By Fate I Conquer | Cover with a model

By Fate I Conquer | Full cover with a model

By Fate I Conquer | Alternate cover

By Fate I Conquer | Full alternate cover

What do you think about these covers?
Thank you so so much for joining me today!
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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