2021. január 15., péntek

Cora Reilly: The Camorra Chronicles – borítóleleplezés és hírek | The Camorra Chronicles by Cora Reilly – cover reveal and news


The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 | Könyvprofil

Megjelenés várható ideje: 2021. január 20.
Sorozat: The Camorra Chronicles
A sorozat kötetei:
Twisted Loyalties (Fabiano & Leona története)
Twisted Emotions (Nino & Kiara története)
Twisted Pride (Remo & Serafina története)
Twisted Bonds (Nino & Kiara története)
Twisted Hearts (Savio & Gemma története)
Twisted Cravings (Adamo története)
Twisted Loyalties
Fabiano was raised to follow in his father’s footsteps as Consigliere of the Chicago Outfit – until the man abandons him. Left to fend for himself, Fabiano is forced to fight for a place in the mafia world. As a ruthless street fighter, he quickly earns his place as the new Enforcer of the Las Vegas Camorra – a man to fear.
Leona wants to build a decent life for herself, away from her drug-addicted mother. But soon she catches the attention of a dangerous man – Fabiano Scuderi. Staying out of trouble and living a normal life are near impossible with a man like him.
Leona knows she needs to avoid Fabiano, but men like him aren’t easy to shake off. They always get what they want.
Fabiano cares about only one thing: the Camorra.
But his attraction to Leona soon puts his unwavering loyalty to the test. Is Leona worth risking everything he’s fought for, and ultimately his life?
Twisted Emotions
Nino Falcone is a genius and monster. As the right hand man and brother of the Capo of the Camorra, his lack of feelings is a blessing, not a curse – until his brother asks him to marry for the sake of the Camorra.
Kiara Vitiello, cousin of the Capo of the New York Famiglia, is chosen to marry Nino Falcone to prevent war with the Camorra, but what she hears about Las Vegas makes her veins pulse with terror. After her father betrayed his Capo and paid with his life, her family thinks marriage is her only chance to bring honor to her name; but only Kiara knows she’s a faulty prize given in return for peace.
A man incapable of emotions and a woman scarred by the past – an arranged marriage with the potential to unite, or destroy…
Twisted Pride
Remo Falcone is beyond redemption.
As Capo of the Camorra he rules with a brutal hand over his territory – a territory the Chicago Outfit breached.
Now Remo is out for retribution.
A wedding is sacred, stealing a bride sacrilegious.
Serafina is the niece of the Boss of the Outfit, and her hand has been promised in marriage for years, but kidnapped in her wedding dress on her way to church by Remo, Serafina quickly realizes that she can’t hope for saving. Yet, even in the hands of the cruelest man she knows, she is determined to cling to her pride, and Remo soon understands that the woman at his mercy might not be as easy to break as he thought.
A ruthless man on a quest to destroy the Outfit by breaking someone they are supposed to protect.
A woman intent on bringing a monster to his knees.
Two families that will never be the same.
Azt már tudni lehetett, hogy Cora Reilly a Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles sorozatának első gyűjteménye után az írónő szeretne kiadni egy hasonló kötetet a The Camorra Chronicles regényeivel is. Azonban eddig ennek a megjelenése egy picit bizonytalan volt, viszont nem is olyan rég Cora egy váratlan borítóleleplezéssel lepett meg minket, és igen, ez pedig nem volt más, mint a Camorra gyűjteménynek a borítóleleplezése. A The Camorra Chronicles Volume 1 várhatóan idén január 20.-án fog megjelenni. Azt nagyon fontos kiemelni, hogy ez NEM EGY ÚJ TÖRTÉNETET TARTALMAZÓ KÖTET. Ez szimplán csak a The Camorra Chronicles sorozat első 3 kötete egy nagy és vastag könyvben együtt. Szóval semmi új történet, semmi új tartalom nincs benne, csak azt a 3 könyvet fogja tartalmazni, amik már eddig külön-külön is megjelentek. A gyűjtemény viszont egy eddig még nem látott borítóval fog megjelenni, ami teljesen tökéletesen passzol az eddig megjelent Camorra kötetekhez.
The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 | Borító
The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 | Teljes borító
The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 | Goodreads
Twisted Cravings | Hírek
A Twisted Cravings Adamo Falcone története lesz, és várhatóan idén márciusban fog megjelenni, a pontos dátum még nem lett bejelentve. Cora néhány nappal viszont meglepett minket egy nagyszerű hírrel, ez pedig nem más, mint hogy február 2.-án fog sor kerülni a Twisted Cravings fülszöveg- és borítóleleplezésére. Plusz, jövőhéttől kezdve minden egyes héten kapni fogunk egy újabb kis ízelítőt Adamo könyvéből. 

Twisted Cravings | Goodreads
Twisted Bonds | Hírek
2021. január 4.-én megjelent a Twisted Bonds hangoskönyv változata is, ami már a legtöbb webshopon el is érhető, viszont az Amazonon még nem, ott még várni kell rá (Cora szerint ez a várakozási idő akár hat hónap is lehet).

Twisted Bonds – hangoskönyv | Beszerzéshez szükséges linkek

Köszönöm szépen, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést. Remélem, hogy hasznosnak találtátok.  
xoxo, Fruzsi
The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 | Book profile
Expected publication: January 20th, 2021
Series: The Camorra Chronicles
Books in the series:
Twisted Loyalties (Fabiano & Leona’s story)
Twisted Emotions (Nino & Kiara’s story)
Twisted Pride (Remo & Serafina’s story)
Twisted Bonds (Nino & Kiara’s story)
Twisted Hearts (Savio & Gemma’s story)
Twisted Cravings (Adamo’s story)
Twisted Loyalties
Fabiano was raised to follow in his father’s footsteps as Consigliere of the Chicago Outfit – until the man abandons him. Left to fend for himself, Fabiano is forced to fight for a place in the mafia world. As a ruthless street fighter, he quickly earns his place as the new Enforcer of the Las Vegas Camorra – a man to fear.
Leona wants to build a decent life for herself, away from her drug-addicted mother. But soon she catches the attention of a dangerous man – Fabiano Scuderi. Staying out of trouble and living a normal life are near impossible with a man like him.
Leona knows she needs to avoid Fabiano, but men like him aren’t easy to shake off. They always get what they want.
Fabiano cares about only one thing: the Camorra.
But his attraction to Leona soon puts his unwavering loyalty to the test. Is Leona worth risking everything he’s fought for, and ultimately his life?
Twisted Emotions
Nino Falcone is a genius and monster. As the right hand man and brother of the Capo of the Camorra, his lack of feelings is a blessing, not a curse – until his brother asks him to marry for the sake of the Camorra.
Kiara Vitiello, cousin of the Capo of the New York Famiglia, is chosen to marry Nino Falcone to prevent war with the Camorra, but what she hears about Las Vegas makes her veins pulse with terror. After her father betrayed his Capo and paid with his life, her family thinks marriage is her only chance to bring honor to her name; but only Kiara knows she’s a faulty prize given in return for peace.
A man incapable of emotions and a woman scarred by the past – an arranged marriage with the potential to unite, or destroy…
Twisted Pride
Remo Falcone is beyond redemption.
As Capo of the Camorra he rules with a brutal hand over his territory – a territory the Chicago Outfit breached.
Now Remo is out for retribution.
A wedding is sacred, stealing a bride sacrilegious.
Serafina is the niece of the Boss of the Outfit, and her hand has been promised in marriage for years, but kidnapped in her wedding dress on her way to church by Remo, Serafina quickly realizes that she can’t hope for saving. Yet, even in the hands of the cruelest man she knows, she is determined to cling to her pride, and Remo soon understands that the woman at his mercy might not be as easy to break as he thought.
A ruthless man on a quest to destroy the Outfit by breaking someone they are supposed to protect.
A woman intent on bringing a monster to his knees.
Two families that will never be the same.
Cora Reilly has already announced that she wants to publish a book collection like the Born in Blood box set just with the Camorra books. However, she has not announced any publishing dates. Well, at least until a few days ago, because this week she surprised us with a cover reveal, and yes, it was the cover reveal for The Camorra Chronicles collection. The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 will be released on January 20th, 2021 and it is important to highlight that IT WILL NOT BE A NEW STORY. It is just a huge and super thick book set, and it will include the first 3 books in The Camorra Chronicles series. So, no new stories, no extra content or any other stuff like that, just the already published books together. The set will be released with a brand new cover which perfectly matches the other Camorra covers.
The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 | Cover

The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 | Full cover

The Camorra Chronicles – Volume 1 | Goodreads
Twisted Cravings | News
Twisted Cravings will be the sixth book in The Camorra Chronicles series, and it will be Adamo Falcones story. This novel will be released in March 2021, but as of right now, we do not have an exact release date. However, a few days ago Cora surprised us with some amazing news: she will reveal the blurb and the cover of Twisted Cravings on February 2nd. And, starting next week, she will be sharing new teasers every week.

Twisted Cravings | Goodreads
Twisted Bonds | News
The audiobook version of Twisted Bonds was released on January 4th, 2021, and it is available almost everywhere, except for Amazon, it takes a little bit more time for them to approve it (Cora said that it could be a six month wait).

Twisted Bonds – audiobook | Purchase links

Thank you so so much for reading this post, I hope you found it useful.
xoxo, Fruzsi

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