2021. január 31., vasárnap

Kennedy Fox: Bossing the Cowboy – borítóleleplezés | Bossing the Cowboy by Kennedy Fox – cover reveal

Bossing the Cowboy | Könyvprofil
Megjelenés várható időpontja: 2021. május 11.
Sorozat: Circle B Ranch
A sorozat kötetei:
Roping the Cowboy (Braxton & Kat története)
Hitching the Cowboy (Riley & Zoey története)
Catching the Cowboy (Rowan & Diesel története)
Wrangling the Cowboy (Maize & Gavin története)
Bossing the Cowboy (Elizabeth Bishop története)
Kissing the Cowboy (Ethan Bishop története)
Winning the Cowboy (Mackenzie Bishop története)
Claiming the Cowboy (Knox Bishop története)
Tempting the Cowboy (Kane Bishop története)
Seducing the Cowboy (Kaitlyn Bishop története)
After surviving a messy divorce, Dr. Connor Wallen prefers being married to his job. Helping animals is the perfect distraction from his crazy life as a single dad, but he finds it difficult to concentrate when an attractive woman fresh from veterinary school joins his practice. Getting involved with someone who works for him would only lead to disaster.
He tries to ignore her but their chemistry is undeniable.
Dr. Elizabeth Bishop can’t stand her boss or how he treats her, but there aren’t many job options in small-town Texas. No matter what she does, it’s never good enough for him, but she keeps trying to impress him anyway. Studying and working so much over the years has destroyed her dating life, so she stopped trying.
She’ll never admit she’s attracted to him and denies it every chance she gets.
Avoiding him is impossible, but Elle keeps her distance. Conner may be her boss, but she’s tired of playing his games. After an all-nighter turns into more, she’s ready to prove who’s in control.
Although he pushes her away, she’s determined to pull him closer—showing him exactly what they’ve both been missing.
**Bossing the Cowboy is a complete stand-alone and can be read without reading any of the other books or spin-off series, but if you prefer to read in order, start with Hitching the Cowboy as the characters and families do interconnect.**
Kennedy Fox Bossing the Cowboy című regénye várhatóan május 11.-én fog megjelenni. A könyv Emily és Evan (Needing Him) elsőszülött gyermekéről, Elizabeth-ről fog szólni. A Bossing the Cowboy a Circle B Ranch sorozat negyedik kötete lesz, teljesen egyedülálló regényként is olvasható, de ha jobban szeretitek megjelenési sorrendben olvasni a sorozatok részeit, akkor azt javaslom, hogy kezdjétek a Hitching the Cowboy-jal. Ezt a sorozatot amúgy sem érdemes kihagyni, szerintem az egyik legimádnivalóbb, amit valaha is olvashattam. Én személy szerint már nagyon várom, hogy olvashassam Elle és Connor történetét. Ha már régebbóta követtek, akkor már tudhatjátok, hogy Emily és Evan története a legnagyobb kedvencem az egész Bishop Brothers sorozatban, szóval már tűkön ülve várom, hogy ismét találkozhassam kedvenc karaktereimmel és, hogy jobban megismerhessem a gyermekeiket is.
A Bossing the Cowboy borítóleleplezésésre néhány nappal ezelőtt került sor, és ismét egy olyan borítót kaptunk, ami teljesen tökéletesen passzol az előzőekhez, nagyszerűen mutatnak együtt, és ez is, csakúgy mint az előzőek, elég szemet gyönyörködtetőre sikeredett.
Ti mit gondoltok erről a borítóról?
Bossing the Cowboy | Borító

Bossing the Cowboy | Moly
Bossing the Cowboy | Goodreads
Bossing the Cowboy | Előrendeléshez szükséges link
Az összes link együtt: http://bit.ly/3lq747e
A puhatáblás és a keménytáblás változatok már előrendelhetőek az írónők webshopjából, ha megrendelitek, kérhetitek dedikálva is ÉS ha elég gyorsak vagytok, akkor még egy dedikált bookplate-t is kaphattok, amelyet a Bossing the Cowboy borítómodellje, Cody Smith fog aláírni nektek (limitált készlet áll rendelkezésre ezekből). Ha esetleg érdeklődtök eziránt, itt az előrendeléshez szükséges link:
Kennedy Fox | Elérhetőségek
Facebook olvasói csoport: bit.ly/KF-ReaderGroup
Email: kennedyfoxbooks@gmail.com
Köszönöm szépen, hogy elolvastátok ezt a bejegyzést!
Legyen csodás napotok!

xoxo, Fruzsi
Bossing the Cowboy | Book profile
Expected publication: May 11th, 2021
Series: Circle B Ranch
Books in the series:
Roping the Cowboy (Braxton & Kat’s story)
Hitching the Cowboy (Riley & Zoe’s story)
Catching the Cowboy (Rowan & Diesel’s story)
Wrangling the Cowboy (Maize & Gavin’s story)
Bossing the Cowboy (Elizabeth Bishop’s story)
Kissing the Cowboy (Ethan Bishop’s story)
Winning the Cowboy (Mackenzie Bishop’s story)
Claiming the Cowboy (Knox Bishop’s story)
Tempting the Cowboy (Kane Bishop’s story)
Seducing the Cowboy (Kaitlyn Bishop’s story)
After surviving a messy divorce, Dr. Connor Wallen prefers being married to his job. Helping animals is the perfect distraction from his crazy life as a single dad, but he finds it difficult to concentrate when an attractive woman fresh from veterinary school joins his practice. Getting involved with someone who works for him would only lead to disaster.
He tries to ignore her but their chemistry is undeniable.
Dr. Elizabeth Bishop can’t stand her boss or how he treats her, but there aren’t many job options in small-town Texas. No matter what she does, it’s never good enough for him, but she keeps trying to impress him anyway. Studying and working so much over the years has destroyed her dating life, so she stopped trying.
She’ll never admit she’s attracted to him and denies it every chance she gets.
Avoiding him is impossible, but Elle keeps her distance. Conner may be her boss, but she’s tired of playing his games. After an all-nighter turns into more, she’s ready to prove who’s in control.
Although he pushes her away, she’s determined to pull him closer—showing him exactly what they’ve both been missing.
**Bossing the Cowboy is a complete stand-alone and can be read without reading any of the other books or spin-off series, but if you prefer to read in order, start with Hitching the Cowboy as the characters and families do interconnect.**
Bossing the Cowboy by Kennedy Fox will be released on May 11th, and it will be the fourth book in the Circle B Ranch series. The heroine of this story is Elizabeth Bishop who is the daughter of Emily and Evan from Needing Him (Bishop Brother series). This book, just as the previous ones in the series too, can be read as a standalone, but if you prefer reading the books of a series in order, I suggest you start with Hitching the Cowboy. If you love small town romances, I think you will fall deeply in love with the Cirlce B Ranch too. Personally, I am so super excited for this book, I cant wait to read Elle and Connors story. If you have been following me for a longer time, you might know that Emily and Evan’s story is my biggest favourite from the Bishop Brothers series, so right now words can not describe how thrilled I am that the next book in this series is about their daughter. I cant wait to meet my favourite couple again and to get to know their kids a little bit more.
The final cover of Bossing the Cowboy was revealed a few days ago, and we got a cover that makes us readers breathless, it perfectly matches the covers of the previous books, and they look so gorgeous together.
What do you think about this cover?
Bossing the Cowboy | Cover

Bossing the Cowboy | Goodreads
Bossing the Cowboy | Preorder
Preorder on any retailer: http://bit.ly/3lq747e
You can also preorder the paperback and the hardback version from their webshop, and you can get it signed by the authors AND if you are quick enough, you can also get a bookplate signed by the cover model of Bossing the Cowboy, Cody Smith (first comes, first serve, limited quantities available). If you are interested in purchasing it, here is the link to their webshop:
Kennedy Fox | Author links
Facebook group: bit.ly/KF-ReaderGroup
Email: kennedyfoxbooks@gmail.com
Thank you so so much for reading this blog post!
Have a wonderful day!  
xoxo, Fruzsi

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