2022. május 20., péntek

Csúszik a Caution to the Wind Megjelenése | The Release Date of Caution to the Wind Has Been Postponed

Giana Darling: Caution to the Wind | Könyvprofil
Sorozat: The Fallen Men
A sorozat kötetei:
Lessons in Corruption
Welcome to the Dark Side
Fallen Son
Good Gone Bad
After the Fall
Inked in Lies
Dead Man Walking
Caution to the Wind
From Wall Street Journal bestselling author Giana Darling comes an age gap, forbidden love story about a rebel soul and her best friend’s dad who wants absolutely nothing to do with her…
I fell in love with my best friend’s dad when I was seventeen.
He seemed like some kind of heathen god, big enough to kill a man with his bare hands, tattooed with bright, bold images, and weathered by time and a short stint in prison.
Blind to the consequences, I made a mistake that ran him out of town and ruined his life.
Now, he’s back after all these years––hating me more than the day he left.
What he doesn't know is that I’ve been working to atone for my sins.
I’ve infiltrated the Vancouver Triad that killed his wife.
Always my protector, he decides it’s not safe for me to be in this alone, so he resolves to get me out of the Triad and out of his hair for good.
*A stand-alone novel in The Fallen Men Series.*

Giana Darling a mai hírlevelében sajnálattal közölte, hogy a The Fallen Men című sorozatának hetedik kötete nem fog megjelenni a jövő hét folyamán. Az írónő közösségi felületeit a Caution to the Wind borítóleleplezése után feltörték (katt ide, ha többet meg szeretnétek tudni erről a helyzetről), és még mindig nem kapta őket vissza, ezért azt nyilatkozta, hogy amíg nem sikerül visszaszereznie őket, addig nem is szeretné publikálni a kötetet.
Mivel pontosan nem lehet tudni, hogy mikor sikerül megoldani ezt a problémát, az írónő nem is mondott új megjelenési dátumot. Viszont Giana azt nyilatkozta, hogy mihelyst újra hozzáférése lesz az oldalaihoz, azonnal ki is fogja adni Mei és Axe-Man történetét. Bízzunk benne, hogy erre hamarosan sor fog kerülni!
Köszönöm szépen, hogy ma is velem tartottatok.
Legyen csodás napotok!
xoxo, Fruzsi 

Caution to the Wind by Giana Darling | Book profile
Series: The Fallen Men
Books in the series:
Lessons in Corruption
Welcome to the Dark Side
Fallen Son
Good Gone Bad
After the Fall
Inked in Lies
Dead Man Walking
Caution to the Wind
From Wall Street Journal bestselling author Giana Darling comes an age gap, forbidden love story about a rebel soul and her best friend’s dad who wants absolutely nothing to do with her…
I fell in love with my best friend’s dad when I was seventeen.
He seemed like some kind of heathen god, big enough to kill a man with his bare hands, tattooed with bright, bold images, and weathered by time and a short stint in prison.
Blind to the consequences, I made a mistake that ran him out of town and ruined his life.
Now, he’s back after all these years––hating me more than the day he left.
What he doesn't know is that I’ve been working to atone for my sins.
I’ve infiltrated the Vancouver Triad that killed his wife.
Always my protector, he decides it’s not safe for me to be in this alone, so he resolves to get me out of the Triad and out of his hair for good.
*A stand-alone novel in The Fallen Men Series.*
In her newest newsletter, Giana Darling announced that sadly the release date for the seventh book of The Fallen Men series has been postponed. Her social media accounts have been hacked not long after the cover reveal of Caution to the Wind (click here if you want to know more about this situation), and she still has not gotten them back. As a result, she said that she does not want to release the book until she has access to her pages again.
Since she does not know when this problem will be solved, she said that she has to postpone this release indefinitely. However, Giana said that as soon as she has her social media platforms, she will release the story of Mei and Axe-Man. Fingers crossed it will happen soon!
Thank you so so much for joining me today.
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo, Fruzsi

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