2022. május 30., hétfő

Karina Halle: River of Shadows & Crown of Crimson – Értékelés | River of Shadows & Crown of Crimson by Karina Halle – Review

Karina Halle: Underworld Gods
A sorozat kötetei:
God of Death (előzménynovella – még nem jelent meg)
River of Shadows
Crown of Crimson
FülszövegRiver of Shadows:
River of Shadows is an adult dark fantasy romance based on Finnish mythology and the underworld of Tuonela.
When 24-year old Hanna Heikkinen’s estranged father dies, she reluctantly makes the trip to Northern Finland for his funeral. Being in the enchanting land of ice and snow feels miles away from Hanna’s busy life back in Los Angeles, especially under the complicated circumstances.
But when Hanna discovers that her father’s body is missing, that's when things really get weird. A mysterious man, Rasmus, tells Hanna the truth: her father was a powerful shaman who went into Tuonela, the Realm of the Dead, in order to barter for more life, and has been held captive by Tuoni, the God of Death. The only way her father can be freed is if she travels with Rasmus into the mythical underworld to rescue him.
Willing to do anything to have a second-chance with her father, Hanna accompanies Rasmus into the dark and bloody realm, traveling via the River of Shadows, stalked by dangerous creatures, monsters, and the living dead, until they finally come into the haunted kingdom ruled by Death and his family.
Only for her to be captured and held prisoner by the God of Death himself.
Turns out Death is intrigued by Hanna’s beauty and fierceness and makes a bargain with her. If she marries him, and spends an eternity in the Realm of the Dead as his wife, he'll set her father free.
But even the most noble sacrifices come with hidden costs, and Hanna’s might involve the most unexpected of all things: her heart.
Figyelem: Ebben az értékelésben számos spoiler lesz, szóval csak abban az esetben olvassátok el, ha már pontosan tudjátok, hogy miről is szól a River of Shadows és a Crown of Crimson.
Karina Halle Underworld Gods című sorozata egy igazán különleges, rabulejtő és rendkívül izgalmas világba kalauzolja el olvasóit. Imádom az írónő írásmódját, történetvezetését és karaktereit, és ezúttal sem kellett csalódnom benne. Legújabb sorozatában egy olyan témát helyez a középpontba, amelyről ezelőtt még nem volt alkalmam olvasni. Lélegzet visszafojtva olvastam az akciódús jeleneteket, tűkön ülve vártam, hogy még többet megtudhassak erről a birodalomról.
Ha szeretitek a fantasy regényeket, és nem bánjátok, ha a történet egy kicsit sötétebb vizekre eveződik, akkor mindenképpen érdemes Karina Halle ezen alkotásának is adni egy esélyt. Szerintem zseniális lett, én már türelmetlenül várom a harmadik kötet megjelenését.
We’re all sinners, little bird. Every one of us. To sin is to be human, to be human is to sin.
Az Underworld Gods főhősnője Hanna Heikkinen. A lány szülei elváltak, Hanna az Egyesült Államokban nőtt fel édesanyjával, míg édesapja Finnországban élte mindennapjait. A nagy távolság ellenére Hanna jó kapcsolatot ápolt az apjával, ezért a férfi halálának híre teljesen lesújtja őt. Hanna nem is tétovázik, elhatározza, hogy ő bizony részt fog venni az apja temetésén. Azonban a Finnországba való érkezése tartogat néhány váratlan fordulatot, kezdve azzal, hogy édesapja holtteste nincs a koporsóban. Ekkor egy ismeretlen férfi közli vele, hogy édesapja nem halt meg, életben van, és ő el is tudja vezetni hozzá. És hogy hol van Hanna apja? A Holtak Birodalmában, Tuoni (a Halál Istene) fogságában.
Vajon sikerül Hanna-nak megmentenie az édesapját? Megtudhatjátok, ha elolvassátok Karina Halle Underworld Gods című sorozatát. 
“I am your king. You kneel before me.”
“I kneel before no one.”
A River of Shadows olvasásával sokáig vártam, hiszen több helyről informálódva megtudtam, hogy függővéggel végződik (és ó, micsoda függővég volt ez!), és hát mondjuk úgy, hogy nem én vagyok a világ legtürelmesebb embere. Ezért úgy voltam vele, hogy csak akkor fogom belevetni magam, ha már megjelent a folytatása. Azonban az ellenállás igencsak nagy kihívásnak bizonyult, és nem is tudtam kivárni a Crown of Crimson megjelenését. De egész jól bírtam, csupán hat nappal előtte kezdtem el olvasni az Underworld Gods nyitókötetét. Ennek köszönhetően nem is kellett sokat várnom a folytatásra, mégis úgy éreztem, hogy sosem fog eljönni ez a nap.
Na de, vissza az olvasáshoz. Május 17.-én éjszaka olyan tizenegy óra körül vágtam bele a River of Shadows olvasásába, és jóval hajnali négy óra után sikerült rávennem magam, hogy most már azért ideje lenne egy keveset aludnom is. Nos, mivel ez nem éppen egy könnyed történet, az alvás előtti olvasásom egy igencsak furcsa és ijesztő álomba torkollt.
Azt tudni kell rólam, hogy én valamilyen oknál fogva nem nagyon szeretek nappal olvasni, de a River of Shadows esetében egyszerűen nem bírtam megvárni az este eljövetelét, ébredést után rögtön bele is vetettem magam Hanna és Tuoni történetének olvasásába.
Már az első fejezet teljesen magába szippantott, ahogy már fentebb is említettem, szinte képtelen voltam abbahagyni az olvasást. Hanna szerintem egy olyan női főszereplő, akit igencsak gyorsan megkedvel az olvasó, remek humorérzékkel rendelkezik, nagyszerű gondolatai vannak. A Finnországba való érkezése után belép a képbe Rasmus is, akivel kapcsolatban eleinte voltak kétségeim, aztán szépen lassan csak elkezdtem megkedvelni, de ez az érzés gyorsan szerte is foszlott.
Ez az új világ néhol lenyűgözött, máshol pedig elborzasztott, de az kétségtelen, hogy meglepetésekből nem volt hiány. Lovia szerintem egy kifejezetten izgalmas karakter, bízom benne, hogy a jövőben még többet olvashatunk majd róla, és abban is, hogy esetleg majd ő is kap egy saját kötetet.
És akkor még nem is beszéltem a történet másik főszereplőjéről, Tuoni-ról, avagy a Halál Istenéről. Nem is kérdés, hogy egy igencsak megragadó szereplőről van szó, mindig vártam, hogy újra és újra megjelenjen, de azért őt sem a legkönnyebb megkedvelni. 
Ami miatt csak 4,5 csillagot tudok adni ennek a könyvnek az nem más, mint hogy nem értettem, Hanna miért volt felháborodva, amikor például Tuoni bejelentette, hogy össze fognak házasodni. Ő volt az, aki felajánlotta ezt neki cserébe azért, hogy az édesapját szabadon engedje. Pontosan így fogalmazott:
“I promise you, I will do anything you want. I will endure anything you wish. I will cook you meals and clean your house, or you can chain me up in your basement, keep me in a cage, you can torture me, have your way with me, give me to others, make me your bride, treat me like a dog, beat me, spit on me, I don’t care. I will do it all, if you just let him go.”
Később a következő beszélgetés zajlik le: 

“Invite all the Gods and Lesser Gods,” Death goes on. “Tell them it will be the first formal appearance of the new Goddess of Death.”
My eyes widen. “Wait, what?”
I beg your pardon? Sarvi snorts in disbelief at the same time.
Death glances down at me, his eyes tempestuous. “You’re to be my bride, Hanna. This shouldn’t be a surprise to you.”
Well, I don’t mean any disrespect, sir, but it’s a most shocking development to me, Sarvi says.
“And me!” I tell Death. “What do you mean your bride? Since when… we’re not married. We are so not married.”
I shake my head. This is moving fast. “Don’t I get a say in this?”
He grins at me, looking more wicked than handsome now, a truly devious king. “It was your suggestion, fairy girl.”
Ezzel nem azt akarom mondani, hogy helyeslem Tuoni cselekedetét, csupán azt, hogy Hanna értetlensége volt egy kicsit fura a számomra. Őszintén megmondva, én arra számítottam, hogy amilyen gyorsan csak lehet, ez a házasság meg fog történni. Számítottam és bíztam is benne, hogy Hanna valamilyen szinte megpróbál majd ellenállni, de ez a meglepettsége nagyon nem tetszett nekem.
“I would tell you not to be afraid,” Vipunen says. “But that would be foolish. You can’t stop the fear you feel, not yet. You will learn in time to live with the fear and let it feed you, fuel you. For now, be afraid, Hanna. Be very afraid.”
Well, fuck.
“Hello.” I clear my throat. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Even when you’re shitting your pants, it’s good to keep up your manners.
A Crown of Crimson egy izgalmakkal teli olvasmány lett, viszont nekem egy picivel kevésbé tetszett, mint a sorozat nyitókötete.
De először hadd meséljek arról, ami tetszett. Szerintem a szökés, valamint a bújdosás kimondottan izgalmasra sikeredett, én még sajnáltam is, hogy viszonylag hamar vége szakadt, hiszen ennek köszönhetően sokkal jobban megismerhettük a világot.
Kiváltképp tetszett, hogy ebben a kötetben jobban megismerhettük a többi istent és istennőt, de a legjobban Tuonen (Tuoni fia) jelenlétének örültem. Nagyon, de nagyon bízom benne, hogy az írónő egyszer meg fogja írni az ő történetét is, annyira szívesen elolvasnám!
Jó volt újra olvasni Bell-ről is, a piciny sellőlány igazán a szívemhez nőtt. És ha már a visszatérő karakterekről beszélünk, akkor meg kell említenem Rasmus-t is. Nekem ebben a regényben sokkal jobban sikerült megkedvelnem őt, annyira sajnáltam, amikor megtudta, hogy kik is az igazi szülei, de majd meg szakadt érte a szívem, amikor Louhi megszállta, majd fogjul ejtette.
Az, hogy nem segítettek Rasmus-on, eléggé meglepett. Értem én, hogy az előző könyvben voltak megkérdőjelezhető cselekedetei, na de azt sem szabad elfelejtenünk, hogy számtalan alkalommal Hanna segítségéül szolgált. Ebben kiderült, hogy Hanna-nak a fivére, és akkor csak így hátrahagyja? Nekem ez az egész helyzet nagyon nem tűnt helyesnek.
Hanna Vipunen-nel folytatott képzése során megtudhatjuk, hogy a lány képes a védőmaszkja nélkül is ránézni. Mivel Vipunen-t egy hatalmas fényként jellemezte, már sejteni lehetett, hogy valami köze lesz a naphoz, így a történet végén lévő nagy fordulat számomra nem igazán hozta azt a hűha faktort. Egy kicsit elkapkodottnak is éreztem, nagyon meglepődtem, amikor jött az a bizonyos vége felirat.
A River of Shadows-ban szerintem sokkal jobban megvolt az egyensúly a fantasy és romantikus szál között, viszont én úgy vélem, hogy a Crown of Crimson-ban az írónő egy kicsit túl nagy hangsúlyt fektetett az intim jelenetekre. Számomra ezek néhol már unalmassá váltak, és alig vártam, hogy végre valami másról is olvashassak.
Ott van az a bizonyos édes hármas jelenet… Hát, mit is mondjak róla? Nekem nagyon kellemetlen volt olvasni. Több mint valószínű, hogy ez csak személyes preferencia, és aki szeret ilyen témában olvasni, azt egyáltalán nem fogja zavarni, viszont én nagyon, de nagyon vártam, hogy vége legyen.
A Crown of Crimson vége felé, amikor Death megmenekül a haláltól, mi az első, amit csinálnak Hanna-val? Szexelnek. Oké, nagy az öröm, én is nagyon boldog voltam, hogy mindketten jól vannak, de most komolyan ez volt a legfontosabb? Nem mondjuk az, hogy valahogyan kijussanak onnan, mert konkrétan veszély fenyegeti az egész világot?
“So many questions,” mushy lades notes dryly.
“Can you blame me?” I ask, defensively throwing my arms out. “This isn’t my world, and I don’t even know my own world that well.”
“Sometimes the answers to our questions come from deep within,” she says.
“Yeah, thanks, I already tried yoga,” I tell her. “The only thing I learned was that it’s boring as hell.”
“Perhaps you learned that you’re boring as hell,” she remarks.
Mindent figyelembe véve, Karina Halle Underworld Gods című sorozata az egyik leglenyűgözőbb, amit valaha is olvashattam. Gyönyörű borítók, lebilincselő történet, különleges karakterek, zseniális történetvezetés. Kell ennél több? Nem is kérdés számomra, biztosan folytatni fogom az olvasását.
River of Shadows: 4,5 csillag
Crown of Crimson: 4 csillag
Underworld Gods by Karina Halle
Books in the series:
God of Death (prequel not yet released)
River of Shadows
Crown of Crimson
Blurb – River of Shadows:
River of Shadows is an adult dark fantasy romance based on Finnish mythology and the underworld of Tuonela.
When 24-year old Hanna Heikkinen’s estranged father dies, she reluctantly makes the trip to Northern Finland for his funeral. Being in the enchanting land of ice and snow feels miles away from Hanna’s busy life back in Los Angeles, especially under the complicated circumstances.
But when Hanna discovers that her father’s body is missing, that's when things really get weird. A mysterious man, Rasmus, tells Hanna the truth: her father was a powerful shaman who went into Tuonela, the Realm of the Dead, in order to barter for more life, and has been held captive by Tuoni, the God of Death. The only way her father can be freed is if she travels with Rasmus into the mythical underworld to rescue him.
Willing to do anything to have a second-chance with her father, Hanna accompanies Rasmus into the dark and bloody realm, traveling via the River of Shadows, stalked by dangerous creatures, monsters, and the living dead, until they finally come into the haunted kingdom ruled by Death and his family.
Only for her to be captured and held prisoner by the God of Death himself.
Turns out Death is intrigued by Hanna’s beauty and fierceness and makes a bargain with her. If she marries him, and spends an eternity in the Realm of the Dead as his wife, he'll set her father free.
But even the most noble sacrifices come with hidden costs, and Hanna’s might involve the most unexpected of all things: her heart.
Warning: This review will contain spoilers, so please read it only if you have read both River of Shadows and Crown of Crimson.
The Underworld Gods series by Karina Halle takes us on a unique, captivating and incredibly exciting ride. I absolutely adore her writing style, storytelling and characters, and she did not let me down with her new story. This series is based on something I have never read about before, the reading experience it gave me just simply took my breath away, I could not wait to find out more about this world.
If you love fantasy romances and do not mind if the story takes some darker turns, then I think it is absolutely worth giving the Underworld Gods series a try. In my opinion, it is mindblowingly brilliant, I am impatiently waiting for the next installment of this series!
We’re all sinners, little bird. Every one of us. To sin is to be human, to be human is to sin.
The heroine of the Underworld Gods series is Hanna Heikkinen. Her parents are divorced, she was raised in the United States and she lived with her mother, while her father spent his days in Finland. Despite the huge distance, Hanna has a great relationship with her father, so when she gets news about his death, she becomes completely devastated. She does not hesitate, she decides to attend his funeral. However, after her arrival to Finland, she notices some weird things, one of them is her fathers missing body. Then, a stranger tells her that her father is not dead, and he can lead her to him. Where is Hannas father? He is in the Realm of the Dead, captured by Tuoni (the God of Death).
Will she manage to help her father escape? You can find out if you decide to read the Underworld Gods series by Karina Halle.
“I am your king. You kneel before me.”
“I kneel before no one.”
River of Shadows had been on my to-be-read list for quite a long time, mainly I was putting off reading it because I found out that it ends on a cliffhanger (and what a cliffhanger it is!), and well lets just say I am not the most patient person on the planet. So, I thought the best decision was to wait until the release of Crown of Crimson. And I managed to resist reading it until six days before the release of the second installment of the Underworld Gods series. Because of that, I did not have to wait a lot for Crown of Crimson, yet I felt that it would never come. 
But now, lets turn back to the topic of reading. I have started to read River of Shadows on May 17th around 11 pm, and it was way past 4 am when I managed to get myself put down the book and get a few hours of sleep. Well, lets just say that this is not a light read, so as a result of reading quite a lot of it before I went to sleep, I got quite a creepy dream.
I do not like to read during the day, I prefer doing this activity at night, but in the case of River of Shadows, I just simply could not wait for the night, after I woke up, I instantly jumped back into the story of Hanna and Tuoni.
This book totally pulled me in with the very first chapter, my eyes were basically glued to pages, as I have already mentioned above, I found it quite hard to put it down. I do think that Hanna is a really likeable heroine, she has a great sense of humor and I loved reading her thoughts. After she arrived to Finland, Rasmus entered the picture, and to be honest, I had my doubts about him, but slowly, I started to like him, but that feeling quickly disappeared.
I was absolutely mesmerized and at the same time, creeped out by this world, but without a doubt, it never failed to surprise me. I think Lovia is quite an interesting character, I hope that we will be able to read more about her. Fingers crossed one day Karina Halle decides to give her a book too!
And now, let me say a few words about our hero too, Tuoni, the God of Death. Without a shadow of a doubt, he is an extremely fascinating character, however, he is not someone who is easily likeable.
The reason why I can only give 4,5 stars to this book is that I did not understand why Hanna was so shocked when Death announced that they would get married. She was the one who suggested that he could marry her in exchange for letting his father go. Her exact words are the following:
“I promise you, I will do anything you want. I will endure anything you wish. I will cook you meals and clean your house, or you can chain me up in your basement, keep me in a cage, you can torture me, have your way with me, give me to others, make me your bride, treat me like a dog, beat me, spit on me, I don’t care. I will do it all, if you just let him go.”
Later in the book:

“Invite all the Gods and Lesser Gods,” Death goes on. “Tell them it will be the first formal appearance of the new Goddess of Death.”
My eyes widen. “Wait, what?”
I beg your pardon? Sarvi snorts in disbelief at the same time.
Death glances down at me, his eyes tempestuous. “You’re to be my bride, Hanna. This shouldn’t be a surprise to you.”
Well, I don’t mean any disrespect, sir, but it’s a most shocking development to me, Sarvi says.
“And me!” I tell Death. “What do you mean your bride? Since when… we’re not married. We are so not married.”
I shake my head. This is moving fast. “Don’t I get a say in this?”
He grins at me, looking more wicked than handsome now, a truly devious king. “It was your suggestion, fairy girl.”
Do not get me wrong, I am not saying that what Death did was right, I just simply did not understand why she was so surprised. Honestly, the marriage was the first thing I expected to happen, and I also expected Hanna to resist, but not to play dumb.
“I would tell you not to be afraid,” Vipunen says. “But that would be foolish. You can’t stop the fear you feel, not yet. You will learn in time to live with the fear and let it feed you, fuel you. For now, be afraid, Hanna. Be very afraid.”
Well, fuck.
“Hello.” I clear my throat. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Even when you’re shitting your pants, it’s good to keep up your manners.
Crown of Crimson is an action packed read that will keep you on the edge of your seat, however, I did not like it as much as I did River of Shadows.
But first, I will talk about the things I did love about the second installment of the Underworld Gods series. The first part of the novel is mainly about escaping and hiding, and I really enjoyed it, I was actually pretty sad it is not longer, because thanks to these scenes, we get to discover this realm a lot better.
I loved that we got to know the other gods and goddesses, but I am not going to lie, what made me the happiest is the fact that I finally got to meet Tuonen, aka the son of Death. I really hope that Karina Halle will decide to give him a book too. Fingers super crossed!
It was good to read and meet Bell again, I really like this tiny mermaid. And now that I mentioned a returning character, I have to say a few words about Rasmus too. In this novel, I started to like him a lot more, and I felt so sorry for him when he found out who are his real parents, and my heart broke into tiny little pieces when Louhi possessed and then captured him.
The fact that they do not help Rasmus shocked me. I mean okay, he made some questionable decisions in River of Shadows, but I think we must not forget that he helped Hanna quite a lot. In this novel, together with the characters, we find out that Rasmus is Hannas brother, and she just leaves him behind like that? This whole scene just did not sit right with me.
While Hanna is training with Vipunen, we can find out that she can look at him without her mask. She described Vipunen as a huge light figure, and because of this little clue, I think we could guess that she would have some relation to the sun, so for me, the big twist in the end was not that surprising. I felt that the end was a little bit rushed, I was very surprised when I saw the sign of the end.
In my opinion, the balance between the fantasy elements and the romance storyline is so much better in River of Shadows than in Crown of Crimson, I think Karina Halle went a tiny bit overboard with the intimate scenes in the second installment of the Underworld Gods series. After a while, I found those boring and I could not wait to finally read about something else.
There is that threesome scene... Well, what should I say about it? I am not going to lie, I felt pretty uncomfortable while I was reading it. Most probably the reason behind this is personal preference, so I am pretty sure readers who do not mind scenes like that one will enjoy it, but personally, I could not wait for it to be over.
Near the very end of Crown of Crimson, when Death is saved from death, can you guess what him and Hanna do? Yeah, they have sex. I was so shocked by this scene. Okay, I get it, they are happy, I was happy that both of them are alive and well, but like isnt there more important thing to do? Like, I dont know, saving the realm? 
“What’s shadow magic?” I ask.
“So many questions,” mushy lades notes dryly.
“Can you blame me?” I ask, defensively throwing my arms out. “This isn’t my world, and I don’t even know my own world that well.”
“Sometimes the answers to our questions come from deep within,” she says.
“Yeah, thanks, I already tried yoga,” I tell her. “The only thing I learned was that it’s boring as hell.”
“Perhaps you learned that you’re boring as hell,” she remarks.
Taking everything into account, the Underworld Gods series by Karina Halle is one of the most fascinating fantasy romances I have ever read. Stunning covers, captivating story, unique characters, brilliant storytelling. Do we need anything else? It is not even a question for me, I will definitely continue reading this series.
Final rating:
River of Shadows: 4,5 stars
Crown of Crimson: 4 stars

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